Friday, July 6, 2018

Wrong is wrong, and right is right

So, I was talking with a group of friends not too long ago about this idea of situational ethics. You know, that every situation has a right set of actions, and those actions aren't the same for all situations. In other words, there are not absolute rights and wrongs.

I bring this up because I was talking to a young man one day and this was his stance. He didn't believe in GOD because GOD had all these "rules", and he didn't feel there were any absolutes. Of course, I tried to explain to him that the Bible tells us that GOD is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Whatever was wrong/sinful 4,000 years ago is still wrong/sinful today. I was making little head way.

Today's word is an anonymous quote I came across that sums up my beliefs: "WRONG is WRONG, even if EVERYONE is doing it. RIGHT is RIGHT, even if NO ONE is doing it."

I am a black and white guy. If the Bible says, "Do this," then, do it. If the Bible says, "Don't do this," then, don't do it. It really is that simple for me. We have to have "rules" and guidelines or everyone will be doing "whatever is right in his/her own eye" and what they may consider as "right" is still very wrong. Because, you see, there are some absolute absolutes.

So, my conversation with this young man went sorta like this..."So," I asked, "You don't believe there are any absolutes?" He replied, "There are no absolutes." "So," I continued, "You are saying that there are absolutely no absolutes?" "That is what I am saying," he said. "Well," I continued, "If you absolutely believe that there are absolutely NO absolutes, isn't that an absolute? And, doesn't that defeat your own argument?" You see, wrong is wrong, and right is right.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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