Monday, July 30, 2018

It's a great question

Do you ever have questions? We have a six-year-old and a five-year-old, and as many of you can attest, they have questions. I seem to be bombarded with questions from the time they get up in the morning until they finally drift off to sleep at night. I am not bemoaning that; I am just saying they have questions.

So, why do they ask so many questions? Because, they want answers. They are young; there is quite a bit that they don't know. Hey, I am old, and there is still quite a bit that I don't know. And, I still ask questions. Why? Because, you will never know if you never ask.

JESUS was great at asking questions. Not because he didn't know. No, He asked questions to get us to think about our own question. He would ask questions to get those asking to really think about what they were asking and, eventually, by answering His much wiser question, we come to the answer of our question. Today's word is one of JESUS'S questions.

Matthew 16:26, NIV, reads, "What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?"

There seem to be so many people in today's society that will do anything, sell anything, lie about anything to promote themselves and gain fifteen minutes of fame. Man, what is fifteen minutes in the face of eternity. What does it matter if you die with 80 bazillion dollars? You aren't taking any of it with you. However, we will take the decision we made about JESUS into eternity. It will profit you nothing to gain everything here and lose everything there. What will you do with JESUS? It's a great question.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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