Thursday, May 28, 2020

Where He has you

I had a friend that had gone through struggles with substance abuse and ended up going through rehab. Upon completing rehab, this friend told me one day that, since he had completed rehab, he felt as of he "deserved" a different wife, different job, different life. Hmm...

This friend felt that his transformation made him "better", which it had, and the "better" him deserved better. I told him that GOD certainly had big plans for him, and wanted the best for him, but, he really needed to ask GOD what He wanted.

Today's word is 1 Corinthians 7:20, NKJV, which reads, "Let each one remain in the same calling in which he was called."

The Corinthians were coming to accept JESUS as LORD and SAVIOR, and, much like my friend, some were feeling that they needed to do something different to "prove" they were "worthy". What Paul was reminding them, and us, is that we aren't better because of anything we do; we are justified, "better" because of the Blood of JESUS.

GOD can use us exactly where He has us. He has a plan, and all He needs from us is our faithfulness, our willingness, and our obedience. GOD can use you where He has you.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Be Pleasing

Have you ever been guilty of saying something that you knew you shouldn't say? You know, those little words that everyone else said but you knew you shouldn't? I am sure most of us have.

Have you ever had thoughts that you knew were inappropriate, displeasing, maybe even unsettling? We know we shouldn't think it but we feel justified in some way; that we have a right to feel it and to think it. Again, I am sure that most of us have.

Today's word is Psalm 19:14, NKJV, which reads, "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD, my strength and my Redeemer."

Today's word is a great reminder for me that GOD is the silent listener to every conversation, even the ones that I think are completely enclosed in my head. He is always with me and hears every word I say and every that I have. If I will concentrate on Him more, I bet I will find myself saying inappropriate things less.

I know, it's hard sometimes. I am as guilty as anyone. But, I can't do it in my strength, and I don't have to. Today's word also reminds us that GOD is our strength; He will give us what we need to overcome whatever may be tripping us up. I want to be pleasing.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Make a joyful noise

Well, I am back among the has been, at times, a very difficult week, but, GOD has seen fit to bring us through. Since my last post, I had ACL reconstruction surgery and meniscus repair in my left knee, which has had its ups and downs. But, by the grace of GOD and through the help of my family, we are stronger today.

If my fall from a ladder, and subsequent surgeries to repair my right foot and left knee, has taught me anything, it is that I have a GOD Who loves me, a family who loves and cares for me, a doctor that GOD has designed to fix me, friends that love and support me, and an overwhelming sense of humility that I don't deserve any of it.

First and foremost, it is all GOD. It is by Him and through Him that any and/or all of this has been accomplished. His grace and mercy reaches depths that cannot be explained. He has done exceedingly, abundantly more than I could have ever thought, dreamed, or imagined. He had already done that throughout my life but has shown even more through this.

So, I just want to send a shout out to my LORD! Psalm 66:1, KJV, reads, "Make a joyful noise unto GOD, all ye lands." Make a joyful noise!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Love is unlimited

Have you ever wondered how much someone loves you? I mean, I have said before that my parents must have really loved me. I know Trish really loves me. And, our children do right now. Love is a wonderful thing.

The neatest thing about love is that it is unlimited. You can't run out. You love your first child in a way that words cannot describe. You think there is no way you could love any other child that way. Then, you have a second child, and guess what? You love that child just as much. Love is unlimited.

Today's word reminds us how BIG GOD'S love is for us. Psalm 36:5, NIV, reads, "Your love, LORD, reaches to the heavens, Your faithfulness to the skies."

GOD loves us all, exactly the same. He is our Father, Who loves us with a Father's love. And, we all know how a parent's love grows with each child. GOD isn't going to run out of love. Ever.

I am grateful that GOD showed His love to us by making a way, when we were still sinners, through His Son, JESUS. He loved us that much! And, He continues to love us even more. How? Because, love is unlimited!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Will Forever be

A question I get, and I am sure you have gotten as well, is, "Where did GOD come from?" Or, "How was GOD born?" Or, some variation of those.

It is hard for any of us, especially the young ones, to understand that GOD is eternal. He has always been and will always be. He didn't have to be created, He is the Creator. He created time and seasons for us; time is irrelevant to Him.

Today's word is Psalm 102:27, NKJV, which reads, "But You are the same, And Your years will have no end."

GOD also NEVER changes; He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He doesn't age, He doesn't get feeble, He doesn't weaken - He is always the same. How? Because, He is GOD.

He is ALWAYS the same. The same as He was yesterday. The same today. And, He will be exactly the same tomorrow. We don't worship some aging, dying, ever-changing, moody, resentful GOD. No, we worship the One True GOD that never changes, has always been, and will forever be!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, May 11, 2020

Choose GOD

I was explaining to someone over the weekend my decision-making process for making big purchases. I visualize the item I want to purchase sitting beside the stack of money that it costs. If I determine that this item that I think I HAVE to have is better than the money, I buy it, if not, I keep my money.

I have found in my life that we buy a lot of things that we don't really need. We're prone to buying things because we think they will add value to our lives, only to find out they are nothing more than clutter. However, when we do buy something that turns out to be invaluable to us, we hold on to it forever.

Today's word is Ephesians 1:7, NLT, which reads, "He is so rich in kindness and grace that He purchased our freedom with the blood of His son and forgave our sins."

GOD made a purchase decision that involved us and eternity. The only thing that was valuable enough to buy us back was His Son. The only thing that could make us righteous enough to be a part of His family was the blood of JESUS. GOD looked at the situation and determined that we were worth it! That is how much GOD loves you and wants a relationship with you!

We will all make big decisions in our lives: where we go to college, what we do as a career, whom we marry, etc. But, NO decision is as important as where we will spend eternity. Choose GOD!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Find Peace in That

There is no doubt a lot of uncertainty, a lot of anxiety, a lot of uneasiness with all that is going on in our world. To say that we're experiencing something unprecedented seems like a huge understatement. There seems to be reason to wonder if things will ever be the same.

Millions have lost jobs. Thousands have lost their lives. There are empty shelves at the supermarket, parks that sit vacant, everything had seemingly come to a pause, and rightfully so, but, it can all be a little disconcerting.

Today's word is Psalm 68:28, NIV, which reads, "Summon Your power, GOD; show us Your strength, our GOD, as You ha e done before."

GOD has not changed. None of this has caught Him by surprise. He still has it all under control. He is still all powerful, all knowing, and He is still working on things. He still listens to our prayers; pray for strength.

Things have been a little confusing and concerning, and may be this way for who knows how much longer. But, GOD, Who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above anything we could ever think, dream, or imagine is with us. We can find peace in that.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, May 4, 2020

Happy Birthday Momma

Today is my Mom's birthday. I won't tell her age, if she wants that known, she'll tell, but, I will say that I am so blessed to see my mom have another. I pray she has many, many more.

My mom has learned how to do so  much with very limited resources by raising seven kids. She has passed a lot along, too. She is a great cook, and she had taught many others how to cook. She has taught others how to do so many things to serve others, which she has displayed throughout her life.

Today's word is Proverbs 9:11, NLT, which reads, "Wisdom will multiply your days and add years to your life. "

When we apply GOD'S wisdom to our lives, and not act on our own selfish, human desires, we will keep ourselves from doing things that could shorten our life. We will also do things that may prolong our life. Either way, we will live a life that is pleasing to GOD and its utterly fulfilling.

My Mom has dispensed wisdom and practical life lessons to others throughout her life. She is a blessing to me that I could never fully convey through words. Happy Birthday Momma!