Thursday, June 7, 2018

Don't remain broken

Years ago, when Trish and I first got married, we had NOTHING. We had borrowed a 13" black & white television from her parents, and watched what we could get from an antenna. However, we scrimped and saved and finally amassed enough money that we could buy a color television.

We were at KMart to purchase a 19" or 20" color television, when I had an epiphany: we could purchase a larger color television OR we could purchase a 13" color television and a VCP (Video Cassette Player). Now, the VCP would play movies but would not record but how nice it would be to be able to play movies. So, we decided to buy the smaller color television and the VCP.

We had used that VCP for several years before it started giving us trouble.  But, it eventually got stuck in rewind; you would put a VHS tape in and it would automatically rewind, and nothing else. I decided I was going to fix it (remember, we had NOTHING). So, I took it apart, looked for any burned or broken wires or connections. I cleaned everything. I spent two or three hours really trying to make this thing work, and work better than before. Upon reassembling the VCP, and testing it, it was no longer stuck in rewind - it was stuck in eject. You would put a tape in and it would immediately eject it.

Today's word is Psalm 51:17, NLT, which reads, "The sacrifice You desire is a broken spirit. You will not reject a broken and repentant heart, O GOD."

Unlike my inability to fix a broken VCP, GOD can fix things. However, He can't fix it if we don't admit and acknowledge that it is broken. So many people, as I have been guilty of, will allow pride to stand in the way of restoration and repentance. When we are truly broken, the Master Craftsman can fix us. If you're struggling with something today, won't you admit to GOD it's broken and allow Him to fix it? He will get whatever it is working again. Don't remain broken.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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