Monday, July 23, 2018

Don't Compromise

I have had a thought on my mind for several weeks now - compromise. It seems so easy in today's society to compromise on everything. It almost seems as if we are willing to compromise on everything in order to not offend anyone, including ourselves.

I've mentioned before that you can allow the Bible to change you, or you try to manipulate and change the Bible to fit what you are doing. The problem with the latter is that Revelations tells us that we are not to add anything to the Bible, nor remove anything from it. So, if you are manipulating scripture, removing some things and adding others, to fit what you are doing, there will be serious consequences for said actions. So, why do we want to change what the Bible says? Why do we want to compromise? For our on selfishness...

Today's word is Romans 13:14, NIV, which reads, "Rather, clothe yourself with the LORD JESUS CHRIST, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the flesh."

It is when we are trying to gratify, please, indulge, the flesh that we compromise. We know what the Bible says about this sin or that sin but, "it's only a little sin that doesn't hurt any, and I really want to try it". You better be careful if you find yourself in that state of mind; compromise and its consequences are waiting just around the corner. There are serious consequences for compromise, just take King David for example.

Isn't it better to put on the armor of GOD, to clothe ourselves with CHRIST, than to give in to satan and his temptations? Compromising with satan will take you places you never wanted to go. It will take things from you  now and in the future. It can destroy your witness, your family, your health, your life. Don't let selfish, fleshy desires cause you to do things you know you ought not do. Don't compromise!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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