Monday, June 28, 2021

Sing It Joyfully

 So, I sing - A LOT. And, no, I am not a good singer. There are some who say they like to hear me sing, there are others that tolerate my singing, and, then, there are others that will tell you that it isn't worth listening to. But, there is ONE Who loves to hear me sing.

Singing, more than anything else, is a matter of the heart. Yeah, it is definitely better if you can carry a tune and have a nice voice. But, when we sing praise to GOD, truly singing His praise from our heart, He loves it. 

Today's word is Psalm 100:1, KJV, which reads, "Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands."

GOD doesn't ask us all to sing like the angelic choir. He has gifted us all differently. I know some folks that can absolutely make a set of drums sound out of this world. I know some folks that can make a guitar do things that I can only dream about. I know some folks that, when they sing, it truly sounds like the heavens have opened up and angels are singing. Then, there are those like me that just love to sing. And, GOD loves it when I do.

We all have a song in our hearts, a song that GOD has placed there. And, when we sing our song to the One that has put the song in our heart, there is no sweeter sound under Heaven. You don't have to sing it perfectly. You just have to sing it joyfully.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T

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