Monday, August 30, 2021

You are gifted

There is something for everyone to do in GOD'S family. I know that there are many, probably most, folks that have way more talent and ability than I will ever have. Yet, there is still something that GOD has given me to do. And, I need to do it.

GOD has equipped each of His children with gifts that, when used together with everyone else's, will bring glory to Him and others to salvation. I may be just the little toe, or the least member in the body but, with the giftedness that GOD has given, I, and you, are important to GOD'S plan.

Today's word is Romans 12:4, NLT, which reads, "Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special function."

There are people that have more giftedness than me but GOD has still equipped me with certain gifts that they may not have. And, when I use the giftedness He has given me for Him, He will multiply and combine my limited giftedness with His unlimited resources, and the results are amazing!

You have been given some special giftedness from GOD, and you need to use it for Him. You may wonder what it is, but it is there. Read, study, take a spiritual gifts inventory, find out what GOD has gifted us to do. Then, do it. 

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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