Friday, June 8, 2018

Happy Best Friends Day

In honor of National Best Friend Day, I would like to honor my best friend on this earth, my wife, Trish. Yes, JESUS is my absolute best friend, One Who sticks closer than a brother, but He also gave me an earthly best friend, and she was naive enough to marry me.

So, why is Trish my best friend? Because we share a bond, a relationship, that is so special that I can't explain it. The Bible teaches us that when we married, we two became one. So, she is the other half of me, and by far the better half. The reality is that I can hardly exist whole without her. Because of our bond, we can freely share with each other: our fears, our dreams, our hopes, our hurts, our desires, our errors, our thoughts, our opinions. We can share without the fear of ridicule or offense. Why?

Today's word is one I have used before but is two appropriate for today that I had to use it again. Proverbs 27:17, NLT, reads, "As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend."

Trish and I don't always agree, and I am not always right. What makes our relationship so strong is that we are honest with one another. We are not afraid to say, "Hey, that is not right. You know what you should do and how you should do it." More honesty in this world could only help. But, to quote a famous movie line, a lot of folks, "can't handle the truth".

We need people in our lives that love us enough to tell us the truth, who love us enough to be painfully honest when needed. GOD'S word and His Holy Spirit that dwells within me continually and consistently convict me and correct me. GOD also gave me a helpmate that He uses to do the same. Happy Best Friends Day!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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