Friday, July 30, 2021

Look to Him

As we continue through the pandemic, I am often reminded of the struggles and loses so many have suffered. It has been unprecedented and unnerving. It has been so challenging financially, emotionally, physically, spiritually. And, it seems to rage on and on.

We have been so blessed through it all. We have continued to work and remain healthy. We have been able to worship with our church family and fellowship with others. We have been blessed with support and encouragement and have felt the outpouring of love from our friends and families. I know that may not be the case with all, and we pray for them daily. 

In the midst of this seemingly unrelenting, never ending pandemic, it is easy to become concerned with all that is going on in this world. It is easy to become overwhelmed with all that we see and hear and think. As Christians, we know that GOD has it all under control and He is working things out for us. But, it is still worrisome and greatly concerning. 

It is when things are chaotic and confusing that we must focus on what really matters. We must concentrate on taking care of our families and ourselves. We must focus on the important things and let those less important things be less important. We must focus on the fact that GOD is on our side and that He will see us through. It may be dark at the present moment but He will see us through. 

Today's word is Colossians 3:2, NKJV, which reads, "Set your minds on things above, not on things on the earth." We must look to JESUS and remember that this world isn't all there is. We have a SAVIOR and an ADVOCATE in Heaven, look to Him.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T

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