Friday, July 13, 2018

Entering or exiting

There is an old saying/sign that I remember from a while back that truly resonates with me. It read, "Everyone who walks through this door brings happiness - some by entering, others by leaving." There is A LOT of truth in that statement.

We will have people in our lives that bring us happiness every time we see them, and we don't get to see them often enough. There are also those that want to bring us down and beat us down every time we see them, and we seem to see them quite often. I guess what I really need to do is to concentrate on seeing the ones that build me up more often.

Today's word is 2 Corinthians 7:6, NLT, reads, "But GOD, Who encourages those who are discouraged, encourages us by the arrival of Titus."

I can look back and remember so many times that GOD has sent someone to build me up and encourage me at just the right moment, just the right time. I bet that you can say the same in your life. If we will only take the time to look around, I am sure we will see this going on more often than not.

So, are people glad to see you come in? Or, are they more glad to see you walk out? While we certainly cannot control how others think of us, we can certainly control what we think about others and how we treat them. Go encourage someone today, whether it be by entering or exiting.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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