Thursday, March 29, 2018

He is Risen!

Tomorrow is Good Friday, the Friday before Easter, the day that CHRIST was crucified for my sins. So, what makes it such a good day, especially considering the torture and abuse that CHRIST suffered. There is nothing good about all the anguish He endured for me.

What makes Good Friday good is because CHRIST died for me. GOD, through His Son, JESUS, and the sacrifice He so willingly made, paid the price that I could not pay. JESUS, through His sacrifice, made a way for me to be "right" in the sight of the LORD. There is nothing I can do to save myself, yet, GOD made a way! Without JESUS'S crucifixion and resurrection, we would be lost without hope. That is what makes it a Good Friday.

Today's word is Matthew 28:6, KJV, which reads, "He is not here: for He is risen, as He said. Come, see the place where the LORD lay."

As we approach Easter Sunday, I can't help but think about the sacrifice made on my behalf. I can't help but think about JESUS coming to this earth and taking the punishment and the ridicule and ultimately dying for my sins. But, dying is not where it ended!

JESUS arose! He is alive, sitting on the right hand of the Father in Heaven, making intercession for us! Because of JESUS'S sacrifice, we have a way to be made "right"! Because of His resurrection, we have a future! Rejoice! He is risen!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Forgive others

There is an old saying that holding a grudge is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. There is nothing good that will come from holding a grudge, NOTHING. However, there are some people that will forever hold a grudge - FOREVER. Not only is it eating them up from the inside out, it is interfering with his/her relationship with GOD.

It is impossible to be right with GOD and wrong with someone else. If we can't mend fences with our fellow man, how can we expect GOD to accept our prayer for forgiveness? Now, I have said before that there are certain people that I don't need to be around - they bring out the worst in me, and vice versa. However, I don't hold a grudge against anyone. I wish absolutely no ill will towards anyone. I know how much GOD has forgiven me.

Today's word is Mark 11:25, NLT, which reads, "But when you are praying, first forgive anyone you are holding a grudge against, so that your Father in Heaven will forgive your sins, too."

There is something very serious in this verse that we don't need to gloss over or miss. It tells us that when we are praying, FIRST we must forgive those we feel have slighted us, hurt us, used us. And, let me tell you, that is hard to do. It is hard to let go of wrongs that have been inflicted upon us, especially from those that we thought were our friends. Yet, if I will take the time to think of all the times I have wronged JESUS and, yet, He has forgiven me when I asked.

Now, as I have mentioned before, this doesn't mean that I am to forget and let you abuse/use me over and over. No, I will forgive; I will not forget. I will forgive you but I won't allow you to do it again. I will forgive you though. I must. If I want GOD to forgive me, I have to forgive others.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

A den of thieves

As we consider the Holy Week, the week leading up to Easter, today I want to focus on the Temple. JESUS entered Jerusalem, triumphantly, while folks were shouting, "Hosanna". Then, He and His disciples journeyed to the Temple, where the sacrificing for sin atonement would be going on. There he found folks taking advantage of others.

In the Temple courtyard, there were folks selling animals to others for sacrificing. People had made the pilgrimage from far and wide for the Passover Feast, and these folks were going to take advantage of them. They were extorting others, probably high-pressure selling others that they needed what they had in order to be right with GOD. And, they were doing it at the Temple.

Today's word is Matthew 21:13, NLT, which reads, "He said to them, 'The Scriptures declare, 'My Temple will be called a house of prayer,' but you have turned it into a den of thieves.'"

There are "churches" in our world, our society, probably our neighborhood, that will use any means necessary to extort and pressure others into giving more than they ever could afford. Don't get upset, and don't get me wrong, I firmly believe that we are to pay our tithes, not out of obligation but out of want - we want to give back to GOD'S work because of all that He has and will do for us. Again, not that He is going to hurt you if you don't, and not that everything is going to be rosy because you do, but because we should want to be obedient in our giving.

Now, I know that this post has rambled and I am sorry. I just want you to know that GOD knows each individual's heart and each individual's situation. Don't let someone try to tell you that you need to mortgage your house, your children's college fund, your future for their new plan. Many "ministries" have been riddled by controversy stemming from the leader being on the take. Use discernment. Be obedient to GOD. Don't be drawn in by a den of thieves.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, March 26, 2018


Yesterday was Palm Sunday, the Sunday before Easter Sunday. What is the significance of Palm Sunday? I am sure that many people have an opinion but for me, the significance is that Palm Sunday is the day that JESUS entered into Jerusalem to a triumphant entry. The people lining the roadway put their cloaks and palm branches down so that the donkey JESUS road could walk on them. Just a few days later, these same people had changed.

It's funny how quickly people can change or turn on you. I don't know what causes some folks to project one thing and do another. There are many instances in the Bible where someone proved not to be what they proclaimed or appeared; we have all experienced the same in our own lives.

I don't want to concentrate on the negative of Palm Sunday though. As we approach Easter weekend, I am excited as I focus on the price, the sacrifice that GOD made for me. I am humbled at the suffering and humiliation that CHRIST suffered for me. I am focused on the fact that I could have never been worthy enough to be a part of GOD'S family without His plan and His sacrifice.

Today's word is Matthew 21:9, KJV, which reads, "And the multitudes that went before, and that followed, cried, saying, 'Hosanna to the Son of David: Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the LORD; Hosanna in the highest.'"

"...Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the LORD..." JESUS is worthy of our honor, our praise, our life. After all, it is He that has given us life to begin with. It is only through GOD that we can live an abundant life here and have everlasting life in Heaven. He came to pay a price for me! He is worthy of our praise! He deserves our deepest adoration! Hosanna!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, March 23, 2018

We will pass the test

I was taking a pretty difficult certification test years ago and there was a young lady sitting beside me that her job depended on her passing the test she was taking. I was grateful that my job wasn't dependent on my passing but I certainly felt for her. I prayed before we started, including that GOD would give this young lady a peace and help her recall what she had studied. The administrator gave us the go ahead, and as this young lady opened her examination, she sighed, "Uh". And, every page she turned, she had the same reaction. I don't know if she passed or not but she was having a difficult time with the test.

Have you ever had to take a difficult test? Well, for me, most tests are difficult. But, have you ever had to go through something, really been tested? How did you do?

Today's word is Proverbs 17:3, NLT, which reads, "Fire tests the purity of silver and gold, but the LORD tests the heart."

In order to get impurities out of silver and gold, you have to put it to the test. Testing required to purify silver and gold is fire. You bring these two precious metals to their melting points, which separates the impurities from them. The impurities will usually be lighter than these metals and in order to remove them, you scrap them off, thereby purifying the silver and gold.

To make use pure, to make sure we are pure, GOD uses a different approach but the same principle. In order to get the impurities out of us, GOD will test our hearts, where the impurities truly lie. Luke 6:45 tells us that from our heart, our mouth speaks. So, the impurities are within the heart, and that is what GOD will test. In order to ensure that He removes all impurities, GOD may put us to the test. We can be sure, though, that if we seek and do His will, we will pass the test.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Do something goofy

According to the National Day Calendar, today is National Goof Off Day. Yeah, I know, a lot of people celebrate this every day. But, it is a good reminder for us all not to take ourselves too seriously; it's okay to laugh and joke and have a good time.

I have probably shared before that I am a bit of a ham. I don't mind being the center of attention. However, I really don't like being the focus of attention. Yes, there is a difference, and thanks for asking. I don't mind being up in front of others, instructing or being goofy or whatever (the center of attention). On the other hand, I am not very good at others singing my praises (no it doesn't happen very often) or things of that nature (the focus of attention).

Today's word is a quote from Koi Fresco, which says, "If you can't find a reason to laugh every day, you're taking life too seriously."

Yes, I know there are exceptions to this, and we have all experienced those times, those days, those seasons in our lives. But, this is a good reminder that we shouldn't take ourselves so seriously. If we will just look around, we will find funny and goofy and humorous things. There is not a day that goes by that one of our two kids doesn't do something that is just funny. As a matter of fact, it is usually both of them, numerous times every day.

Life is hard. There are bad days. There are and will be REALLY BAD DAYS. But, don't forget to look for the silly, the funny, the goofy. I would like to think there are more of those out there than we acknowledge. And, I would dare say we would enjoy more of those moments if we just didn't take things so seriously. Now, go do something goofy!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Your rights end where mine begin

I realize that today's post may not sit well with some and I apologize for any offense you may take but it is what is on my heart. I have watched as our world continues to deteriorate day by day and have heard people blame it on anything and everything. The truth, though, is that we are to blame.

No, the world isn't as bad as some make it out to be but if you can't see that we have societal and philosophical and theological issues, you are not being honest with yourself. Yes, we have issues. Yes, there are problems. BUT, YES, THEY CAN BE CORRECTED. We just have to get back to putting the responsibility on the one(s) committing the crimes and stop blaming everyone else. As I mentioned recently, we have to take personal responsibility.

Today's word is 1 Corinthians 16:13, ESV, which reads, "Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong."

There is so much in this short verse that, if we followed, would correct a lot of the issues we are experiencing. We need to be watchful. We need to call out wrongs - not in a judgemental, holier-than-thou way; none of us are good enough to judge another - but, in a corrective and intervening way. We can't continue to accept that everyone can do whatever they want, whenever they want, however they want. Yes, it is a free country, and I thank GOD every day for this country and for my freedoms, BUT, your rights end where mine begin. Your rights end when they start encroaching on my safety, my security, my liberties, and vice versa. Be watchful.

We need to stand firm in our faith and our convictions. Don't let society and especially the news media to tell you that what you believe is wrong. I am a guy that believes the Bible from cover to cover. And, until GOD changes my mind, I will believe it completely without begging or backing down. Stand firm.

I guess I am just saying that we are where we are because we have allowed things to go on because we didn't want to upset people and tell them that what they were doing is wrong and that it wouldn't be tolerated. Instead, we have allowed others to tell us that we are wrong and that we are to accept anyone, doing anything, at anytime. I am not being defiant. I am not being insensitive. I am being realistic. We will continue to have instances such as we have witnessed if we continue to allow everyone to do anything they please anytime they want. We do have freedoms and liberties, which I am grateful for. However, your rights end where mine begin.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Self-control, a novel idea

We've heard and seen a lot of tragic stories lately. If you turn on the news for just a brief moment, you will find where someone decided to take someone else's life, or someone did something heinous to someone else, or that someone was plotting to do something heinous to someone else. It can be very disheartening and discouraging.

I am sure that I am not the only one that has sat there and thought, "What is wrong with people?" I have shared before that when someone asks me, "What is this world coming to?" my reply is "An end." People want to make excuses and try to make things make sense but, often, they just don't.

Today's word is Proverbs 16:32, NLT, which reads "Better to patient than powerful; better to have self-control than to conquer a city."

Self-control. What a difference it would make if everyone tried to practice some. I am not pointing fingers; I have my own numerous shortcomings. But, there is absolutely no doubt that this world would change and it would be a dramatically better place if everyone would practice some self-control.

Self-control is simply controlling our emotions and and desires. We should find a way to not act on every impulse, to not follow through with everything that satan plants in our minds. Again, this is definitely something that I need to work on as well. I think the best way to maintain self-control is to concentrate more on JESUS and His desires instead of concentrating on self and our desires. Yeah, self-control, a novel idea.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, March 19, 2018

Pretty Kind

I listened to a man tell a story about how a father prayed that his kids would be kind. Not only did he pray that his kids would be kind, he exemplified it. It seems that the man that was telling the story had very fond memories of his Dad being kind - to everyone.

It takes so little effort, most of the time, to show a little kindness. Yeah, I know, I am the worst example there is. I don't always feel kind. I don't always look for ways to be kind. I don't always go out of my way to show kindness. However, I truly believe that I should; and, I truly believe and pray that I will.

Today's word is just a reminder to be kind: "We are always so worried about being pretty. Why don't we try to be pretty smart, pretty strong, pretty funny, pretty kind?"

We seem to always be so worried about how we look but not so concerned about how we act. We can certainly be the meanest and nastiest to those who love and tolerate us the most. If we can work so hard on being fit and healthy, why can't we also work just as hard on being kind to one another. As a matter of fact, in Ephesians 4:32, Paul reminds us to be kind to one another, just as GOD has been kind enough to forgive us.

Let's look for ways to be pretty. I definitely want to be pretty smart, though I seem to lose a little more intelligence every day. I try to be pretty funny. Not that I always am, but I certainly try. I know that if I just put forth a little effort, I may just find that I can also be pretty kind.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, March 15, 2018

We are never alone

Ever feel alone? I think we have all experienced times in our lives when it seemed that we were all alone. Maybe yours was a time when you stood for something that you truly believed in and found no one to stand with you. Maybe yours is truly a time when there was no one else; everyone was gone. Loneliness is tough.

I am a talker. I have shared before that I come from a long line of talkers. And, as I have shared previously, I don't even have to know the subject matter; I just like to talk. Now, I am not one that talks just to hear myself talk. No, I like to talk because I like to communicate and connect with others. I like to include others, which keeps my life full.

Today's word is Genesis 39:21, NLT, which reads, "But the LORD was with Joseph in the prison and showed him His faithful love. And the LORD made Joseph a favorite with the prison warden."

Joseph had had his share of troubles and loneliness. His brothers had plotted to kill him. Then, they changed their minds and put him in a pit. Then, they decided that they could make some money off him and sold him into slavery. Then, Joseph was in charge of Potiphar's house, which was a very prestigious position. However, Potiphar's wife wanted Joseph to be intimate with her, which Joseph refused over and over. So, Potiphar's wife accused Joseph of impropriety and he was thrown into prison. Joseph surely had to feel that he was all alone. BUT...

But, we find in today's word that the LORD was with Joseph. And, it didn't stop there. GOD showed Joseph His faithful love and made the warden really like Joseph. If you don't know the rest of the story, Joseph again gains high status in the kingdom and eventually is in a position to save his people, including his brothers that wanted to kill him and ended up selling him. Even in Joseph's darkest times, GOD was with him. We can rest assured that the same is true for us. Even when it seems the loneliest, GOD is always with us. We are never alone.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

What we don't need

So, if I asked you, "How rich are you," what would be your reply? I am pretty sure that most of us would reply that we are not rich at all, that we live paycheck-to-paycheck, that we hardly have two nickles that we can rub together. I have mentioned before that, monetarily speaking, Trish and I are not very rich. However, we have everything we need.

There is always something to eat. I am actually ashamed at how many times I have stared into the cabinets or the pantry or the refrigerator at all the food contained within those articles and said, "There is nothing to eat." Actually, there was PLENTY to eat, just not what I WANTED.

With these thoughts in mind, today's word is just something I have come to realize over time: "My wealth is not determined by what I have, but by what I don't need."

So, if you asked me how rich I am, I would have to tell you VERY. No, we don't have a lot of money. We don't drive new cars. Our house, which we began buying a couple of years ago, was built in 1976, so, nowhere near new. I don't know if any of the clothes I wear have a brand name, other than "pants", "shirt", "socks", etc. But, I am so rich, and even more richly blessed.

What we do have is very few NEEDS. Yes, we have WANTS but very few NEEDS. We have a place to live that is clean and comfortable and dry and full of food and stuff. We have clothes and toys and junk. We have health and love and laughter. We have JESUS and an eternally bright future. WE ARE RICH, not because of what we have but because of what we don't need.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, March 12, 2018

The seemingly impossible

Has GOD ever done something for you that was so amazing, so astounding that all you could do was laugh? There have been times in our lives that GOD has just done exceedingly above and beyond anything Trish and I could have ever dreamed or imagined. As I have said before, it doesn't amaze me what GOD does - He is GOD - but, it does amaze me what He does for me.

When GOD does something that is so unfathomable that we can hardly grasp it, there is a multitude of reactions that can occur. Some people might cry tears of joy. Others might just get really quiet and bask in GOD'S goodness. Others, as I have found myself from time to time, are so stunned all we can do is laugh.

Today's word is Genesis 17:17, NIV, which reads, "Abraham fell facedown; he laughed and said to himself, 'Will a son be born to a man a hundred years old? Will Sarah bear a child at the age of ninety?"

GOD had told Abraham that He was about to do something so unfathomable, so unbelievable, so unimaginable that all Abraham could do was laugh. Now, this wasn't laughter of distrust or of disbelief; Abraham's laughter was laughter of delight. He was so floored by what GOD had just told him that all he could do was laugh.

Do you have something that you need that only GOD can provide? We all do. But, have you been praying and praying for something specific that seems impossible? Well, there is nothing impossible with GOD. NOTHING. He can do whatever He wants, whenever He wants, however He wants. He loves us. He will give us everything we need, including the seemingly impossible.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Where's your faith?

So, what is faith? Do you have faith? According to, faith is "complete trust or confidence in someone or something." The Bible defines faith as "the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Faith is simply knowing that you know that you know.

What you put your faith in is the most important part of faith. You can put your faith in a rotten board holding up the bridge your vehicle is about to pass over but that is certainly misplaced faith. Same goes for our spiritual lives. Some people put their faith in things that are dead, people, objects, etc., which is misplaced faith. Can dead people or dead things really "help" you?

Today's word is Genesis 15:6, NIV, which reads, "Abram believed the LORD, and He credited it to him as righteousness."

To put it really simply, Abram had faith in GOD and, because of that faith, he was considered by GOD to be righteous. The same faith as we have now - we have faith in JESUS as LORD and SAVIOR and that faith is what makes us righteous. Because, it is through that faith that JESUS has provided the only price that would settle our debt. And, because JESUS has settled our debts, and because we have faith that He has done such, we are now righteous in GOD'S eyes. WOW!

What do you have your faith in? Are you hoping your good will outweigh your bad? Are you hoping that some benevolent, dictatorial supremist is going to have a good day and allow you in? Your salvation is based on WHOM you place your faith. The ONLY ONE capable of atoning for our transgressions is the ONLY ONE Who took our sins upon Himself and became the sacrifice necessary for forgiveness - JESUS. And, when we accept JESUS CHRIST as our LORD and SAVIOR, His blood makes us righteous. He is the ONLY WAY. Where's your faith?

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Get excited about seeing JESUS

So, when I arrive home in the evenings, our two children run to meet me and act like I am the greatest thing they have ever seen. As far as that goes, Trish does too but for different reasons. Anyway, our six-year-old and five-year-old coming running to me with excitement; they are excited to see Daddy come back home. While it may be fleeting, it makes me feel quite special.

Yeah, I know that there will come a day when they don't come running because I came home.I know they will get older and it won't mean as much to them as it does now. However, until that day comes, I am going to enjoy and eat up every minute of it.

Today's word is Mark 9:15, NLT, which reads, "When the crows saw JESUS, they were overwhelmed with awe, and they ran to greet Him."

I have seen people go absolutely bananas about meeting someone, whether it be a sports star, or a television personality, or a movie star, or a musician, or whatever. I mean I have seen them go absolutely bonkers. Yet, I wonder how they react towards JESUS.

I am in awe of my SAVIOR for what He has done for me, what He is doing for me, and for what He is going to do for me! Absolute AWE! I want to learn more about Him. I want to hear more about Him. I want to behave more like Him. I want to be more about Him. Let's get excited about seeing JESUS!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

The good stuff is on the inside

According to National Day Calendar, today is National Oreo Cookie Day. I like Oreo cookies. A LOT. I don't know the history of Oreo cookies but I have made history of quite a few of them. To me, much like the Reese's Cup, the Oreo cookie is the perfect combination of cookie and cream.

Some people like their Oreos with milk. Some like to take the cookie apart and eat the inside first. Some will eat the cream out of the middle and toss the cookie, or so I hear. I just like to eat them as they are. I really don't care what I drink with them either, milk, water, cola, it's all good. Oreo cookies are a good reminder for all of us about all of us...

In honor of National Oreo Cookie Day, our word for the day is: "People are like Oreos. The good stuff is on the inside."

We often have a tendency to judge "a book by its cover". We can look at someone and immediately, in our mind, know exactly who that person is and what they do and what they stand for and how they treat their Momma. But, the truth is, the outward appearance doesn't always tell us what the true person is; the true person is what is on the inside.

We've discussed before that there are a lot of physically attractive people outwardly that are anything but attractive internally, and vice versa. There are lots of people who appear to be one thing on the surface but when you dig a little deeper, you find the goodness that is within. Of course, the goodness is from GOD.

So, in honor of the Oreo, let's take time to day to see if we can uncover the goodness in others. Then, for dessert tonight, or for a little snack while watching television, or for a little bedtime nibble, have a couple of Oreos; the good stuff is on the inside.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, March 5, 2018


So, there are those that do some really foolish things. And, while base jumping is quite dangerous and certainly not recommended, that is not what I am talking about. I have seen people do things they ought not to do, knowing it was doing them physical harm, and yet they do it anyway. And, not just once, they continue to make those same choices over and over.

They old saying goes, "A smart person learns from his/her mistakes. A wise person learns from someone else's." I have made A LOT of mistakes. I think I have learned A LOT from each of those poor choices. However, I am also positive that I have learned A LOT from watching what others have done and realizing, knowing that there is no reason for me to do the same thing. I can watch someone hit their finger with a hammer and know that it is not something I want to do without having to do it to myself just to be sure.

Today's word is Ecclesiastes 2:13, NIV, which reads, "I saw that wisdom is better than folly, just as light is better than darkness."

Solomon writes here things that should go without saying but I think we all have had, or will have to, come to the same realizations. Wisdom is better than folly. What is folly? Well, I am glad you asked. Folly is "foolishness; a lack of good sense." I think we can all agree that wisdom - being wise; making wise choices - is certainly better than a lack of good sense. However, do we use wisdom? Do we apply what we have learned in the past to keep us from making the same mistakes in the future? Or, do we keep running into or stumbling over the same things over and over?

Just as light keeps us from banging shins and breaking toes, wisdom can keep us from hurting ourselves from repeating bad decisions and bad behaviors. Let's take what we have learned and use it to keep us on the right path. Let's use our wisdom to keep us from foolishness.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, March 2, 2018

A whole heaping lot

It's National Read Across America Day, or Dr. Seuss Day as some like to call it. Dr. Seuss wrote some outstanding children's literature, some with lessons that we can still learn. I am a big fan of Dr. Seuss books. Yeah, some are corny, some are silly, but I just like the style, the flow, and the lessons that can be found within the stories.

Blake is pretty excited about today. They are having a Dr. Seuss story time and a party afterwards. He has the red and white striped hat, which is pretty cool,  but the party is what it is all about. Blake and his classmates may not know a whole lot about Dr. Seuss but they know they are going to enjoy the party.

In honor of Dr. Seuss Day, today's word is a Dr. Seuss quote: "You oughta be thankful a whole heaping lot for the people and places you're lucky you're not."

This quote reminds me of how truly blessed I am. I have been in several different countries and I can tell you that even with all of its problems, the United States of America is the greatest country in the world. We are so blessed to be able to enjoy all the resources and opportunities that this great country affords. While some may disagree with my previous statement, I am certainly grateful to be American.

I am also so blessed that GOD put me in the family He did. That He gave me the wife and kids I so richly and thoroughly enjoy. I am so thankful for all the things He has given me and allowed me to experience and relish. When you start thinking about "how much better" it could be, why not be thankful for it not being any worse. For ALL Your many blessings, LORD, I am thankful a whole heaping lot.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Help us all to love one another

Love is a strange thing. It is easily felt, or not felt. It is pretty easy to see most of the time. Yet, it is really hard to describe or define. It is really easy to love those who love us. It is easy to reciprocate love because love truly flows from two people that really love one another.

However, do we love those that aren't necessarily good to us? Do we love folks that can absolutely do nothing for us? Do we love others that we know don't love us? Do we love those who talk about us, put us down?

Today's word sis John 15:17, KJV, which reads, "These things I command you, that ye love one another."

In this passage, JESUS doesn't "recommend" that we love one another; He doesn't "suggest" that we love one another. No, He COMMANDS us to love one another. Now, does this mean that we are to be pushed around and bullied and belittled and abused? NO! This simply means that we are to love others just because they are worthy of love. Just as GOD loves us though we certainly don't deserve it.

There will be those in your life that it is best to avoid and best to cut ties with. Yet, even if it is best that you not have a relationship with someone, you can still love them. I truly want others to experience success. I truly want others to experience joy. I truly want others to know love. Now, as I have often stated before, I don't mean to tolerate or accept sin. We must love someone enough to point out their shortcomings (we all have them) and, then, point them to GOD. He is the only One that can cleanse them and make them whole. May GOD help us all to love one another.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T