Tuesday, July 6, 2021

True Freedom

We just celebrated Independence Day. Over 245 years ago, the Second Continental Congress adopted The Declaration of Independence, the document declaring that we, the United States of America, would no longer be under England's rule. 

The Declaration of Independence granted some inalienable rights: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. People think that it grants happiness; it grants the pursuit of happiness. Happiness is something that you have to find for yourself but you can't infringe on others' rights to fulfill your happiness. In short, the Declaration of Independence granted some freedoms.

So, what is "freedom"? For some, it may mean being free to do as you want to when you want to. However, we are still, thankfully, governed by laws. And, we should be glad that we have laws, for in this world, you cannot have true freedom without laws. There are too many evil and deceitful and thoughtless people in this world that, without laws, they would destroy all the good in this world. 

We also can't be completely free because of the other laws we have. The law of nature, if you want to call it that, dictates that we are only going to live so long and we are going to lose things as we age. Trust me, we do. The law of gravity keeps me from flying, which I think would be really cool. We will never be truly free in this world. But...

Today's word is John 8:36, NKJV, which reads, "Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed."

We know true freedom through salvation in JESUS CHRIST. One day, we will be free from pain, sorrow, worries, aches, evil, sin - we will be free. If you don't know Him, you will NEVER be truly free. True freedom only comes through JESUS.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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