Monday, July 9, 2018


Our small group study this week came from Joshua chapter 2, which is the story of the two Israelite spies and Rahab the harlot. The first question some may ask is, "Why did two Israelite spies, men of GOD, go to a prostitute's house?" Good question. I think it was probably because no one would think a whole lot about two strangers going to a prostitute's house (i.e., it wasn't unusual for people to go there; it wouldn't cause anyone any alarm.)

Of course, Rahab's house also sat on the town's outer wall, which made escape easier, should it become necessary, which it did. But, I think the main reason these two Israelite men entered Rahab's house was because GOD had ordained it; it was a divine appointment. I bet for weeks, maybe months, leading up to this event, GOD had been dealing with Rahab and she was seeking answers about Him. GOD sent two messengers to tell her more about the LORD. Look what Rahab said in today's word...

Today's word is Joshua 2:11b, NIV, which reads, "...for the LORD your GOD is GOD in heaven above and on the earth below."

Rahab had reached a defining moment in her life; what would she do with GOD? Would she continue living the life of sin that she was in OR would she choose to follow GOD and to turn to a life lived for Him. She had heard of His greatness, of the miracles He had performed in leading the Israelites from bondage. She had heard of His power and His awesomeness, now, she would hear it from His servants/messengers. GOD had ordained this meeting so that He could deliver the message of salvation to one more.

There is a lot to learn from the story of Rahab the harlot. One is that no one is beyond the reach of GOD. If you truly want to be saved, GOD is still in the saving business. Another is that if you will give your life to GOD, He will do remarkably, amazing things; Rahab became part of the lineage of King David and, thus, JESUS'S earthly lineage. It all comes down to what do you believe? Do you know in your head "about" GOD? Or, do you really know GOD in your heart? Because, you see, my LORD is GOD.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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