Monday, June 30, 2014

Get up and walk

People who really know me know that I am a realist. I am not an optimist; I don't see the glass as half full. I am not a pessimist; I don't see the glass as half empty. I am a realist. I see a glass with some water in it, and if you're thirsty, you have to make the effort to pick up the glass and drink.

Now, that's not to say that I am jaded or unbelieving. Quite the contrary. I know that my GOD can do whatever He wants, however He wants, whenever He wants. I just believe that there are times when GOD has a real blessing for us but we never receive it because we are too focused on the effort required. It almost seems that we want every blessing, every good thing, but we aren't willing to make any effort to attain it.

I am in no way implying that we "earn" GOD's favor. No, we get great things from GOD just because we are His, and He loves us. But, how much do we miss because we refuse to get up and do?

Today's word is John 5:8, ESV, which reads, "JESUS said to him, "Get up, take up your bed, and walk."

This man couldn't get to the pool quick enough to be healed, and he had no one to assist him with just that. However, he had faith that JESUS could heal him. He knew that healing was available. When JESUS offered him healing, it came with this man doing something - he had to get up!

GOD has great things in store for His children. Don't let things intimidate you and cause you to sit there waiting. If GOD is telling you, leading you, to get up, if you will, you may be amazed at what comes next. Get up and walk!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Everything you do

Have you ever played the "what if" game? You wonder how your life would be different if you could only go back and change one thing, if you could go back in time and change that one decision. We tend to think that if we changed that one moment that everything else would be exactly as it is and all that would change is the result of that one decision.

The truth is, though, that changing that one thing would have set off a whole different set of circumstances and happenings that may have led to something entirely different from what your life is today. The same holds true for the part(s) we have played in others' lives.

Today's word is a paraphrase of a quote I heard that I think may be attributed to Jane Goodall. So, I am just going to say it the way I say it..."Everything you do makes a difference. It is up to you to decide what kind of difference you will make."

Everything I do makes a difference. From the time I get up in the morning until I lay my head down at night, everything that I have done during the day has made a difference for more folks than I could ever imagine. My attitude will, obviously, affect folks. But, so too, will the way I take care of myself. If I don't try to take care of myself, I may leave an extra burden on my wife and kids. The way I react to obstacles may lead my family to make the right decisions when they are faced with similar.

Everything you do will make a difference. It is up to you to decide what kind of difference you will make.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, June 23, 2014

Eternal Rock

I have probably shared with you before that I have major trust issues. I trust very, very few people. Where these issues began, I have no clue. It seems that this issue, this lack of trust issue, has been with me, has been a part of me for as long as i can remember.

There is a simple "team building" exercise that requires one member to fall back into the arms of his/her teammates. It takes a lot of trust in those catching to allow yourself to fall back into their arms. I don't know that I could do it. Oh, I could fall back; I don't know if I would actually trust them to catch me.

There is one that we can ALWAYS trust. Today's word comes from Isaiah 26:4, New Living Translation, which reads, "Trust in the LORD always, for the LORD GOD is the Eternal Rock."

We can trust in GOD completely and entirely. We can trust in GOD immediately and eternally. We can trust GOD to do exactly what He said He would do - be faithful.

While I have issues trusting others to catch me if/when I fall, I fully trust GOD to see me through each and every day. I have absolutely no doubt that He will ALWAYS catch me, comfort me, strengthen me and sustain me. He is my Eternal Rock!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, June 19, 2014

The Future

I recall a time in my life when someone wanted to "read my future". I was totally opposed and refused the offer. It amazes me at the number of people that are drawn in by these devices. Only GOD knows our futures.

On the other hand, I have plans for everything. I have to admit that it is, at times, quite overwhelming. Trying to figure out retirement and college for the kids and paying for cars and new roofs and HVAC units and etc., etc., etc. There is so much that could happen and is going to happen in the future that we seem to stay in a constant stat of fretfulness.

Today's word is a quote attributed to many. It says, "The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time."

Can you remember your first day of school? How long ago was that? Hasn't the time flown? On that first day of school, all we concentrated on was that moment, learning where the bathroom was, where the lunchroom was, our teacher's name, trying to figure out who was going to be our friend(s). We were in the moment; we lived that day.

Now, it seems that we can't live today because we are so caught up and concerned with tomorrow or next month or next year or twenty years from now. Yes, there are things we need to plan for. Yes, there are things we need to do and get done. But, we cannot live the next twenty years today. The future will come one day at a time. Don't miss a single one by losing yourself in tomorrow.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Being Searched

A couple of days ago, I was discussing the Mel Gibson/Helen Hunt movie What Women Want. The premise of the movie is that Mel Gibson gains the power to hear what women are thinking. He, then, uses this ability to further his own causes, which include winning the affection of a certain lady.

While I think it would be a neat thing to be able to do, I don't know how much I could actually stand. If I knew what people REALLY thought of me, it might boost my ego or break my spirit. It might be nice to understand someone's motivation for doing some of the things that are done, good or bad. If someone did something nice, I would like to know what they are thinking, what motivated them to do it, so that I could do whatever I did to get them to do it. Because, we all like for people to do nice things for us.

Speaking of knowing someone's motivation, today's word is Psalm 139:1, New Living Translation (NLT), which reads, "...O LORD, You have examined my heart and know EVERYTHING about me."

GOD knows why we truly do things and why we truly don't do things; He knows our true motivation. He searches our hearts and knows EVERYTHING about us. We may act like we are doing things for all the right reasons but GOD knows what is really motivating us; He searches us.

It might be nice to be able to know what people are thinking about when they see me or talk to me. I bet it would cause a few problems for all involved though. I think I am glad that I don't have that ability. It does humble me, however, that GOD truly knows every thought I have, every act I do, everything that motivates my actions - EVERYTHING.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Still Raining

Here in the south, we have suffered through some of the harshest droughts in history. Recently, though, we have also had some of the rainiest years. I try not to complain much about the weather either way. What can I do about it? And, complaining accomplishes even less.

Anyway, when it is raining, you see folks clamoring for umbrellas and parkas and plastic bags and anything else they can get their hands on to keep the rain from messing up their hair/makeup/shirt/whatever. I have three or four umbrellas in the truck, tucked neatly under the back seat. No, I don't like being soaked to the core but I seem to get wetter trying to use the umbrella, so, I seldom use one.

Not only do I not use umbrellas very often, I usually don't try to outrun the raindrops either. I mean, I could make a mad dash for the truck but I think emphasis would be on the mad and not on the dash. As I am aging, I figure it is better to get a little wet than to get a lot broken...

Today's word is from Ezekiel 34:26, NIV, which reads, "I will make them and the places surrounding My hill a blessing. I will send down showers in season; there will be showers of blessing."

It seems that, sometimes, GOD is trying to pour something out on us but we immediately grab the umbrella to deflect it. I am not saying that the incessant rain we have experienced in recent times is GOD'S blessings being poured out. Maybe they are, though. The rains have recharged the aquifers, brought nourishment to our soils, and refilled our rivers.

Maybe GOD is trying to recharge your spiritual aquifer with a little rain. Don't throw up your spiritual umbrella, you may just miss it!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, June 16, 2014

I will Always have Hope

I wouldn't know what to think if I had no hope. I guess what I am saying is that I have never not had hope. Yes, things get bad for us all. No one is immune from the wear and tear and worldly struggles. But, also, no one is without hope, if they choose to look for it and cling to it.

Here's the deal...I used to hope to be six feet tall and 180 pounds. I never did make the six feet tall, there is NO Hope for that. However, now, I just hope that I never reach the 180 pounds. While I jest, hopefully, you get the point. It isn't what we hope for as much as Whom we hope in.

Today's word is from Psalm 71:14, NIV, which reads, "As for me, I will ALWAYS have hope; I will praise you more and more."

David wrote that he will ALWAYS have hope. Why? Because the government has things under control? Goodness no! Why? Because he will always have everything he wants? Certainly not. Why? Because he was king and nothing bad ever happens to those in authority? He wished.

David could always have hope not in his circumstances or his wealth or his stuff, but in his GOD. As long as we have GOD, we have hope. We can rest assured that GOD has our back; that everything is going to work out just fine. We can hope for no rain tomorrow or we can trust that GOD has it all figured out for us. It's isn't what we hope for as much as Whom we hope in. GOD will never fail us!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, June 13, 2014

My appeal

I don't know about you but when I was younger and wanted to do something, I would get the, "Ask your Mom." And, when I asked my Mom, I would get the, "Go ask your Dad." This volley would continue until one would either relent and say yes or no. When they said, "No," I would make my appeal.

Sometimes, my appeal would garner me the opportunity to do whatever it was that I wanted to do. Other times, it was still NO. Maybe representing myself wasn't always the best strategy.

Today's word is from Job 5:8, NIV, which reads, "But if I were you, I would appeal to GOD. I would lay my cause before Him."

When my parents would say, "No," I would find myself making my appeal to my friends. Of course, they would tell me how backwards my parents were being, which would make me feel as if I had justification. The truth is, though, that my parents kept me from a lot of trouble by saying, "NO."

The gist is that when you feel you are wronged, you can make your appeal to those around you. You can seek counsel of others. You can seek comfort and sympathy from others. But, if you really want something done about it, you have to appeal to the One that can fix it. Even then, sometimes, He might still say, "NO." But, when He does, you'll know that it is for your benefit.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

That's so yesterday

I'll gladly admit that I am not that hip. The fact that I used the word, "hip," describes how out of touch with today I am. I still use words like, "Awesome" and "Sweet" and, yes, "Sucks". I have been told many times that a lot of what I do and even more of what I say is "So yesterday".

There's something to be said for yesterday. There are things that I cling to, things I hold on to, things that I don't want to let go. Some of my favorite clothes are from several years ago, even a couple of decades ago. I have great memories of folks from years and years ago. There are things about yesterday that I try to hold on to. But...

Today's word is a simple quote that I came across that expresses the flip side of "so yesterday". It says, "Spending today complaining about yesterday won't make tomorrow any better."

Sometimes, we get so wrapped up in the hurts and wrongs of yesterday that we lose sight of today. Yes, maybe yesterday bit the big one. Yes, maybe yesterday was one of the worst. But, spending time today complaining about something that has come and gone won't add one thing to tomorrow's goodness.

Hold on to yesterday's memories and smiles. Let go of yesterday's hurts and worries. Spending too much time today worrying about yesterday will not improve tomorrow one bit; it's so yesterday.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


Recently, at Seattle Pacific University, a young man felt he had reached his limit and decided to turn weapons on innocent people, killing one young man and wounding three other people. It could have been a lot worse if Jon Meis, a 22-year-old fast thinking student, hadn't taken advantage of the shooter having to reload.

I cannot imagine the fear that Jon Meis and the other students had to have felt during this ordeal. Many ran, and rightfully so. Some probably froze in their tracks and couldn't figure out what to do, and, once again, rightfully so. Yet, Jon Meis saw an opportunity and overcame his fear and seized the moment to save himself and countless others.

Today's word is a quote I came across that sums up fear. It says, "F-E-A-R has two meanings: 1 - Forget Everything And Run or 2 - Face Everything And Rise. The choice is yours!" I would like to add one more that says that F-E-A-R is False Evidence Appearing Real.

It's not always easy to rise up and do when everything in your body is screaming "Sit down and shut down!" However, it is in that moment when we decide that we must face things head on and rise up to meet the challenge that fear begins to motivate us and ceases to paralyze us.

You're either facing something scary right now, just came out of a scary situation, or just about to face your next fear. Don't let that False Evidence Appearing Real cause you to Forget Everything And Run. Instead, look FEAR in the eye and use it to Face Everything And Rise!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, June 9, 2014

Are you salty

Do you like salt? There are certain things that require salt. If you're eating a tomato sandwich, salt is a necessity. If you are making homemade ice cream, there has to be some salt involved. If you are eating french fries, yep, I want some salt.

Salt serves several purposes, which include preservation and flavor enhancement. Without salt being added to tomato sandwiches and french fries, they just are not the same. They are missing something in the flavor department.

The Bible refers to us, Christians, as the salt of the earth. If you are a Christian, you bring a certain flavor to those you come in contact with. It is GOD'S design that His children enhance things, make them more flavorful.

Today's word comes from Matthew 5:13, NLT, which reads, "You are the salt of the earth. But what good is salt if it has lost its flavor?"

Having eaten quite a few bland Navy meals, I can tell you that without proper seasoning, things just don't go down as well, they just aren't palatable. If you want someone to try what you are eating, you have to make it tasty.

Others are watching our walk, our talk, our demeanor, our saltiness. Are we bringing flavor to those around us? Or, are we just bland tofu on an endless buffet? This world is needing to see that there is something that can appease their appetite and fill their hunger - JESUS. Yet, they aren't ever going to know how good JESUS is if we don't share the true flavor. You are the salt of the earth, bring some flavor to those around you.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, June 6, 2014

How to be successful

Defining success is different for everyone. Some would say that being successful means having a huge mansion and lots of expensive toys. Others might say that being successful means finishing college. While others would define success as being able to accomplish what we so often take for granted, like walking to the mailbox.

Success is measured differently by so many different people. The same goes true for your success; everyone measures your success differently. Some would say that I am successful. Others would say that I have failed in many areas. The truth is, I have a lot of room for improvement, and the successes I have had are because of GOD'S goodness.

Today's word is from Proverbs 2:7, NIV, which reads, "He (GOD) holds success in store for the upright, He is a shield to those whose walk is blameless."

If I were to try to write a "how-to" book on success, it would be pretty simple. This verse tells us that if we are upright (honest, just, truthful, faithful, righteous), GOD holds success in store for us. You want to be successful, walk with GOD. Pretty simple.

Now, does that mean that everything you touch will turn into gold and that everything you do will be a huge success? No, but it does mean that, if you will stick with GOD, in the end, you will ultimately be successful. You never do wrong by doing right. And, you will never experience true success without GOD.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Losing Sight

If you have ever played golf, which I know some of you are saying, "Why would I want to do that," but, if you have ever played, you know that there are holes on the course that are often blind shots. You can't see the landing area or the green; you have to pick out a spot, a target, and hit towards that target and have faith that the ball is going where it should. Now, if you play as poorly as I do, the ball never goes where it should.

There will be times that the obstacle in front of us seems ginormous, like there is no way we could ever overcome it. We can't see the beauty on the other side because of the giant boulder blocking our view. Often, we think things are hopeless because of what we see. When this happens, we need to concentrate on what we know and not on what we see.

Today's word is a quote from A. W. Tozer that says, "Sometimes when we get overwhelmed, we forget how BIG GOD is."

Do you ever allow the obstacle to become larger than GOD? Sure, we all do. However, if we would only see how BIG GOD is, and remember that He has things under control, and that He has everything working for our good, we would see how small and insignificant the overwhelming circumstances truly are.

It is an old saying but the next time something comes up that seems impossible just look at the problem and say, "My GOD is bigger!"

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Peace in the midst

The big news story at the moment is the release of American Bowe Bergdahl from the Afghanistan Taliban in exchange for five Muslim terrorists. I am not going to get into the political rhetoric; we'll let the media and everyone else have that venue. I would like to concentrate on the five years of captivity...

I don't have any idea, nor do I ever want to experience, what it feels like to be held against my will for even a day, much less years. I cannot begin to imagine what it must feel like to be prisoner of someone who hates you and wants to destroy you. The daily grind must be brutal; the mental anguish must be horrific; the fear must be unbearable.

Today's word is from Psalm 4:8, NIV, which reads, "In peace I will lie down and sleep, for You alone, LORD, make me dwell in safety."

I don't know Bowe Bergdahl's personal relationship with GOD but we do get a glimpse of King David's through this verse. King David faced adversity and persecution and hatred, yet, he writes here that he will lie down and sleep in peace because he KNOWS GOD has it covered. I would imagine that that kind of faith in GOD'S protection would help you sleep in peace and make it through even five years of terrible captivity.

Hopefully, we will never experience captivity. However, maybe you are held captive with thoughts of family problems or financial problems or health problems or whatever problem. Why not let GOD handle it? He has it under control. He alone is able. He can help us to lie down and sleep in peace.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

It's extraordinary

Lots of people go through life thinking that things are pretty mundane and boring, and they can be. I will be the first to admit that we have our schedules, our ruts, and we follow them most every day. There isn't much deviation from one day to the next. However...

There are moments in each day that, to others, would seem really mundane but, to me, they are super special. It can be as simple as something the kids do or say or the kiss that Trish gives me. It could be something as simple as having a meal with the family or watching an episode of Fireman Sam. Extraordinary moments indeed.

Today's word is a quote from Elizabeth Green, which says, "Sometimes the most ordinary things could be made extraordinary, simply by doing them with the right people."

It matters less what we are doing than whom we are doing those things with. Yeah, our family meals are pretty ordinary by most standards - eating, spilling, food on the table and in the floor - but, it is an extraordinary time because I am sharing it with my family.

Don't take for granted the special moments in your day. They have less to do with what is going on, and more to do with who you are sharing it with.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, June 2, 2014

There will be no more

Some things we can live without. I have a lot of stuff in the attic, basement, shed that that I could probably most definitely do without. I probably have a few pounds I could do without. I can tell you without a doubt that I have far too many clothes. I have been blessed with clothes, and I am grateful for them all, but I need to go through my closet and get rid of those that I can do without.

It's the political season, and I could definitely do without the solicitation phone calls. I don't care if you want to run for office. As a matter of fact, I am grateful for your willingness to sacrifice to try and make things better. However, I can live without you telling me how awful your opponent is. Instead, try telling how good you are and what sets you apart from your opponent. The book of Revelation tells us of things that we will one day be without and we can certainly live without...

Today's reading comes from Revelation 21:4, NIV, which reads, "He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."

There is coming a day when we will no longer have to have certain things: death, mourning, crying, pain, sorrow, etc. Those are things I can definitely do without. We know that JESUS has gone to prepare us a place, and that one day He will come and get us and take us there to be with Him forever! When He comes, there will be no more sorrow, pain, death, disease! There will be no more!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T