Thursday, July 5, 2018

Make sure that we stay that way

We celebrated our countries 242nd birthday yesterday, July 4th. The country is different than the ones our forefathers set out to establish in 1776. I would dare say that, if they were here today and could see some of what is going on in our society, they would be appalled. And, no, I am not getting political here; I am talking about what we have done to ourselves.

We have so many, today, that try to force things upon us. We, as a state, can vote against something by an overwhelming majority, only to have nine people tell us what we are going to do. While this is probably an unpopular opinion with some folks, the fact is that that is wrong. We are supposed to be a democracy, which allows the majority to rule. Yet, society today allows the boisterous, loud, unrelenting minority to dictate everything. We will even pass laws catering to the few and force the majority to have to comply or be in contempt of the "law". It ought not to be. It is not what our forefathers envisioned.

Today's word is from Galatians 5:1, NLT, which reads, "So CHRIST has truly set us free. Now make sure that you stay free, and don't get tied up again in slavery to the law."

The Galatians were wavering between being saved by faith through grace and having to "earn" salvation by following the law (the Levitical Law, including the Ten Commandments). They were trying to figure out how they could mess up from time to time and not have to make sacrifices to be right with GOD. Paul is reminding them that JESUS is our sacrifice. We no longer have to make actual sacrifices for atonement; JESUS'S blood does that once and for all. Yes, we should try our very best to meet all the Levitical Law but, when we fail, no that we can ask GOD to forgive us, and He will.

We live in the greatest country ever established. Does it have its problems? Yes. Does it need to get back to GOD and godly principles? Absolutely. Does it need to have some common sense and quite allowing nine people to determine what is right and wrong? Yes. However, the blessings we enjoy and partake in because of this great country can never be explained. We are truly free. We need to make sure that we stay that way.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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