Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Happy Birthday Babe

So, yesterday was a very special day. It was my wife's birthday, which is a special day because she is so special to me. Unfortunately, however, we didn't really get to celebrate Trish yesterday because we are in the midst of football season and school starting back and so much more. I wanted to take the time, though, to tell her, "Happy Birthday".

I always tell people that the best advice I can give about birthdays is to keep having them. Life truly is short, and the more years I live the shorter it seems to be. So, what are you doing with your life? What are you hoping to accomplish. I know that some days it is as simple as making it through the day, and that is all we can do. But, what are your dreams and plans and hopes and desires?

Without having something to propel us forward, we will find ourselves floundering and accomplishing little. It is important to me to wake each day with a plan. Not necessarily a plan for every second of every day, but a plan for what I want to get done. Now, I SELDOM ever accomplish the majority of what is on the list but I have something to go on, something to strive for. But, we must remember WHO directs us...

Today's word is Proverbs 16:9, NKJV, which reads, "A man's heart plans his ways, But the LORD directs his steps."

It is good to make plans; it is good to set goals. But, all of our plans and goals should begin by seeking what GOD would have us to do. We should strive to glorify and honor GOD in everything that we do, just as my wonderful wife does. Happy Birthday Babe!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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