Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Receive Relief

I battled a migraine this past weekend - all weekend. It started Friday evening, intensified all day Saturday, and by Saturday afternoon was full blown. For those of you who experience migraines (I am sorry), you know how debilitating one (1) can be. For those of you who are blessed enough to have never experienced a migraine, I can never describe it.

Anyway, there is few things more frustrating than hurting and being unable to stop the pain. I tried most things: OTC pain relievers, dark room, cool rag on forehead, etc. Eventually, though, all I could do was give in and go to bed in a dark, quiet room, and hope I could get some rest and relief. 

Today's word is Psalm 30:2, NKJV, which reads, "O LORD my GOD, I cried out to You, And You healed me."

During the migraine fight, as I laid there with seemingly no relief, I prayed. I prayed that GOD would, of course, relieve the pain so that I could presume my husbandly and fatherly roles, but, also, because pain hurts and it sucks to hurt. I wanted relief so that I could focus on the important things, and, because, pain hurts and it sucks to hurt. And, GOD heard my prayer!

We will all face pain in our lives. Sometimes, the pain is just because we live in a broken and fallen world and we will all suffer pain from time to time. But, how do we know relief, if we never experience pain? Yes, pain hurts and it sucks to hurt. However, GOD is listening. Call out to Him, and receive relief.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T 

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