Tuesday, April 13, 2021

He is my strength

We have had a few days between posts again, and I would love to apologize but, I have been fighting allergy season, and it is winning. Seasonal allergies may not be a problem for some folks but it has become more and more of a malady for me, especially as I have aged. I take an allergy pill, which probably helps but I really stay tired.

Like most things, though, I am blessed that all I have is allergies; it could be so much worse. At least I can still get outside and do things. At least I can still see the beautiful colors and everything coming back to life. Our daughter doesn't suffer from allergies very much, and she reminds me of how beautiful the season is. I guess it truly is a matter of perspective.

Today's word is Psalm 73:26, NKJV, which reads, "My flesh and my heart fail; But GOD is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."

This old body isn't made to last forever, and it isn't going to. It was designed to have a lifespan, and it is gradually and continually breaking down. Things that used to not hurt, now hurt. Things that used to not bother us, not bother us. Things that used to work really well, now, not so much. But, even with the earthly and physical maladies that we may suffer, we still know that GOD loves us, cares for us and will see us through. He is my strength!

Be Blessed,

Mickey T 

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