Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Just as you are

There are a lot of places that have the policy of come as you are, even churches, which is perfectly fine, we just want people to feel comfortable and accepted. However, and I mean no disrespect by this, of course, but, it would be nice to remember that if we are going to be in a congregation of folks, we should be as pleasant to be around as we can.

The opposite of this is those who think they have to be "good enough" to begin with. Well, let me tell you, none of us are. There is absolutely nothing anyone can do to "earn" salvation. I don't care how much you give, how much you do, how much you know; the only way to salvation is by grace, through faith in JESUS CHRIST. It is nothing we do, but the blood of JESUS that makes us "good enough".

Today's word is 2 Corinthians 3:5, ESV, which reads, "Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from GOD."

There is nothing we can do to make ourselves "good enough". I know we have said it before but it bears repeating: "There is NOTHING you can do to make GOD love you any more. There is also NOTHING you can do to make GOD love you any less." He loves us no matter what. Are there consequences for our actions? Yes. But, HE still LOVES US.

If you are wondering if you are "good enough", you are. If you are fighting doubts and fears about not being perfect, you don't have to be. If you are trying to find a way to merit GOD'S goodness and grace, you can't. All you have to do is come to Him, just as you are.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, July 30, 2018

It's a great question

Do you ever have questions? We have a six-year-old and a five-year-old, and as many of you can attest, they have questions. I seem to be bombarded with questions from the time they get up in the morning until they finally drift off to sleep at night. I am not bemoaning that; I am just saying they have questions.

So, why do they ask so many questions? Because, they want answers. They are young; there is quite a bit that they don't know. Hey, I am old, and there is still quite a bit that I don't know. And, I still ask questions. Why? Because, you will never know if you never ask.

JESUS was great at asking questions. Not because he didn't know. No, He asked questions to get us to think about our own question. He would ask questions to get those asking to really think about what they were asking and, eventually, by answering His much wiser question, we come to the answer of our question. Today's word is one of JESUS'S questions.

Matthew 16:26, NIV, reads, "What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?"

There seem to be so many people in today's society that will do anything, sell anything, lie about anything to promote themselves and gain fifteen minutes of fame. Man, what is fifteen minutes in the face of eternity. What does it matter if you die with 80 bazillion dollars? You aren't taking any of it with you. However, we will take the decision we made about JESUS into eternity. It will profit you nothing to gain everything here and lose everything there. What will you do with JESUS? It's a great question.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, July 27, 2018

They use it

I have begun to wonder what has happened to common sense. It seems that common sense is anything but common. What is common sense, you ask? Well, according to the dictionary, common sense is good sense and sound judgement in practical matters. It simply means "not doing stupid things". However, so few people seem to have a grasp on it these days.

I hear about people that get a good job, a good paying job, and quit because they expect me to "work overtime", or they expect me to be "there every day". And, it is worse than that. The fact that we have to have warning labels on a microwave telling us not to get into a microwave blows my mind. Number one, most are pretty small, it would be hard for me to get in one. Number two, have you noticed that they HEAT THINGS UP? It works on the principle of a wavelength that excites the water molecule. Guess what a majority of the human body is compose of? Duh!

Today's word is just something to remind us that not everyone has common sense: "Common sense is like deodorant. The people who need it most never use it."

Look, you are going to be faced with choices most every day of your life - choose wisely. If you can't determine the way to go, think about others. Have you ever seen anyone use the blow dryer while taking a shower? NO. So, don't use the blow dryer in the shower. Yeah, I know you think it'll save you a little time, but it won't.

Listen folks, life can be really hard sometimes; don't make it harder than it has to be. GOD has given us all the ability to think and rationalize - USE IT. And, if you can't figure out the right way to go, ask someone. Because, trust me, there are still some folks that have some common sense. And, they use it.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Humbly and respectfully listen

According to the National Day Calendar, today is National Aunt and Uncle Day. It is pretty neat to be an uncle. I remember when my first nephew was born that it was a new day. I was more than just a son and brother; I was an uncle.

I've been very blessed in my life with good aunts and uncles. They have shared many pieces of advice throughout the years. Some I have heeded; some I have not. One thing I do know, though, is that they love me, and they dispensed their advice to me to try and help me become a better man. For that, I am forever grateful.

Today's word is 1 Peter 5:5, ESV, which reads, "Likewise, you who are younger, be subject to the elders. Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility towards one another, for 'GOD opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.'''

I have a theory that between the ages of 14 and 25, you know everything. I know; I used to be between 14 and 25. Now, you don't really know everything BUT you certainly think you do. It is during this time, while we are doing really stupid things, that people, uncles and aunts included, try to tell us things to make our lives easier. BUT, we don't always listen because "we know everything". And, it still happens, from time to time, even after 25, just less frequently for most of us.

If you find yourself in a bind, in a bad place, making bad decisions, and someone wants to give you a little advice, be open to hearing it. We should listen to those older because, they have lived it. We need to humble ourselves and listen. Now, the advice may not always be good. We may have to really evaluate it and discern what we need to do. However, we should humbly and respectfully listen.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, July 24, 2018


As I have probably mentioned before, we try to refrain from using the words "always" and "never" around the house. Why? Because, they are dramatically incorrect, seldom do they reflect the truth. Like when someone says, "You always leave your clothes in the floor." So, there hasn't been a single time, ever, that you picked your clothes up? Or, "You never pick your clothes up." Same thing.

There are times, though, when "always" and "never" should apply. I am always going to love the LORD and my family. I am never going to betray them or deny them. Well, I certainly hope those two statements are true. However, whether I like to admit it or not, I am a man, a human, and I fail. I pray GOD will give me the strength and resolve to always do His will.

Today's word is Mark 14:29, NIV, which reads, "Peter declared, 'Even if all fall away, I will not.'''

JESUS had just told His disciples that they would all fall away, they would all deny Him. The "religious" Jews were coming to take Him into custody and eventually crucify Him (all for making a way for me to be saved). And, all the disciples would fear for their own lives and deny having been with JESUS.

It's easy to sit here and say, "Well, I wouldn't have done it." I would like to think that I wouldn't have. But, again, we are all human and we fail, just as the disciples did. What I do know, though, is that I love the LORD and I want to please Him. I want to do my very best to ALWAYS do His will. And, I NEVER want to let Him down.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, July 23, 2018

Don't Compromise

I have had a thought on my mind for several weeks now - compromise. It seems so easy in today's society to compromise on everything. It almost seems as if we are willing to compromise on everything in order to not offend anyone, including ourselves.

I've mentioned before that you can allow the Bible to change you, or you try to manipulate and change the Bible to fit what you are doing. The problem with the latter is that Revelations tells us that we are not to add anything to the Bible, nor remove anything from it. So, if you are manipulating scripture, removing some things and adding others, to fit what you are doing, there will be serious consequences for said actions. So, why do we want to change what the Bible says? Why do we want to compromise? For our on selfishness...

Today's word is Romans 13:14, NIV, which reads, "Rather, clothe yourself with the LORD JESUS CHRIST, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the flesh."

It is when we are trying to gratify, please, indulge, the flesh that we compromise. We know what the Bible says about this sin or that sin but, "it's only a little sin that doesn't hurt any, and I really want to try it". You better be careful if you find yourself in that state of mind; compromise and its consequences are waiting just around the corner. There are serious consequences for compromise, just take King David for example.

Isn't it better to put on the armor of GOD, to clothe ourselves with CHRIST, than to give in to satan and his temptations? Compromising with satan will take you places you never wanted to go. It will take things from you  now and in the future. It can destroy your witness, your family, your health, your life. Don't let selfish, fleshy desires cause you to do things you know you ought not do. Don't compromise!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, July 19, 2018

He will not forget

Well, today is a topic that I would bet we have all experienced and/or suffered from at times - tiredness. It seems that I am tired all the time. I sleep, not well sometimes, and yet I am still tired. And, I don't know about you, but, it seems that the more tired I am, the more that is expected of me. It can be grueling.

Sometimes, even, there will be those times when I am tired and feel as if I just can't go another step, yet, someone needs something right now. I guess the question today is, "Do you ever grow tired and weary?" Do you ever feel unappreciated, undervalued for all that you seem to do for everyone else? Does it seem that you are working your tail off, only to have others overlook all your efforts? Well, let me assure you that it doesn't go unnoticed.

Today's word is Hebrews 6:10, NIV, which reads, "GOD is not unjust; He will not forget your work and the love you have shown Him as you have helped His people and continue to help them."

GOD knows everything we do. He notices our efforts. He sees our outputs. He is with us every second of every day. We may think that those we are trying to help don't appreciate all that we do, and they may not. However, GOD sees your good work; He is aware of all you are doing. Why? Because, it isn't for those that we work for; we do all things for GOD.

If you are feeling tired today. If you are feeling undervalued and overlooked today. If you are feeling unappreciated and over burdened, just remember that it is not unnoticed. GOD sees your effort. GOD sees your struggles. GOD sees your trying. He will not forget.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Great Contributions

So, we have two children, Blake and Olivia. To be a parent is a blessing that only parents will ever understand. To be a parent at this stage in our lives, for Trish and me, may only be understood by Abraham and Sarah. As you are all well aware, though, while parenting is an absolute blessing, it is hard sometimes. It is tiring sometimes. It is trying sometimes. But, it is worth it all.

We have taken the approach that we are not raising children; we are raising adults. One day, sooner than we probably realize, Blake and Olivia will have to be adults. No, we allow them to be children; I wouldn't steal that from them for anything. But, what I am saying is, it is not lost on me that one day they HAVE TO BE ADULTS. We are trying to raise them to, one day, go out into the world and become productive parts of society.

Today's word is a quote by Andy Stanley that reminds me of the importance of child rearing: "Your greatest contribution to the kingdom of GOD may not be something you do, but someone you raise."

We try our very best to teach our children to be loving and kind to themselves and others. We try to teach them that, sometimes, life just kicks you when you are down. But, there are countless other times when everything seems to be going wrong that GOD will send someone to you that will say or do something that will encourage you and help you through. WE are called to be those people. WE are called to teach our children to be those people.

Today really is just rambling. I am just humbled by the blessing of parenting. I KNOW that I could do it better. I KNOW that I should do it better. I PRAY that I will allow GOD to help me and lead and guide me to do it better. Our prayer is that GOD will help us to raise responsible, caring, and productive adults that will make great contributions!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, July 16, 2018

See the Walls fall

Joshua, chapter 6, tells us the story of the collapse of the walls of Jericho. The Israelites had been told by GOD that the city of Jericho would be defeated by them but it looked to be an impossible task. The city of Jericho was surrounded by a wall, believed to be twenty feet tall and eight feet thick. It would be tough for most modern day equipment to breach such a fortress.

GOD'S plan was for them to march around it - quietly - once each day for six straight days. Then, on the seventh day, they were to march around it seven times. And, on the seventh time around, the priests would blow the rams horns and the children of Israel were to SHOUT. Once this happened, once the children of Israel proved faithful, GOD would bring the walls down.

Today's word is Joshua 6:16, ESV, which reads, "And at the seventh time, when the priests had blown the trumpets, Joshua said to the people, 'Shout, for the LORD has given you the city.'"

Sometimes, we find ourselves shouting at the obstacles in our life and absolutely nothing happens. We can get angry and frustrated and fed up but the more we yell and scream the worse it seems to get. Why? Because there is a difference between holy shouting and frustrated shouting. I know.

We get fed up and frustrated with the obstacles because they are in our way, impeding progress, causing us discomfort. However, GOD is using these obstacles to grow us, to get us to realize our dependence on Him, to get us to where we need to be. We can grow frustrated and scream and holler, and get more frustrated. OR, we can seek GOD'S will, do as He directs, and, when the appropriate time comes, let out a holy shout and see the walls fall.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, July 13, 2018

Entering or exiting

There is an old saying/sign that I remember from a while back that truly resonates with me. It read, "Everyone who walks through this door brings happiness - some by entering, others by leaving." There is A LOT of truth in that statement.

We will have people in our lives that bring us happiness every time we see them, and we don't get to see them often enough. There are also those that want to bring us down and beat us down every time we see them, and we seem to see them quite often. I guess what I really need to do is to concentrate on seeing the ones that build me up more often.

Today's word is 2 Corinthians 7:6, NLT, reads, "But GOD, Who encourages those who are discouraged, encourages us by the arrival of Titus."

I can look back and remember so many times that GOD has sent someone to build me up and encourage me at just the right moment, just the right time. I bet that you can say the same in your life. If we will only take the time to look around, I am sure we will see this going on more often than not.

So, are people glad to see you come in? Or, are they more glad to see you walk out? While we certainly cannot control how others think of us, we can certainly control what we think about others and how we treat them. Go encourage someone today, whether it be by entering or exiting.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Ever had one of those days

The question, "Have you ever had one of those days," can carry with it a negative connotation. Often, we will ask that question when we have had "one of those days', when it seemed that it couldn't get worse only to see that we were mistaken. However, it can also be good.

The children of Israel were fighting the Amorites in Joshua, chapter 10. They were avenging themselves for mistreatment they had suffered. Yet, when they had the Amorites on the ropes, the day was about to end. It would be hard for the battle to continue during the night. The Amorites might regroup and have a better battle plan, if given a night to think about it. So, Joshua prayed, and GOD listened.

Verse 13b of Joshua 10, NIV, reads, "...The sun stopped in the middle of the sky and delayed going down about a full day." Joshua had prayed for more daylight, and GOD made time stop. It wasn't like the northern lights; no, time stood still and it stayed daylight, allowing the children of Israel to accomplish their task.

Today's word, though, is Joshua 10:14, KJV, which reads, "And there was no day like that before it or after it, that the LORD hearkened unto the voice of a man: for the LORD fought for Israel."

There had never been a day like this before when time stood still; there has never been a day like that since. More important, is that the LORD listened to Joshua's prayer and answered it in such a powerful and magnificent way. I would like to think that Joshua and the children of Israel were bolstered by the way GOD responded to Joshua's prayer. I bet they even asked, "Have you ever had one of those days?"

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

You don't want to step on a bee

According to checkiday.com, today is "Don't step on a bee day", which I think is absolutely great advice. Years ago, when I was a wee child, I stepped on a bee while I was barefoot. Now, I guess, in its defense, the bee decided to give me a sting prior to my young foot squishing it. It is a memory I will not forget.

Because of that little incidence, you will be hard pressed to see me walking barefoot. Oh, I take my shoes off when I sit on the couch, etc., but you won't see me walk very often without being shod, even in my house. If I am sitting with my feet resting atop my crocs, the second I stand up to go somewhere, in the house, I put my shoes on. That bee sting from years ago really taught me to watch my step.

Today's word is Proverbs 4:26, NLT, which reads, "Mark out a straight path for your feet; stay on the safe path."

Now, this verse isn't telling us not to live boldly in CHRIST JESUS. No, it is reminding us that we need to consciously make good decisions and to watch our step. There are things that look like a lot of fun BUT, if we take that path, it could destroy us. Many lives have been destroyed, many witnesses have been destroyed because someone didn't stay on the right path.

If you find yourself walking the wrong path, walking a path that is leading to all the wrong things, you can certainly turn around and go back to the safety of the path JESUS has prepared for you. It is easy to get distracted by all the things that are happening just off the path; we've all found ourselves straying from time to time. But, if we will mark out paths that are straight and stay with JESUS, we will find the safety and security that this world can, and will, never provide. And, while you're walking, wear your shoes - you don't want to step on a bee.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, July 9, 2018


Our small group study this week came from Joshua chapter 2, which is the story of the two Israelite spies and Rahab the harlot. The first question some may ask is, "Why did two Israelite spies, men of GOD, go to a prostitute's house?" Good question. I think it was probably because no one would think a whole lot about two strangers going to a prostitute's house (i.e., it wasn't unusual for people to go there; it wouldn't cause anyone any alarm.)

Of course, Rahab's house also sat on the town's outer wall, which made escape easier, should it become necessary, which it did. But, I think the main reason these two Israelite men entered Rahab's house was because GOD had ordained it; it was a divine appointment. I bet for weeks, maybe months, leading up to this event, GOD had been dealing with Rahab and she was seeking answers about Him. GOD sent two messengers to tell her more about the LORD. Look what Rahab said in today's word...

Today's word is Joshua 2:11b, NIV, which reads, "...for the LORD your GOD is GOD in heaven above and on the earth below."

Rahab had reached a defining moment in her life; what would she do with GOD? Would she continue living the life of sin that she was in OR would she choose to follow GOD and to turn to a life lived for Him. She had heard of His greatness, of the miracles He had performed in leading the Israelites from bondage. She had heard of His power and His awesomeness, now, she would hear it from His servants/messengers. GOD had ordained this meeting so that He could deliver the message of salvation to one more.

There is a lot to learn from the story of Rahab the harlot. One is that no one is beyond the reach of GOD. If you truly want to be saved, GOD is still in the saving business. Another is that if you will give your life to GOD, He will do remarkably, amazing things; Rahab became part of the lineage of King David and, thus, JESUS'S earthly lineage. It all comes down to what do you believe? Do you know in your head "about" GOD? Or, do you really know GOD in your heart? Because, you see, my LORD is GOD.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, July 6, 2018

Wrong is wrong, and right is right

So, I was talking with a group of friends not too long ago about this idea of situational ethics. You know, that every situation has a right set of actions, and those actions aren't the same for all situations. In other words, there are not absolute rights and wrongs.

I bring this up because I was talking to a young man one day and this was his stance. He didn't believe in GOD because GOD had all these "rules", and he didn't feel there were any absolutes. Of course, I tried to explain to him that the Bible tells us that GOD is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Whatever was wrong/sinful 4,000 years ago is still wrong/sinful today. I was making little head way.

Today's word is an anonymous quote I came across that sums up my beliefs: "WRONG is WRONG, even if EVERYONE is doing it. RIGHT is RIGHT, even if NO ONE is doing it."

I am a black and white guy. If the Bible says, "Do this," then, do it. If the Bible says, "Don't do this," then, don't do it. It really is that simple for me. We have to have "rules" and guidelines or everyone will be doing "whatever is right in his/her own eye" and what they may consider as "right" is still very wrong. Because, you see, there are some absolute absolutes.

So, my conversation with this young man went sorta like this..."So," I asked, "You don't believe there are any absolutes?" He replied, "There are no absolutes." "So," I continued, "You are saying that there are absolutely no absolutes?" "That is what I am saying," he said. "Well," I continued, "If you absolutely believe that there are absolutely NO absolutes, isn't that an absolute? And, doesn't that defeat your own argument?" You see, wrong is wrong, and right is right.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Make sure that we stay that way

We celebrated our countries 242nd birthday yesterday, July 4th. The country is different than the ones our forefathers set out to establish in 1776. I would dare say that, if they were here today and could see some of what is going on in our society, they would be appalled. And, no, I am not getting political here; I am talking about what we have done to ourselves.

We have so many, today, that try to force things upon us. We, as a state, can vote against something by an overwhelming majority, only to have nine people tell us what we are going to do. While this is probably an unpopular opinion with some folks, the fact is that that is wrong. We are supposed to be a democracy, which allows the majority to rule. Yet, society today allows the boisterous, loud, unrelenting minority to dictate everything. We will even pass laws catering to the few and force the majority to have to comply or be in contempt of the "law". It ought not to be. It is not what our forefathers envisioned.

Today's word is from Galatians 5:1, NLT, which reads, "So CHRIST has truly set us free. Now make sure that you stay free, and don't get tied up again in slavery to the law."

The Galatians were wavering between being saved by faith through grace and having to "earn" salvation by following the law (the Levitical Law, including the Ten Commandments). They were trying to figure out how they could mess up from time to time and not have to make sacrifices to be right with GOD. Paul is reminding them that JESUS is our sacrifice. We no longer have to make actual sacrifices for atonement; JESUS'S blood does that once and for all. Yes, we should try our very best to meet all the Levitical Law but, when we fail, no that we can ask GOD to forgive us, and He will.

We live in the greatest country ever established. Does it have its problems? Yes. Does it need to get back to GOD and godly principles? Absolutely. Does it need to have some common sense and quite allowing nine people to determine what is right and wrong? Yes. However, the blessings we enjoy and partake in because of this great country can never be explained. We are truly free. We need to make sure that we stay that way.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

We will always be full

So, it's been a little since the last post. We took a vacation, which was much enjoyed. We took our first commercial cruise, which, for a lack of a better explanation, was pretty much what I expected. We ate any time we wanted, made two stops, and spent ample amounts of time at the pool and water slides.

Something I noticed on the cruise, and I notice at a lot of "festive" places, everyone seemed reasonably happy. They were relaxed and enjoying their trip. They were not concerned about eating or when to eat. They had no schedules, they had no deadlines pressing, they were not consumed with all the happenings of everyday life. But, a lot of that had disappeared by the time we started debarkation procedures.

Today's word is John 15:11, NLT, which reads, "I have told you these things so that you will be filled with My joy. Yes, your joy will overflow!"

I have mentioned to folks before that happiness is fleeting, it comes and goes. But, true joy comes and stays. And, there is only One source of true joy - GOD. Vacations are fun but towards the end, reality starts to set in that it is time to get back to normality.

The absolute truth is that we can spend all of our resources and strength and time trying to find things that make us joyful but we will always end up disappointed. However, if we look to GOD for our joy, we will always be full!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T