Wednesday, May 19, 2021

The prize is within reach

The school where Trish works won the state baseball championship for their classification last night. Congratulations Warriors! It is a HUGE accomplishment to win any kind of championship. It takes a lot of hard work and perseverance and determination and some luck. Now they have a state championship for all their efforts.

I also have a couple of friends who have daughters that are competing over the next couple of days for state championships in their respective classifications for softball. They will face adversity. They will have struggles and challenges. They will have to overcome some difficulty and doubt. But, I know that they can. Good luck Lions and Blue Devils!

Today's word is Joel 2:7, NIV, which reads, "They charge like warriors, they scale walls like soldiers. They all march in line, not swerving from their course."

I think this verse sums up the focus and determination it takes to win a championship. In order to accomplish a feat of that magnitude, everyone on the team has to continue pushing forward, especially when thing are hard, in order to reach the goal. We must walk our Christian walk and live our Christian faith with the same fortitude.

In life, there will be challenges and chaos, there will be difficulty and doubt, there will be trials and troubles, but, we must keep pushing forward to the prize. We have to keep scaling the walls, never deviating from the course that GOD has for us. Keep pushing forward! The prize is within reach!

Be Blessed,

Mickey T 

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