Monday, July 12, 2021


We are having VBS this week, which is always a special week. There is nothing like having the humbling opportunity to share JESUS with anyone, especially children. Yes, it will be a very tiring and trying week, but, it will also be filled with joy and laughter and seed planting.

As you probably know, there is nothing like having children. Yes, they can be challenging, and ours have certainly had their days. But, to see life through the lives our your children is a blessing and privilege that cannot be overstated. Seeing my children happy and having fun and interacting with others is a joy that I cannot explain.

Today's word is Psalm 127:3, NLT, which reads, "Children are a gift from the LORD; they are a reward from Him."

The birth of a child is a miracle that GOD allows us to be a part of. Some never get the opportunity to experience the miracle of childbirth, which emphasizes even more what a miracle it is. And, when GOD allows us the blessing of trying to raise children, we further know what a blessing it is. 

Pray for Trish and me that we are the blessing to our children that they are to us. Pray that children all over the world will know the love of family and, more especially, the love of GOD. And, pray for us this week during VBS that we will share the love of GOD and the Gospel of CHRIST with these children. 

Be Blessed,

Mickey T 

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