Monday, June 4, 2018

Stop kicking the can

So, how do you handle problems/challenges? I am one that usually tries to take them head on. I try not to let them fester or grow into something more than they are - problems. When something arises that needs to be handled immediately, I try to handle it immediately. If it is a "life-changing" thing, I will take the time to pray and evaluate but, as soon as GOD gives me a peace about it, I try to move on it and get it behind me.

Others, don't face problems at all. And, no, I didn't state that incorrectly. Yes, they have problems; they just don't face them. They try to bury their heads in the proverbial sand and hope that when they resurface everything will be taken care of. Or, they figure if they ignore it long enough, it will go away or someone else will have it handled. While that may sometimes happen, it is not always the case.

Today's word is a quote from Abraham Lincoln that says, "You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today."

It seems that there are so many people that operate on the principle that if they avoid the problem, it will not be their problem. And, they are often found to be mistaken. If you have a leaky pipe and don't fix it, it will get worse. If you owe money and don't pay it, it will get worse. If you have a lingering hurt between someone else and yourself, it will only grow worse over time if you don't address it. Even our government can continue to try and think that what we are doing has no effect but our future generations will feel it.

We can go through life trying to fix things as they arrive with the resources GOD has given us, including common sense. Or, we can go through life trying to avoid things and hoping someone else is going to fix it. The simplest, not always easiest, thing to do is to address it head on and find a solution before a small problem becomes a major crisis. I guess what I am trying to say is, "Stop kicking the can."

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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