Thursday, February 28, 2013

Fighting a losing battle

Any of you ever fight a losing battle; it could be as simple as a sports competition to something as serious as an addiction. On the lesser side, I have played on some teams that really took some beatings. One team in particular opened the season with loses of 41 - 0 and 31 - 2. We were on the field but boy were we fighting a losing battle.

On the more serious side, I have friends that have battled things most of their lives and have found themselves continually defeated. Maybe you are fighting something today that just seems impossible. Maybe you have been fighting for years and years and still end up defeated time and time again. Maybe when we find ourselves coming up short, we should evaluate Who is in charge...

Today's word comes from 2 Chronicles 20:15, NIV, which reads, "This is what the LORD says to you, 'Do not be afraid or discouraged because...the battle is not yours, but GOD'S."

We are all going to have those battles that seem to defeat us. We are all going to have those battles that seem continual. We are all going to have those battles that seem ever losing. We can all rest assured, however, that we will not be eternally defeated if we will allow GOD to fight the battle. It is when we decide to lead the charge that we so often find ourselves defeated.

Don't quit fighting, the battle is GOD'S! And, with GOD fighting our fight, we can NEVER lose!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Good Life

For those of you who do not know, I write songs. Well, maybe not what others would call songs but they are songs to me. I have written quite a few, probably over 150. I am not sure that anyone would find any enjoyment from them besides me but I am grateful that GOD has given them to me.

One song in particular is called The Good Life. It is basically about my everyday life being the good life. We don't do anything dramatic or heroic or overtly impressive but we live a really good life. You know why? I love when you ask. Because, life isn't about what you have or what you do or where you go; life is about WHOSE you are.

If you are a child of GOD, you are living the good life. One of my sayings is, "All this and Heaven, too!" Wow! We, Christians, really do live a good life. However, I want to live better. I want to be more diligent to pursue the things of GOD and to do His will.

Today's word comes from Micah 6:8, NKJV, which reads, "He has shown you, O man, what is good; And, what does the LORD require of you But to do justly, To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your GOD?'

You want to live the good life? You want to live an even better life? It all starts with living for JESUS. Then, if you will do justly - treat everybody with love and truth; do what is right in GOD'S eyes in every situation; if you will love mercy - you don't have to try to get even; vengeance is mine saith the LORD; and walk humbly - as I said I don't have much but everything I have is from above. GOD is so good!

Hey, why don't you join me in living the good life. Maybe this life isn't all that you thought it would be but it can be more than it is. Plus, all this and Heaven, too!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Where do we start

Have you ever tried to start a project in the middle? I mean, have you ever tried to start doing something without starting at the beginning? I have had the misfortune of trying to put things back together that someone else has taken apart. Others have had that misfortune from me as well. It is difficult to start in the middle.

We often allow what is happening now to determine how we think things are going to turn out. However, what is going on right now is not the end of things, only the beginning.

Today's word is a quote from Nido Qubein, which says, "Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start."

Let's look at it this way, the first time you tried to walk, it probably wasn't successful. I would venture to say that you are walking better today. I would bet that the first time you tried to feed yourself you probably got more on your face and clothes than in your mouth. However, I bet you are feeding yourself quite well now.

What we see today is not necessarily what we will see tomorrow. It can be but it doesn't have to be. We can allow our present circumstances to overwhelm us and cause us to think that this is what it is going to be. Or, we can allow our present circumstances to be the starting point for a better future. Let's start today seeing what GOD wants us to be tomorrow!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, February 25, 2013

Who's in charge

We are so often led by our human desires, which can just as often lead us wrong. Nothing gets me in trouble aa quickly as my personal desires.

I would like to do better at not listening to me but I can be quite persuasive. I have gotten myself in more trouble than I care to admit by not listening to GOD.

Today's word comes from Romans 8:6, NIV, which reads, "The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace."

If we allow our flesh to be in control, we find ourselves in one pickle after another. If we will allow GOD'S Spirit to guide us, we will find life much more peaceful.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Man, I am tired

Have you ever had those times in your life when you felt as if you couldn't put one foot in front of the other? You just could not go one more inch? You just could not take one more thing? I think we have all been there. The reasons may have been different but the fatigue is all the same.

There are several kinds of fatigue. You can be physically fatigued, where you are completely physically exhausted. You can be mentally fatigued, where you have fretted so much that you are completely physically exhausted. Or, you can be emotionally fatigued, where you have tried and tried and things are still not what they should be emotionally, and you are completely physically exhausted. Yes, they all tend to wear us down physically.

I wish I had a magic bullet that could eliminate all the challenges that causes fatigue. But, is that really what we need. Without challenges, we never grow and mature and strengthen. Without the things that try us, we would never become the person GOD intends us to be.

Today's word is a quote from Walter Elliot, which says, "Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after the other."

I often tire myself out when I start thinking about ALL the things I need to do; just making the mental list is enough to fatigue me. What I need to concentrate on is the next thing that needs to be done. When that is accomplished, I can think of the next thing. And so on and so on...

Look, there's no reason to make things what they aren't. Sometimes, life can wear us down and tire us out. But, if we will run each short race and not try to set out on a marathon each day, we may find the perseverance we stand in need of.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Playing sports has always been a favorite pastime for me. I played every sport equally bad but I played them all. Well, not all, but a lot. I did, however, play them all equally bad.

If your sporting ability is anything like mine, you may have had those days when you were chosen, or rather, given to the other team, last. It is no fun to be chosen last. Everyone else has been chosen and it is just you and the complete and total klutz left. Somehow, the other team captain chooses the klutz over you and you are chosen last again. It really is no fun.

You can let things like that do one of two can either let it drive you into low self-esteem and a pity party or you can let it drive you into a desire to become better. I strove to become better, not that I ever got better but I strove.

Today's word comes from Deuteronomy 7:6, NIV, which reads, "You are a people holy to the LORD...The LORD has chosen be His people, His treasured possession."

You will never been chosen last with the LORD; He has chosen you to be part of His family, His treasured possession. Okay, so you will never be the greatest athlete, or the greatest math wiz, or the greatest speller, or the greatest whatever. You are however, GOD'S treasured possession. He chose you FIRST! That is the greatest of the great.

Yes, I played a lot of sports. I actually won a few trophies and ribbons and such. But, none of that compares to the fact that I have been chosen by GOD to be His son! CHOSEN!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Where do you abide

I don't know about you but it seems to me that there are a lot of people out there that are after us for one thing; that thing can be different for each of them, and us, but they are after one thing. What these individuals are after is something that will benefit them. There are tons of folks like that but not all people are like that.

However, I have found that I, too, can certainly look out for number one (me). There is no doubt that I have befriended someone at some time hoping to benefit from it. I am not proud of that fact but I will not lie about it. I will say, though, that it usually didn't work. I truly want nothing that isn't mine, that GOD doesn't have for me.

Today's scripture speaks of comes from John 15:7, NKJV, which reads, "If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you."

If we will strive to live for GOD and follow His commands, He will give us what we desire. We will find, if we do that, that we don't desire what we think we do. We will find that what we truly desire is whatever GOD wants. All I want is what He wants.

Hey, there are users out there; don't be one. There are those who are going to go into every relationship only looking to see how they might benefit; don't do that. Let's strive to trust GOD, and to lean on Him, and to seek His will. If we will do that, we will find that He truly does give us the desires of our hearts. So, where do you abide? I want to abide in GOD. I want His words to abide in me.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, February 18, 2013

What changed

For President's Day, I thought I would start with a quote from a former president. As a matter of fact, I thought, why not start with a quote from the very first president? So, we begin today's post with the word for the day, which is a quote from George Washington: "It is impossible to rightly govern a nation without GOD and the Bible."

I have to add, "Our first president had it right." Where have we gone wrong? Where did we get off track? What has changed? The answer is the same for all three questions - we have lost our fear of GOD and our sense of morality.

The United States of America is the greatest country in the world! Bar None! We enjoy liberties and freedoms that others only dream of. We can truly do anything we want to do. However, we have lost our sense of morality and believe that not only can we do anything we want to do, but, there is absolutely NOTHING off limits. Yes, things have changed.

If you can't govern a nation without GOD and the Bible, surely we understand that we cannot govern our own bodies and minds without GOD and the Bible. If you want to know what is right and wrong, read the Book. Don't let others' depraved sense of values tell you that everything is alright as long as you're not hurting anyone else. We must allow GOD to govern us; we get His values from the Bible.

What changed? We did. America will NEVER be the great nation it is intended to be without our getting back to what this country was founded own -  GOD and the Bible.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, February 15, 2013

Is it worth it?

I have a simple way to determine how to purchase "big ticket" items. I have probably shared it before but I am going to share it with you again today...

If a "big" purchase is being evaluated, I usually think about it in this manner - I envision the item in question sitting beside the purchase price in dollars sitting side by side on the table. For example, let's say it is a flat screen television that costs $500. I envision the flat screen television sitting on the table next to $500 in cash. Then, I ask myself, "Would you rather have the television or the cash?" If I decide the television is more valuable than the cash, we purchase the television. If I feel the cash is more valuable, we don't buy the television.

Today's word is a quote by Jim Rohn on value, which says, "The major value in life is not what you get. The major value in life is what you become."

With enough money, you can get most anything. However, when your time on earth is over, you'll leave all the stuff behind. On the other hand, the person you become, the testimony you leave, the joys given to others are the valuable things.

There are lots of folks out there who believe that they are someone special just because they have a lot of monetary value. All their possessions, however, will not save them from the same end that we will all share. When they depart this life, all their stuff will go to someone else. I pray that all they are known for is not just the stuff they possessed while they were here.

Yes, there are some things in this world that cost a lot of money. But, nothing is more important than a good name and a good reputation. The value of your life is not in what you possess but in Who possesses you!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Let me count the ways

I am truly, truly blessed. I am sure that anyone who knows me can certainly vouch for that. I have so many blessings in my life that if I tried to number them it would take multiple lifetimes. I won't try to list them all but I want to talk about my wife on this Valentine's Day.

Trish is my Thang! As I have mentioned before, some folks take that as a derogatory statement but it is anything but. The book of Proverbs states that, "He who findeth a wife, findeth a good thing." So, Trish isn't just my Thang; she is my GOOD Thang! The second part of that verse is, "...and findeth favor with the LORD." GOD has certainly favored me with Trish.

So, what's so special about Trish? I am glad you asked. She is the perfect match for me, which only GOD could have created. I am not the easiest person to deal with and live with. Trust me, I live with me, I know. Yet, she overlooks all my faults and failures and loves me despite them. But, the greatest thing I love about Trish is the way she loves me. I don't have to do anything, yet, she loves me.

Today's word is a saying that goes, "Anyone can do something special and make you happy. But, only someone special can make you happy without doing anything."

I am happy to be with Trish even when we are doing nothing, especially when we are doing nothing. We can be doing absolutely nothing, sitting on the couch, and I am as happy as can be. I wish everyone could experience that.

The secret to love, as I have shared with our Youth group, is that true love is giving. If you have someone always wanting something from you, that isn't true love - true love is about giving. Yes, it is nice when someone does something special to show us their love. It is even better when we love that someone special, and they don't have to do anything at all; that's love!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Practice preaching

There are so many quotes out there about practice makes perfect. However, there are just as many that say, "If practice makes perfect and no one is perfect, then, why practice?" That is a good question but no one will EVER be perfect here on this earth.

I have practiced a lot of things in my time and I have never accomplished perfection. As a matter of fact, I would say I have come up short of average in most instances. However, I do see the need for practice, it helps us to get better at what we are trying to accomplish.

Today's word is sort of a compilation of a saying I heard and a thought I's word is, "People say, 'Practice what you preach.' It is the practice that makes perfect, not the preaching."

Yeah, we like to tell others what they need to do. Maybe I should just speak for myself. I like to tell others what they need to do. It is much easier to tell (preach to) others about their actions than to live it yourself. It is sort of like the doctor who smokes telling his patient that he/she needs to quite smoking. Yes, we really do need to practice what we preach.

The preaching, however, will never let you accomplish your goal. The preaching is just a way to express to others the need to change something. It is the practice that will accomplish the feat. The old saying is, "Thunder does the talking but lightning does the work."

I am really good at preaching. I am going to try to work harder on my practice. Want you join me?

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

What are you thinking

There are folks in this world who thrive on belittling and wearing down others. I don't know what joy they find in this but so many folks seem to. If I could find the motivation behind this attitude, maybe we could come up with an alternative, which would give both a better outlook.

You have people that will tell you every negative thing about you. Well, maybe you don't but I have some that love to give me my negatives, which, by the way, are many. You can do something that you are really proud of and have someone point out the few things you did wrong. You can work really hard and put forth your best effort and have someone point out that someone else did better. Now, if they are giving you constructive criticism to motivate you, that is one thing. If they are giving you all the negatives to try and belittle you, that is entirely different.

So, what do you do? If you listen to all the negativity, it won't be long before you start to believe some of it. I can tell you that contrary to very popular opinion, I am not the biggest idiot in the world. I may be close but I am not the biggest. I am also not the nicest person in the world, as some have stated. And, I am not even close.

Today's word is a quote from Christian D. Larson that says, "Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you greater than any obstacle."

Yeah, there are a lot of folks much more talented than I will ever be. Yeah, there are tons of folks much better looking than I will ever be. Yeah, there are countless others that are smarter than I. The list could go on and on. The point is that I know there is something inside me that will help me overcome any obstacle that might present itself - GOD! If you have GOD, you have it all. Believe in what GOD has given you; He will take you where He wants you!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, February 11, 2013


Yesterday's Sunday school lesson came from 1 Timothy 3, where the qualifications for church leaders are expressed. It is not a complete or exhaustive list of requirements but certainly a good place to start. The gist of the lesson was that every church member should strive to meet those same standards set forth for pastors and deacons; there is absolutely nothing wrong with doing right.

We seem to often try and put pastors and deacons on a different playing field than, and hold them to different standards than we hold ourselves. And, allow me to say, they should be held to a high standard. However, as a child of GOD, we should all hold ourselves to the highest of standards.

Why should we expect more of our church leaders than we expect of ourselves? Do we think that GOD differentiates between sins? NO, GOD sees sin as sin, whether it is a pastor, a deacon, a teacher, or any other Christian. We should, as Christians, hold ourselves to high standards.

Today's word comes from Titus 2:7 - 8a, NIV, which reads, "In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned..."

So many people are looking for Christians to mess up. Trust me, they have to look no further than right here at me, and they probably don't have to look very long. However, we should concentrate on doing what GOD wants us to do, in the way He wants us to do it.

I really like the first part of today's word, "In EVERYTHING set them an example by DOING what is GOOD." It is so easy to not do anything. It is so easy to do what is easy. It is not always easy to do what is right. Let's strive to set an example by doing what is good!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, February 8, 2013

Rear view Mirrors

I am starting today's post with the word for the day, which is Philippians 3:13, NIV, which reads, "Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead."

You do a lot of looking back? There are some times it is necessary to look back and remember the inappropriate actions, and consequences, we have taken, and received. However, continuously looking back is not what we are meant to do.

Have you ever noticed how large the windshield is and how small the rear view mirror is? Obviously, if the mirror was as large as the windshield, it would impede vision and cause accidents. But, I think there is something to be said for the size of the windshield compared to the rear view mirror. Maybe we are supposed to look forward and see more ahead than we are to look for what is behind.

There is a big world out there that GOD wants us to take part in and work in and worship in and play in and laugh in and enjoy. It is hard for us to see all that is ahead, including Heaven, when we seem stuck looking back. You can't see a whole lot looking back in that rear view mirror. Plus, everything reflected in the rear view mirror is already behind us. We need to look forward and concentrate on what lies ahead.

Yes, we do need to reflect on our past. We need to remember our errors and ensure that we don't repeat them. We certainly need to remember those that may have passed on and the sweet and wonderful memories they have given us. But, we don't need to concentrate on our failures - that will drag us down and cause us to run headlong into something else.

Here's the deal...yeah, you screwed up. We all have, and we all will. I am not proud of that fact, nor am I making light of it. What I am saying is continuously looking back in our rear view mirror is never going to help us accomplish what GOD has for us to do. Yes, the rear view mirror is important but, obviously, looking forward through the windshield is more important.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Better than Jet-Dri

Alright, I have to admit that I have never used a dishwasher. I mean NEVER. I don't know how they work. I have never loaded one; never unloaded one. I wouldn't know the slightest about how to add the cleaning agent, what cycles there are, how much cleaning I have to do prior to placing the dishes in the dishwasher, nothing.

I do, however, know a little about washing dishes. I have washed a few in my life, and I bet I will wash a few more. I try to do a really thorough job of cleaning the dishes I wash. I don't like washing dishes, especially those pots and pans with baked on gunk; that stuff is just nasty. Sometimes, try as I may, I miss a spot when doing the dishes.

Also, I have seen the Jet-Dri and the Finish commercials that promise cleaner, shinier, streak-free dishes from your dishwasher. I would bet that no matter what cleaning agent you use, there will still be spots missed from time to time.

Today's word comes from 1 John 1:7, KJV, which reads, "But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of JESUS CHRIST, His Son, cleanses us from ALL sin."

I like this verse. I especially like the part that JESUS'S blood cleanses me from ALL sin. When GOD cleans me, He doesn't leave any spot; there is no streak, only a spotless forgiveness. Of course, we must be sincere and walk in the LIGHT. But, if we will turn to GOD, He will cleanse us COMPLETELY.

While it isn't often talked about, and rightfully so. The fact is, that we have all sinned and fallen short of GOD'S glory. I can guarantee that I may be immaculately clean on the outside but the spotted inside is far more important. All the washing I do on the outside, has no effect on the spots on the inside. NONE. However, if I will only ask, JESUS'S blood will cleanse me from all sin. And, that is better than Jet-Dri.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Whatcha Need?

I am not a shopper. Maybe I should say that I am the typical male shopper. I do most of my "shopping"/research online, I choose what I am going to purchase, I go to the store that offers the best deal, I go straight to that item, pick it up, check out, and go home. Period. I do not browse. I do not window shop.

There are several reasons for this type of shopping: it is efficient, it is effective, it is economical. However, I guess one of the best things to come from my type of shopping is that I don't have to deal with overly ambitious salespeople. They may actually be making sure that I am not going to pilfer anything; I do look a little mischievous.

You know the type of salesperson I am talking about. You can't walk five feet without them asking, "Can I help you with something? Is there anything you need? Is there anything I can help you find? Are you looking for anything in particular? Whatcha need?"

That's the question for today, "What do you need?" Everyone has so much going on that no of us ever even know about. Folks are battling everyday with health issues, financial concerns, family matters; we are all going through things. What do you need?

Today's word is a Thomas Brooks quote, which says, "GOD hears no more than the heart speaks; and if the heart be mute, GOD will certainly be deaf."

GOD knows our hearts' desires. He wants us to tell Him our hearts' desires. While He knows them, He doesn't hear it from us unless we tell Him. We all want our children to express to us their need(s). GOD, too, wants His children to express theirs. If you truly need it, GOD will provide. However, He can't hear if you don't speak. Whatcha Need? GOD is listening.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Dead Weight

Have you ever tried to pick up someone that was sound asleep or, even more, had passed out. If you have, you know what dead weight implies. A little body that weighs fifty pounds, when sound asleep, feels as if it weighs a hundred.

Think if you had to carry "dead weight" around with you everywhere you went every moment of the day. It wouldn't be long before you were dead tired. Your arms would be aching; your legs like noodles; your back begging for mercy; your head throbbing. Yep, dead weight would really take a toll on you.

Today's word is an anonymous quote that I truly love. It says, "You are only as good as those you surround yourself with, so be brave enough to let go of those weighing you down."

There are times when others really need our support and we need to help them carry their load. There are other times, however, that folks will try to take advantage of our kindnesses. I am not talking about those that truly need our help; I am talking about those that just want to weigh us down.

It doesn't take long to realize that there are those in this world whose sole purpose is to wear you down and eat at your witness. If they can just keep adding a little weight to you each day, it won't be too long before you can hardly move one foot in front of the other. Don't let them weigh you down.

Once again, I am not talking about legitimate need - I am talking about selfish greed. We are only going to be as good as those we surround ourselves with, and vice versa. We are to help one another carry our burdens. No one can do it alone. NO ONE! So, we need to help each other; we all need others to help us. We need to help others with what we have. On the other hand, we don't need others helping themselves to what we have, including our sanity and our witness.

If you find that you have an acquaintance that is weighing you down, it may be time to pray about it and see where GOD leads you. If you realize that the relationship is just weighing you down, you need to seek GOD'S will. It may just be time to back away for a little while. Dead weight can wear you down. We need to seek GOD'S guidance in all our relationships. You are only going to be as good as those you surround yourself with. Surround yourself with others that will put a shoulder to the load and carry their own weight.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, February 4, 2013

Just a little tickle?

I'd like to try to talk about pain today but I do want to start with the disclaimer that I have not felt the pain of so many others. While I have experienced pain, I have experienced more joy. With that being said, though, I have had some pain in my life.

I'd like to tell a little dental story that is one of my most painful physical memories. I was having a root canal done, which required the numbing of the nerves of a particular tooth. The dentist kept trying to get started on the procedure, and I kept feeling pain. The dentist told me that I was feeling "pressure" and confusing it with pain. Now, I don't know much but I know the difference between pressure and pain.

After several of these "episodes" in which he told me I was experiencing pressure and I assured him I was feeling pain, he decided he needed a few more x-rays. Following the x-rays, he determined that I was, indeed, experiencing pain, because I had a lateral nerve. For those of you who may not know what a lateral nerve is, allow me to explain. Your teeth's nerves run up and down along the root. A lateral nerve runs side to side from one root to another. I had one of these rare lateral nerves, which was not deadened.

The dentist, upon understanding that I was feeling pain and not just "pressure", informed me that there was only one way to deaden this nerve. And, the nerve would have to be deadened if we were going to finish the procedure. "Well," I said, "Let's deaden it and get the show on the road." I thought to myself, "How bad can it be? Just a little tickle." Boy, was I WRONG!

Do you know how they deaden a lateral nerve? Well, let me explain...the procedure for deadening a lateral nerve is pretty simple. All you have to do is SHOVE the needle filled with Novocaine through the tooth into the lateral nerve. This would have been good information to have prior to the actual deadening taking place. Not that it would have changed anything, but it would have been nice to know.

The dentist, who was absolutely going to numb this nerve, took that needle that must have been about the size of a crocheting needle and, with great force applied, shoved it through my tooth into that dastardly lateral nerve. For about five seconds, it was the most excruciating pain ever felt.

As I levitated off the examination chair, with only my hands supporting my entire body weight, with tears streaming down the side of my face, my eye feeling as if it would explode out of its socket, the dentist calmly said, "It should start easing any moment." I knew if it hadn't eased fairly quickly, I was going to pass out and not feel it anyway.

I tell that story to lead into today's word, which comes from the New Century Version, and is found in Isaiah 66:9 - "...I will not cause pain without allowing something new to be born," says the LORD."

I don't know what kind of pain you may be going through today but GOD will not allow the pain without allowing something new to be born. The passage refers to childbirth and the context is GOD telling Israel that  there will be pain but He will help them "birth" a new nation. However, the same holds true for any pain you may be feeling. GOD will not allow the pain without something new being born.

I have never experienced the pain of childbirth (Praise the LORD) but I can tell you, looking back, that I can see what GOD delivered through my pain. I am grateful for the blessings GOD has delivered, though it may have been painful getting here.

Yes, there will be some pain but something new will be delivered. In the case of the lateral nerve, I received a root canal. As painful as it was, it was definitely worth it all these years later. GOD will deliver something good from what you are experiencing. It may be much worse than a little tickle but it will be something you never expected. Be careful, though, if you ever hear a dentist say, "Oh, you have a lateral nerve."

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, February 1, 2013

Where did that come from?

I have been around people, good people, before that have said things that made them blush, and caught me by surprise. It is unfortunate that we often hurt our testimony with little things, such as words that we know we shouldn't utter. I don't deny that I really try to watch what I say and how I say it, though, I still mess it up from time to time.

What I want to talk about are those who will sing GOD'S praises one moment and then curse me out the next. I am not judging them; their relationship with GOD is between them and GOD. However, if anyone else was around to hear the conversation, I would venture to say that they would remember the cursing more than the praising. I bet that is what I would remember most, too.

Once again, we all struggle with things but we have to be really careful what we say. People are looking for Christians to fail, and we do it all the time.

Today's word comes from Luke 6:45, NIV, which reads, "A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of."

I think what this verse tells us is that what we say isn't a mental problem, it isn't a mouth problem, it isn't a tongue problem, it is a heart problem. The mouth certainly does speak what is in the heart. It is sad, the sort of things I keep in my heart. I don't often know they are there until after I have spoken it.

I am going to work more diligently to fill my heart with good things. I want to bless folks with what I say. They may not want to hear it but it will be from the heart.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T