Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Happy Birthday Mom

It is my Mom's birthday! I am grateful for my Mom. She has had her hands full with seven (7) kids, one (1) of which is me. Like most mothers, she has had to sacrifice a lot and live without a lot to ensure that her children had things and could do things. She is a wonderful mom.

Moms are special in so many ways. Unfortunately, there are so many children that don't have a good motherly example in their life, which is vitally important. I know that through the example my Mom has shown, especially through her determination and drive, I have learned a lot of perseverance and making it one (1) more step.

Our Word for today is 1 Peter 3:4, NLT, which reads, "You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to GOD." 

Mothers have an inner beauty that is hard to describe but that we have all seen and know. Godly mothers are full of love for their children and family and will do what they must, sacrificing what they have to, to see that their family is cared for and that their needs are met. If you have a godly mother, thank her. If you are a godly mother, thank you.

Today is my Mom's birthday, and I just wanted to take a moment and recognize her for all that she does and for being such a great mom! Happy Birthday Mom! I love you.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T

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