Thursday, June 21, 2018

Let's walk in the light

Alright, look, here's the deal: I have an ailment that really bothers a lot of people. I am a morning person. I know, people like me are just plain weird. But, I like the mornings. I can get up really early on vacations just to see the sunrise. I don't mind getting up at three in the morning if I have to, but, I don't really want to still be up at three in the morning.

So, why am I such a morning person? I like daylight. I like being able to get some sunshine. I like being able to see what I am doing. I like being able to see life and what is around me. I just like the daytime. Now, I also like the nighttime and sleeping and relaxing, but, my favorite part of the day is the daytime.

Today's word is John 11:10, NIV, which reads, "It is when a person walks at night that they stumble, for they have no light."

In our spiritual lives, we also have day and night. And, we can choose which of those we walk in. If we choose to follow the dark, the forbidden, the sin, we will find ourselves struggling and stumbling. But, if we choose to walk in the day, in the light, we will clearly see the path that is laid before us and find the traveling easier.

Today is National Appreciate the Daylight Day, and I hope that you get a chance to get out and appreciate some. I also pray that you are seeking and searching for the Light, and, if you are a child of GOD, that you are walking in His light. It is in the darkness that we find ourselves stumbling and bumbling. Let's walk in the light.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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