Tuesday, July 3, 2018

We will always be full

So, it's been a little since the last post. We took a vacation, which was much enjoyed. We took our first commercial cruise, which, for a lack of a better explanation, was pretty much what I expected. We ate any time we wanted, made two stops, and spent ample amounts of time at the pool and water slides.

Something I noticed on the cruise, and I notice at a lot of "festive" places, everyone seemed reasonably happy. They were relaxed and enjoying their trip. They were not concerned about eating or when to eat. They had no schedules, they had no deadlines pressing, they were not consumed with all the happenings of everyday life. But, a lot of that had disappeared by the time we started debarkation procedures.

Today's word is John 15:11, NLT, which reads, "I have told you these things so that you will be filled with My joy. Yes, your joy will overflow!"

I have mentioned to folks before that happiness is fleeting, it comes and goes. But, true joy comes and stays. And, there is only One source of true joy - GOD. Vacations are fun but towards the end, reality starts to set in that it is time to get back to normality.

The absolute truth is that we can spend all of our resources and strength and time trying to find things that make us joyful but we will always end up disappointed. However, if we look to GOD for our joy, we will always be full!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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