Wednesday, April 28, 2021

And be thankful

There has been a lot of turmoil and unrest in our world lately. I am sure there have been multiple times throughout history that this has been the case. There seems to always be unrest and strife, and no one trying to pull things together. And, look, I understand, the reason for strife and unrest and turmoil is a difference of opinion, which some of us will go to extremes for ours.

I do often wonder, though, how things would look, how things would work, how things might work out if we all tried to see things the way JESUS wants us to see them. You know what I mean? If we ever try to look at things through the eyes of JESUS, would we fight so vehemently for some of the things we so vehemently fight for? 

Today's word is Colossians 3:15, NIV, which reads, "Let the peace of CHRIST rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful."

Some things are worth fighting for, and, as Christians, we should fight for those things every day. But, Christians should not be fighting amongst themselves over things that aren't scriptural and eternal. We seem to involve ourselves in things that at least reduce our chances to talk to others about salvation through JESUS CHRIST. It is a shame to see churches, bodies of believers, fighting amongst themselves.

I love the way this verse ends, "...And be thankful." A thankful heart is usually so full of humility and thankfulness that arguing over carpet color or sanctuary temperature is never a thought. When we are thankful, we find ourselves grateful for the blessing to live in a free country where we can worship GOD freely. It is a reminder for me that I am going to try to apply daily - And be thankful.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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