Monday, April 19, 2021

All He does for me

We stay really busy most all the time, like most people, especially parents of active children. I am grateful that our children are healthy and active and friendly. Having children that are healthy enough to participate in things, and determined enough to do them is a blessing that is beyond measure, and I never want to lose sight of what a true blessing it is.

I mentioned in a prayer group last night that I am humbled because GOD has given me all this and Heaven, too. I am reasonably healthy. I don't take for granted that I can walk and talk and yell and scream and holler and think and comprehend. These are things that others would love to be able to do but, for one reason or another, they can't. But, I can, and I am grateful.

Do you find yourself to be thankful? I think that someone who is thankful will be more likely to give praise and encouragement and time and resources (not talking about me). I have seen folks who were grateful for what GOD had done for them that were free in using what He had blessed them with to help others experience the goodness and the blessings of GOD. 

Today's word is Psalm  103:2, NLT, which reads, "Let all that I am praise the LORD; may I never forget the good things He does for me."

Do you have things to be thankful for? I would venture to say that we all do. Even on those days when it seems like everything is out of order and everything is coming down on me, and there are those days, I know that I have people who love me and a GOD Who sees me and loves me and cares about me. I am grateful for His many blessings; may I never forget all He does for me!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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