Thursday, June 14, 2018

The way GOD planned

Well, it has been an interesting couple of days. The day before yesterday, Trish had taken our two little ones to swimming lessons and, while they were walking into the pool complex, a nice lady backed into the front-right of Trishia's car. I hate it for the lady but, thankfully, no one was injured and the car can be fixed.

Then, yesterday, Trish and the kids had just left coming to see me for a few minutes and, as they were entering onto a busy highway, were rear ended by another really nice lady. Thankfully, again, no one was injured and the car can be fixed. But, two accidents in two days. We are praying that that run has ended.

Today's word is a quote/saying I came across that reminds me that it'll all work out: "Sometimes you gotta stop worrying, wondering, and doubting. Have faith that things will work out. Maybe not the way you expected, but exactly the way GOD planned."

We have been attending a VBS this week where the theme is JESUS Rescues. If you are lonely, JESUS Rescues. If you are worried, JESUS rescues. If you are struggling, JESUS rescues. JESUS is on our side, making a way for all things to work for our good and His glory. We may not know  exactly what is going on or how it'll all fall into place, but, we can rest assured it is going to be better than we could have ever imagined.

Now, we must do our part; we gotta keep pressing and pushing and trying to accomplish all we can. We have to keep praying and trusting and moving and going. But, when we are doing all we can, we can trust that GOD will take care of the rest. And, while we are going through life's challenges, we can rest comfortably knowing that it's all going to work out - exactly the way GOD planned.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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