Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Before you can call

Trish and I have been married so long that we tend to try to finish each others sentences. The reason I say, "try" is because I am often way off base when I try to finish hers. But, it is really nice to be so close to someone, to so intimately know someone, that you know their thoughts. It is a truly special blessing.

Same goes for the kids. There are a lot of times that I know what they need, what they are going to aske for before they get a chance to ask. It's not that I am Radar O'Reilly; it's just that I care enough for them and about them that I have learned their patterns and their three-year-old and two-year-old desires.

Today's word is Isaiah 65:24, NIV, which reads, "Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear."

GOD loves and cares enough for us that He knows what we need before we even ask. Many times in my life GOD has sent me what I needed before I even realized that I needed it. He knows what we need and He loves us enough to give it to us, even before we can get it requested.

Yeah, it is great to live with and love people enough to answer their needs. It is even greater knowing that my LORD loves me and cares enough for me that He answers before I ask.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, April 24, 2015

Just right

In the Garden of Eden, GOD had made Adam and Eve the ideal abode. They could eat and not get fat. They could relax and do nothing. The water was pure, the food was free of preservatives, the air was clean, everything was perfect. GOD had placed Adam in the Garden of Eden to take care of it and to tend to it. He looked down one day and noticed that something was needed...

Today's word is Genesis 2:18, NLT, which reads, "Then the LORD GOD said, 'It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right for him.'"

Now, I don't know what Adam was doing at the time that GOD decided he needed a helpmate but whatever it was, GOD knew Adam needed a helper. Now, understand, that NOTHING occurs to GOD. He knew man wasn't going to be complete without woman; He KNEW. But, He saw Adam doing whatever and said, "It is not good for man to be alone," and He created woman.

I find that if left to my own devices, I usually find a way to mess something up or make a complete fool of myself. GOD gave me a helpmate, Trish, to try and keep me straight. There is no doubt that Trish keeps me on track, reminds me what I need to do, where I need to be, when I need to be there. She is truly my helpmate.

For the ladies out there, you know that it is absolutely true that your husband would be lost without you. Men, you know that it is definitely not good for you to be alone. Aren't you glad that GOD knew it? Aren't you glad He looked around and said, "Hey, he needs some help." Then, I am forever grateful that He gave me Trish, a helper who is just right for me.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Earth Day

Today, April 22nd, is Earth Day. Earth Day is an international day set aside to remind us of the importance to protect our environment. Goodness knows we need to do what we can to protect this creation that GOD has given us, and that we have compromised. There will be demonstrations worldwide today to evoke in us all an awareness of our effects on our environment, which is good, but I want to talk about another kind of "earth day"

When GOD created the earth, it was perfect. There was no contamination, no pollution, no disease, no death, nothing bad. We, of course, found a way to mess that all up. Since Adam's and Eve's huge sin in the Garden of Eden, people have been trying to find "Heaven on earth"; that euphoric, ideal, utopia. Yet, it seems to be fleeting and desperately difficult to find.

Today's word is a quote from Dr. Wayne Dyer, which says, "Heaven on earth is a choice you must make, not a place you must find."

Everyone seems to be looking for a specific place, a specific set of events, a specific "something" that will make this "Heaven on earth". Well, no matter where you go, you will eventually find that it has its flaws. No matter what you are waiting to happen, when it does, there will be some other event you will be waiting to happen. No matter who you meet, you'll eventually see that while they are wonderful, they, too, have their shortcomings.

Yet...if we see GOD'S blessings in all that we already have, we may just find that we truly are experiencing a little glimpse of Heaven. Heaven is everything good and perfect. There are countless things that happen in my everyday existence that are good and perfect: a smile, a child's laughter, time with Trish and my family, etc.

Let's stop looking for "Heaven on earth" and start experiencing it. Happy Heaven on "Earth Day"!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Being a parent can be challenging at times. Our two are young, three and two, and they can be physically, mentally, emotionally challenging. They like to test their boundaries A LOT. And, I know that this will continue through adolescence, teenage years, and even until the day I die. We've all done it. Why should they be any different?

Even with all the challenges, there is nothing like raising children. Even on those days that they are constantly pushing the limits, they do things that make you laugh and smile and cherish the moment. I have memories now that will be with me forever, memories that, when recalled, make me smile.

Today's word is Psalm 103:5, NLT, which reads, "He fills my life with good things. My youth is renewed like the eagle's."

GOD has certainly filled my life with good things. Trish and the kids are the greatest! I could not imagine that anyone has been blessed more than I have. He has also given us good health, a home, food to eat, all the necessities and many of the niceties. He has indeed filled our lives with good things.

Because of His great blessings, when I look around at what we have and look back at what He has done, I am renewed and recharged to keep on keeping on. The many joys of raising children far outweighs the challenges. What great reminders GOD gives me.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, April 20, 2015

What you think doesn't matter

I explained to someone the other day that I don't mind being the center of attention but I really don't like being at the center of attention. Does that make sense? I don't mind being the one leading the roast; I really don't like being the one roasted.

Needless to say, though, I recently had one of those instances when I was at the center of attention. I won't go into great details other than to say that I received induction into a select society. I am not worthy of that distinction, nor will I ever be. The only way to become a member of this select society is to be nominated and elected by current members. Once again, I am most undeserving but humbled by their allowing me admittance.

I was sharing with someone after the "induction ceremony" that there are so many more deserving folks and that I am truly humbled and amazed at their acceptance of me. This person said, "It really doesn't matter what you think. What matters is what your peers think. They think you are deserving, and that is all that matters.

Today's word is something that I came across that emphasizes that thought spiritually. I don't know who it is attributed to originally but I really like it. It says, "What GOD KNOWS about me is infinitely more important than what others think about me."

There are those who think I am worthless as the day is long, and they may be right. Yet, it doesn't matter what they THINK. What does matter is what GOD KNOWS. GOD knows my heart, my motivation, my dedication, my desire, my commitment. He knows that I accepted JESUS as my SAVIOR and that His blood makes me worthy enough to be His son.

In the end, it really doesn't matter what you think or what anyone else thinks. What matters is what GOD KNOWS.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, April 10, 2015

Know what you need to know

If you listen to everyone on every subject, you'll find that there is conflicting opinions on about everything. You know what they say about opinions - everybody has one. But, you know what I'm talking about. You'll have the argument that caffeine is bad for you. Then, you'll hear another study that reports that five cups of coffee a day is good for you. You hear that you should go "carb free". Then, the conflicting report is that carbs are good for you and a vital part of a balanced diet.

It's not just in the health sector either. I was watching an episode of one of the crime series the other day while helping Trish recuperate. In the episode, the detective was giving his theory on how the crime was committed to the suspected perpetrator. At the end of his theory, the suspect said, "That's the most absurd story I've ever heard." To this, the detective replied, "It wouldn't even make my top ten." I would venture to say that in law enforcement, you really need to know what you need to know.

Today's word is a quote from Rumi (I wouldn't normally quote Rumi but I like this quote). It says, "The art of knowing is knowing what to ignore."

As we started out saying, if you listen and try to apply everything you hear, you would be in a constant conflict. Same goes with things that really matter. If you listen to some people today, you would believe that some of the things the Bible is very clear about being abominations and sin are actually alright and totally acceptable. If you listened to every modern day theologian, you would believe that all roads lead to the same end, or, that no roads lead to a good end.

Here's the truth. There is but One way to Heaven - JESUS CHRIST. If you will listen to Him and apply His teachings from His word, you will find that you know what you need to know.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Tough Decisions

We all face those moments when tough decisions have to be made. It may be that our child wants to do something that "everybody else" is doing but we know that it is not the thing that they need to be doing, and we have to decide between our child's "happiness" and what we know is right. GOD has called parents to that position, to be leaders and decision makers for our children.

Maybe your tough decision is personnel issues at work. Sometimes, especially with those whom you may have the charge over, it is tough to make some decisions. While it is important to have a Christian attitude and to approach things from a Christian perspective, there are times in the work place when tough decisions have to be made.

Today's word is Proverbs 13:20, NIV, which reads, "Walk with the wise and become wise; for a companion of fools suffers harm."

When tough decisions have to be made, of course, we need to pray and seek GOD'S guidance. We need to read the scriptures and see what GOD shows us through His word. Also, GOD has put people in our lives to help us make decisions; or, to at least be sounding boards to aid in the decision making process.

We will never make good decisions, especially in tough situations, listening to foolishness. We need to walk with and listen to and seek the counsel of the wise. Obviously, it is not easy to make tough decisions, hence the name. However, walking with and seeking the advice of wise people will help us make those tough decisions correctly.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

It's not much but it is ours

We don't have a lot of material things. Now, don't get me wrong, like many Americans, we have more than the average person in this world. But, compared to others, we don't have a whole lot of stuff. We drive a couple of older vehicles, which we hope to pay for somewhere along the way. We have a nice but modest older home. We don't have a 50" television or a pool or anything of that nature. But...

But, I really like what we have. I am appreciative of it all. I am grateful that GOD has given us what we have. I know, without a doubt, that it is all His blessings upon us. We have health and family and food and love and each other. What more could anyone ask?

Today's word is a quote I came across that reminds me to be grateful for GOD'S blessings. It says, "Happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have."

Do you appreciate what you have? Do you bemoan what you have? Do you constantly compare what you are lacking against what everyone else has? If you do, you are probably stealing your own happiness. You can never be truly happy without appreciating the gifts in your life.

You will never be happy looking at others' stuff; that is their stuff. You have to find the happiness in the stuff you have, which is good stuff. The truth of the matter is that happiness comes from appreciation and being grateful for what you have.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, April 6, 2015

Looking Forward

Today, the day after Easter, I think about those that were there when the SAVIOR had risen. I wonder what it was like that Monday, the day after JESUS arose from the grave. In today's times, there is no doubt that He would have been overrun and bombarded and harassed and assaulted and invaded by the press. But, I wonder about those who truly believed. I wonder what they were thinking.

I think that the greatest thing, besides bridging the gap between GOD and me, that the resurrection assures me of is that one day we will live eternally with our SAVIOR. Death is not the end; it is only the beginning. When this life is over, I will be more alive than ever!

Today's word is Proverbs 11:23, NLT, which reads, "The godly can look forward to a reward, while the wicked can expect only judgment."

Looking forward, because of JESUS' sacrifice and resurrection, we can see our reward - eternal life in Heaven. This day, the day after Easter, I see the reward, and I pray that somehow, some way, someone says or does something that causes others to see it too.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Even in the hospital

I've been gone a few days. Trish had to have surgery that ended up being more involved than originally expected and we spent a night in the hospital. Trish has recovery to do, she is sore and tired but she is on the mend Praise the LORD.

Speaking of praising the LORD, let me say that even in the hospital, we felt the presence of GOD. Now, we feel Him everywhere, we knew He was with us in the hospital, but I mean, He sent His Spirit, His blessings through so many that we encountered at the hospital. It seemed that everyone involved with Trishia's surgery and care were compassionate and caring believers.It's amazing the strength we draw from fellow believers.

Today's word is Matthew 18:20, KJV, which reads, "For where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them."

Now, Trish and I are GOD'S children; we knew He was with us. But, He sent believer after believer to see her and to care for her, which bolstered our spirit and encouraged her. I will say, again, that it doesn't amaze me what GOD does (He is GOD) but it absolutely amazes me at what He does for me.

So, to Elizabeth, Rebekah, Cherie, Sharon, Angela, Mary, Hannah, and all the others, Thanks so much for your witness and testimony.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T