Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Please GOD

If you have ever coached a youth sport of any kind, you will understand what I am about to say. Coaching a youth sport is a lot of fun, trying to teach the young ones about a sport: how to play, the proper techniques, the game management, the ins and outs, etc. While dealing with the kids is a joy and a blessing, dealing with the parents can be a nightmare.

There are very few weeks that go by that some parent isn't upset about one thing or another. Either his/her child isn't learning enough; in his/her opinion, their child isn't getting as much one on one as they expect; his/her child isn't on the field enough; you are being too rough or too easy on his/her child; the list goes on and on. Teaching the children are a blessing; dealing with the parents can be a burden.

Today's word is a quote by Timi Nadela that says, "Let pleasing GOD become bigger than pleasing people."

We have to keep in mind that whatever we are doing is to bring glory to GOD. If we are trying to do everything for our own glory, that is all that we will ever have. If we are truly trying to everything for GOD and for His glory, we will find ever challenge worthwhile. It can be extremely exhausting to try to please everyone, but, with GOD, we will reap if we faint not.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with pleasing others. As a matter of fact, it is something that we should all strive to do. However, if we keep in mind that our ultimate goal is to please GOD, we will find more joy in everything that we do. Please GOD.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T 

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