Monday, August 16, 2021

Never Alone

It often feels as if we are all alone in this world. There are times when things are going all whacky and nothing we do, nothing we say, nothing we pray seems to make it any better. We seem to be on a spiraling roller coaster with absolutely no end in sight. 

I don't know about you, but, I have had times when it seemed that I was all alone, with no one to help or with no one that even cared. I seemed to truly be going it alone. It didn't seem to be anything I could do, and talking about it to anyone didn't seem to change the circumstances either. What I have learned, though, and what I must remember to hold on to is that I am never alone.

Today's word is just a short sentence from 2 Timothy 4:17a, to remind us that we are never alone: "But the LORD stood with me and strengthened me..."

We are never alone, for GOD is always with us. I like the way that the scripture reminds us that the LORD isn't just sitting idly by, watching what is happening. It reads, "But the LORD stood with me..." The LORD is standing by our side, going through it with us.

The scripture also tells us that the LORD "...strengthened me..." He isn't just standing there; He is standing there giving us what we need to make it through what we are facing. The next time you find yourself like me, thinking you are all alone, remember today's reminder: "The LORD stood with me and strengthened me."

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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