Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Bringing Peace

We had some storms pass through our area last night. I expected to hear our children get up and run into our room but they never did; they were sleeping pretty soundly, even if I wasn't. The storms were pretty loud, lots of rain, and some thunder, which can get and keep your attention.

We have storms in our lives, the weather events and the life events. There is little we can do to prevent either, they just happen. The storms that come weather wise, we watch forecasts and try to prepare but there is nothing we can do to stop them. Same with the storms of life, we try to prepare for anything that may happen but, there is little we can do to stop or prevent the storms of life. However, JESUS has control of it all...

Today's word is Mark 4:39, NKJV, which reads, "Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, 'Peace be still!' And the wind ceased and there was a great calm."

The disciples were in the middle of a storm. There was thunder and lightning and lots of wind. They were on a boat being tossed back and forth. Things had become more than a little uncomfortable and concerning. They looked out and JESUS was walking towards them on the stormy sea. He, eventually, calmed the storm by simply saying, "Peace be still!" And, the storm obeyed.

We are going to have storms in our lives, literal and emotional. There seems to be very little we can do to stop them. What we can do, though, is know that JESUS calms the storms, and He is in the storm with us. He is holding us through the tumult and He will calm us during the storm and He will calm the storm. The next time you find yourself in a storm, look up, JESUS is coming, and He is bringing peace.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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