Wednesday, June 20, 2018

The LORD knows how to rescue

I was talking to a friend recently that has been going through quite a bit. As we have mentioned before, you are either in the midst of a storm, coming out of a storm, or headed into a storm; this friend is in the midst of a long storm.

He was saying that he had even asked GOD what he had done to deserve all that was happening to him. I told him, and it is easy to say when you are on the outside looking in, that he had a case of "why me"? He asked what I meant by that. I told him that we all get in the "why mes" from time to time. However, when I find myself with a bad case of "why me", I try to stop and ask, "why not me"? I mean, I'm certainly no better than anyone else, and, truth be known, probably a lot worse than most.

My LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST, did absolutely NOTHING wrong, yet, He died on the cross for MY SINS. What makes me think that I shouldn't have to suffer the trials and testings of this world? We live in a broken and fallen world; it rains on the just and the unjust. We are all going to experience troubles - ALL. BUT, GOD WILL SEE US THROUGH...

Today's word is 2 Peter 2:9a, NLT, which reads, "So you see, the LORD knows how to rescue godly people from their trials..."

We will experience the evils of this world. We will have heartaches and hurts. We will have pain and suffering. We will go through storms. We will have to navigate difficult and tumultuous times. But, we can rest easy though, because we know that GOD has us in His hands and He will see us through. Next time you are in the midst of the "why mes", remember that the LORD knows how to rescue!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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