Friday, July 27, 2018

They use it

I have begun to wonder what has happened to common sense. It seems that common sense is anything but common. What is common sense, you ask? Well, according to the dictionary, common sense is good sense and sound judgement in practical matters. It simply means "not doing stupid things". However, so few people seem to have a grasp on it these days.

I hear about people that get a good job, a good paying job, and quit because they expect me to "work overtime", or they expect me to be "there every day". And, it is worse than that. The fact that we have to have warning labels on a microwave telling us not to get into a microwave blows my mind. Number one, most are pretty small, it would be hard for me to get in one. Number two, have you noticed that they HEAT THINGS UP? It works on the principle of a wavelength that excites the water molecule. Guess what a majority of the human body is compose of? Duh!

Today's word is just something to remind us that not everyone has common sense: "Common sense is like deodorant. The people who need it most never use it."

Look, you are going to be faced with choices most every day of your life - choose wisely. If you can't determine the way to go, think about others. Have you ever seen anyone use the blow dryer while taking a shower? NO. So, don't use the blow dryer in the shower. Yeah, I know you think it'll save you a little time, but it won't.

Listen folks, life can be really hard sometimes; don't make it harder than it has to be. GOD has given us all the ability to think and rationalize - USE IT. And, if you can't figure out the right way to go, ask someone. Because, trust me, there are still some folks that have some common sense. And, they use it.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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