Wednesday, May 5, 2021

My thoughts and my words

I don't know about you but my mind is a powerful thing. I have had two (2) nights in a row when my mind would not shut down. I have tossed and turned and thought of every situation and solved every problem. Unfortunately, I eventually go to sleep and forget all the solutions. But, I have to be really careful to guard my thoughts.

I have also had moments when I allowed my mouth, my words, to be way more powerful than they should ever be. I have allowed myself to say things in the wrong setting or to the wrong people more times than I care to admit. Words are incredibly powerful; they can either build people up or tear people down.

Today's word is a saying that I came across that I try to remember about my thoughts and my words. It simply says, "Take care of your thoughts when you're alone, and take care of your words when you're with others."

Our thoughts can be very positive, which is a good thing. However, I only speak for myself, I have also had many thoughts that are not so positive. We have to be diligent to guard our minds, our thoughts. We have to be intentional about what we think.

We, too, must be intentional with our words. Not only can our words build and tear down, we never know how someone else may receive and repeat our words. We have to be sure that what we say is something that we wouldn't mind repeated, because, it probably will be. I want to be more mindful of my thoughts and my words.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T  

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