Tuesday, July 10, 2018

You don't want to step on a bee

According to checkiday.com, today is "Don't step on a bee day", which I think is absolutely great advice. Years ago, when I was a wee child, I stepped on a bee while I was barefoot. Now, I guess, in its defense, the bee decided to give me a sting prior to my young foot squishing it. It is a memory I will not forget.

Because of that little incidence, you will be hard pressed to see me walking barefoot. Oh, I take my shoes off when I sit on the couch, etc., but you won't see me walk very often without being shod, even in my house. If I am sitting with my feet resting atop my crocs, the second I stand up to go somewhere, in the house, I put my shoes on. That bee sting from years ago really taught me to watch my step.

Today's word is Proverbs 4:26, NLT, which reads, "Mark out a straight path for your feet; stay on the safe path."

Now, this verse isn't telling us not to live boldly in CHRIST JESUS. No, it is reminding us that we need to consciously make good decisions and to watch our step. There are things that look like a lot of fun BUT, if we take that path, it could destroy us. Many lives have been destroyed, many witnesses have been destroyed because someone didn't stay on the right path.

If you find yourself walking the wrong path, walking a path that is leading to all the wrong things, you can certainly turn around and go back to the safety of the path JESUS has prepared for you. It is easy to get distracted by all the things that are happening just off the path; we've all found ourselves straying from time to time. But, if we will mark out paths that are straight and stay with JESUS, we will find the safety and security that this world can, and will, never provide. And, while you're walking, wear your shoes - you don't want to step on a bee.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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