Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Slam that door

 So, we all have our situations that frustrate us; I know I certainly do. I seem embroiled in a battle, even today, that is not of my doing but others want me to fix it. Frustrations are a part of life, and dealing with others can be frustrating. I know I have been a frustration to others.

It is easy, when we feel frustration, to look for an easy way out. I have been looking for that in this current situation. However, sometimes, there are no easy answers, and we know that oftentimes, the right thing to do is the hardest thing to do.

Today's word is Ephesians 4:27, NIV, which reads, "And do not give the devil a foothold."

My frustration can cause me to open the door of opportunity for satan to walk in and "talk me into" taking the easy way out or to look for an opportune way to ease my frustration. I know because, unfortunately,  I have given him that opportunity before.

As in this current situation, I want to be faithful and to glorify GOD. I don't ever want to be a poor reflection on my LORD. I want to allow Him to lead me in every decision. I want to slam that door in satan's face.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T 

Monday, October 26, 2020

It may be

 It has been a busy weekend, and rainy. It rained all day Saturday, and it rained A LOT. The rainy day made outdoor activities impossible, including postponing our scheduled youth football game.

Life is that way sometimes. We will have those days when things don't go exactly as planned so, we have to change our plans. We can allow the change to negatively affect us or we can see the change as a blessing and an opportunity. 

Today's word is a saying I came across and that I try to remember when things change my plans: "GOD will only wreck your plans when He sees that your plans are about to wreck you."

Sometimes, the change in plans are to get our attention, to allow us to see how flawed the plan is. Sometimes, the change in plans allow us the opportunity to do something even better than what we had originally anticipated. Sometimes, the change in plans is to save us a lot of heartache and headache.

So, we didn't play Saturday, but, we had some quality family time. And, there is never enough family time. Plans may change; see the change for the blessing it may be.

Be Blessed, 

Mickey T 

Thursday, October 22, 2020

His Blessings

 We have those times when it seems that nothing goes right. We have recently had some tree work done, two (2) taken down and six (6) trimmed. If you haven't had that done in a while, the price is fairly staggering.

Then, the reason we had the tree work done is because a huge sweet gum had a root that broke the driveway, and the driveway was quickly deteriorating. So, we had to get the driveway replaced, which is shockingly expensive.

Today's word is Proverbs 10:22, NKJV, which reads, "The blessing of the LORD makes one rich, and He adds no sorrow with it."

While it cost money to fix and repair the things that needed attention, GOD had put us in a position that we could procure the funds necessary. He has blessed us above anything we could have ever thought, dreamed, or imagined, and He has done exactly that time and time again.

I know things are going to tear up and need fixing. I know that they will usually do exactly that at some difficult times. But, I also know that GOD will help us with our needs; His blessings make me rich!

Be Blessed, 

Mickey T 

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Always and Never

 I have shared before that there a a few words we try not to use in our home: always and never. There are times when both apply - "I will ALWAYS love you," and, "I will NEVER stop loving you." But other instances such as, "You never take out the trash," or, "You always leave  clothes on the floor," not allowed.

The fact is that those words rarely apply to any situation, especially in our house. While we make messes, we often clean them up. While we can be a little lax in our chores, we eventually get them done. 

Today's word is John 11:26, NKJV, which reads, "And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die."

Yesterday marked the seventh anniversary of my Pops going to Heaven, and I still miss him every day. I don't think there will ever be a day that I don't miss him. I will always love him and he is never coming back to this world. But...

I will see him again, in Heaven. I know that one day, because of the gracious gift of salvation through JESUS CHRIST, I will live with my SAVIOR for always. There are few times that "always" and "never" apply, but, they are never more concrete than when we talk about JESUS. He will always love us and never leave us.

Be Blessed, 

Mickey T 

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Just Ask Him

You probably don't have this problem but I have messes up - A LOT. And, when I mess up, which happens frequently, no one has to remind me that I have messed up. I know.

When you make a mistake, especially a moral or ethical or spiritual one, the weight is so heavy, you have no doubt that you have messed up. I know that when I have sinned, the conviction from the Holy Spirit is so quick and so heavy that I don't have to have anyone point it out for me.

Today's word is John 8:11, NKJV, which reads, "She said, 'No one, LORD.' And JESUS said to her, 'Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.'"

The lady in today's story had been caught in the very act of adultery. Whether she knew that was spiritually wrong or not, we don't know. Those who brought her to JESUS, though, knew the law and condemned her to die. She had messed up. But...

But, JESUS began to show her the sin she was condemned for and she was convicted by her sin. But, so were all those condemning her. Finally, JESUS asked her where her accusers were, and they were all gone, as JESUS had concicted them. Then, He freed her by telling her that neither did He condemn her. However, she couldn't go back living in sin - she was to go and sin no more.

JESUS is waiting to forgive - just ask Him

Be Blessed, 

Mickey T 

Thursday, October 8, 2020


 Today is my Pops' birthday. He is in Heaven so we don't get to celebrate it with him but I celebrate him. Pops passed away almost seven (7) years ago, and I still miss him every day. 

When I think I of my Pops, a lot of things come to mind. He was a hard worker, a devoted husband and father, a hot head at times, an ornery ol' cuss, and the most selfless person I can ever remember. He would give you whatever he had, if you needed it.

Today's word is a quote I came across some time ago that simply says, "True love is selfless. It is always prepared to sacrifice."

I have mentioned before that we taught a youth lesson several years ago that true love is about giving: giving of yourself to another. If someone is always wanting from you, that is not true love. True love is when someone is willing to sacrifice for you.

On Pops' birthday, today, I am reminded of the sacrifices he made for his family and his example of giving. I love you Pops. Thank you for showing me true love and for being the example of selflessness.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T 

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Whatever He says

 Do you always do what you are told? I mean, would you consider yourself an obedient person? I like to think of myself as obedient and respectful and a rule follower, but, I haven't and don't always obey. 

There have been numerous times, too many to count, that I know I have disobeyed the LORD (sinned). Sometimes, it was out of defiance; sometimes, out of ignorance; and, sometimes, out of pure stupidity. But, I know life would be so much easier and fullest if I'd just obey. 

Today's word I'd John 2:5, NKJV, which reads, "His mother said to the servants, 'Whatever He says to you, do it.'"

JESUS was at a wedding and the wine had run out. His mother had asked Him to fix it, and JESUS performed His first recorded miracle, which was turning water to wine. He did as His mother asked, but, more important, the servants heeded Mary's advice and obeyed JESUS. 

Wouldn't life be more full and less burdensome if we would heed the advice to do what He says? I know my life would be much easier. I am going to strive to follow the advice of doing whatever He says.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T 

Monday, October 5, 2020

As i choose

 Do you ever have those days that it feels like you are far away from GOD? It's like there is a great chasm that is separating you, or there is just a great distance that seems between you. I think we all experience that feeling from time to time.

Sometimes, that distance is just life; we live in a really busy world that only seems to get busier everyday. Sometimes, there are just other distractions that gets our attention. Whatever the reason, though, the truth is that we are as close to GOD as we want to be.

Today's word is James 4:8a, NKJV, which reads, "Draw near to GOD and He will draw near to you..."

We all have distractions and life is coming around us at warp speed, but, we usually find time to do the things we really want to do. I am talking to me. We find the time to watch TV, surf the web, check our status, etc., but, what if we spent just as much time drawing near to GOD?

When things have been really hectic and I haven't had a lot of time with Trish, I purposely make time. When I am feeling distant from GOD, I need to make time to be with Him. Because, as hard as it is to admit, I know that I can be as close to GOD as I choose.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Just Watching

 I try to remind our kids, and thereby remind myself, that others are watching. We have to try to be leaders and lead by example. We also have to be what we claim we are, and use everything we do to glorify GOD.

It is also a good reminder to watch others. I have learned a lot from just watching people: how they respond to situations; how they treat those who cannot benefit them in any way; how they treat those that they supposedly love.

Today's word is just a simple saying that goes, "You can observe a lot by just watching."

The old saying is that GOD gave us two (2) eyes, two (2) ears, and one (1) mouth because we should watch and listen twice as much as we talk. If we just watch people, we can learn a lot.

When others watch you what do they see? That is a question I need to ask myself often and honestly. I want them to see that I am a fallen human being but JESUS makes me different. I want them to see that everything I do is influenced by my relationship with Him. I hope others can observe a lot by just watching.

Be Blessed, 

Mickey T