Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Great Contributions

So, we have two children, Blake and Olivia. To be a parent is a blessing that only parents will ever understand. To be a parent at this stage in our lives, for Trish and me, may only be understood by Abraham and Sarah. As you are all well aware, though, while parenting is an absolute blessing, it is hard sometimes. It is tiring sometimes. It is trying sometimes. But, it is worth it all.

We have taken the approach that we are not raising children; we are raising adults. One day, sooner than we probably realize, Blake and Olivia will have to be adults. No, we allow them to be children; I wouldn't steal that from them for anything. But, what I am saying is, it is not lost on me that one day they HAVE TO BE ADULTS. We are trying to raise them to, one day, go out into the world and become productive parts of society.

Today's word is a quote by Andy Stanley that reminds me of the importance of child rearing: "Your greatest contribution to the kingdom of GOD may not be something you do, but someone you raise."

We try our very best to teach our children to be loving and kind to themselves and others. We try to teach them that, sometimes, life just kicks you when you are down. But, there are countless other times when everything seems to be going wrong that GOD will send someone to you that will say or do something that will encourage you and help you through. WE are called to be those people. WE are called to teach our children to be those people.

Today really is just rambling. I am just humbled by the blessing of parenting. I KNOW that I could do it better. I KNOW that I should do it better. I PRAY that I will allow GOD to help me and lead and guide me to do it better. Our prayer is that GOD will help us to raise responsible, caring, and productive adults that will make great contributions!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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