Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Be Glad

If you have ever asked me, "How are you doing," you have probably heard me reply, "Blessed and Highly Favored." I know how blessed I am and how much undeserved favor the LORD gives me each and every day. I know that everyone else experiences His blessings and favor, too, but, they don't also acknowledge it.

I know this world can beat us down and wear away at our joy and excitement. But, the truth is, I was able to get up this morning and type out this blog. I was able to fix my own coffee, give myself a shower, dress myself, walk to the vehicle. On top of that, I have my wonderful wife and kids, a place to go to work, and I will return this evening, Good LORD willing, to our home. Lots of blessings, and I am just skimming the surface.

Today's word is Psalm 126:3, NKJV, which reads, "The LORD has done great things for us, And we are glad."

If you are wondering what GOD has done for you, just look around. If you are living in a free country; if you are walking and talking and seeing and hearing; if you are able to feed yourself and have something to eat, you have more than many folks in this world. But, it is even more than that..

If you have accepted CHRIST as your SAVIOR, you have so much to be thankful for. One (1) day, you will spend eternity in Heaven with JESUS, which is a blessing that I cannot put into words. So, as you go throughout your day today, look around and see the great things that GOD has done for you, and be glad.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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