Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Just Show Up

So, the other night, we had called off football practice because it had rained a fair amount during the day and we try to let parents know as early as possible if practice is a go or not. Then, our head coach went by the field and decided that it wasn't too wet or messy to practice and called and asked me what I thought about sending out another message that we were going to practice. I told him that we needed the practice and if he wanted to practice, we should practice, which we did.

When the kids got there, the most of them were just going through the motions. They were doing what was asked, they were completing the drills, doing their assignments, but there wasn't a lot of enthusiasm about any of it. I understood. Just a couple of hours ago, their parents had gotten a message that there would be no practice, which is rare during a football season, then, they had to show up anyway.

At the end of practice, when we huddle up and break down our day and pray, I told these young men that it was apparent that they didn't really want to be there, and it was obvious that they were just going through the motions. And, then I told them that that was alright. I, then, thanked them for showing up. Sometimes, the hardest thing to do is simply to show up, and they did that.

We will all experience times when GOD is moving us toward something, leading us to something, asking us to do something that we absolutely don't want to do. I have had moments in my life when folks just showed up. I don't remember what they did or what they said but, at that moment, when I needed it most, they showed up! So, today's word is a quote by Mother Teresa that says, "Just show up, and things will happen."

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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