Thursday, December 31, 2015


We have reached the end of another year. WOW! It went fast! I look back over the past year and think of all the things that I have accomplished (not much) and all the things I failed to accomplish (A LOT). But, the fact is that what's done is done and what is not is not. In a little more than sixteen hours, we will close 2015 and begin 2016.

I like the beginning of a new year. NO, I don't make New Year's resolutions. I think doing that can challenge some to strive to do better but, for me, it is just added pressure and more disappointment when I fail to accomplish it. Maybe I should stop making my New Year's resolution to be a millionaire, huh?

Well, with 2016 just a few hours away, my thought is for the prayer I have for my family and friends, and really for everyone, in this coming year. Today's word is Psalm 20:4, NIV, which reads, "May He (GOD) give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed."

My prayer for us all in this coming year is that we will give GOD our ALL because I know He will honor our efforts and provide our needs. What is done is done. We cannot go back and relive a single moment from this past year but we can push forward into 2016. And, as we push forward, let's set our hearts and minds on the things of GOD and strive to do His will. If we will do that, He will truly give us the desires of our hearts and make all our plans succeed.

I hope your 2015 was your best year ever. I pray that 2016 will be even more than you could ever think, dream, or imagine. And, with 2016 being a leap year, we have an extra day to live and enjoy this wonderful blessing of life. "May GOD grant you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed."

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

He will help

Trish and I recently watched the movie Joy. It's the semi-autobiographical movie about Joy Mangano and her perseverance to see her invention brought to market. But, it's much more than that. It is a story of a normal dysfunctional family. It is a story about overcoming the hardships of life. It is the story of pursuing your dreams. It is the story of life.

I am not a guy that will tell you that you can be anything you want to be; that is absolutely not true. There are so many external circumstances, so many things beyond your control that can crop up that may prevent you from being the "King of the World". However, if GOD has placed a dream, a desire, a pursuit in your heart, then, by all means pursue it with all you have.

Today's word is a very familiar passage that I have used before but emphasizes what I am trying to get across today. It is Psalm 37:5, NLT, which reads, "Commit everything you do to the LORD, Trust Him, and He will help you.

Now, I don't know if Joy is a believer or not but I will say that, from what I took from the movie, she has a good heart. She knows that she has been blessed. She knows that she serves by serving and that she has been placed where she is for a reason. There isn't a lot of foul language in the movie, and very few things that most would find inappropriate, which speaks volumes about movies of this era. And, it speaks volumes of the character of the subject, Joy, which the movie is about.

What I am trying to get across is that if you will give what you desire, what you want, what you truly want to pursue to GOD. If you will allow Him to direct your path and if you will commit everything you do to Him, He will help you obtain those things. You may be the next big inventor, if that's your desire, and I look forward to seeing your movie.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Be a good one

One of my favorite quotes is from Abraham Lincoln, and says, "Whatever you are, be a good one." I have always tried to make sure that what ever I do that I do it to the very best of my abilities. Now, is it as good as others can do it? No. Is it as good as most people do it? No. But, it is as good as I can do.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with doing things right and noble and honest and true and pure. However, I only do it that way because I try to allow the Holy Spirit to direct my actions and my thoughts. I have, in my early life, been good at setting a bad example. It is only when we realize that what we do and how we do it is a direct reflection on our Savior that we begin trying to do it the right way every time.

Today's word is a quote from H. Gerth concerning Christmas and our hearts. It says, "The first wise men gave CHRIST treasures from their kingdoms. Today's wise men give CHRIST the treasures of their hearts."

It is from the heart that the "trueness" of our gifts and giving comes from. One of my favorite verses reminds me that from the heart the mouth speaks. Another reminds me that where my treasure is, my heart will be also. It is truly from the depths of our hearts that we so the true meaning of our giving.

I want to set a good example for my children and anyone else that may be watching. I want them to know that I gave my heart to JESUS and He directs my actions. I want them to be able to see that my life is a gift from GOD and that the way I live it is my gift to Him. I want to be a good example.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

The Season of Giving

We are only a few days from Christmas! I love Christmas! I love being able to watch little ones open gifts and be surprised by what's inside. I love being able to see my wife's face when she opens one of my gifts to her and wonder, "What was he thinking?" Actually, that is probably what she wonders with each of my gifts. It the thought that counts though, right?

Most important, though, is I love the true meaning of Christmas. We set aside a day to celebrate the birth of our Savior, JESUS CHRIST! I know Christmas isn't about presents, but about His Presence. The feeling of Christmas, of GOD giving us the ultimate gift. To me, that's what the season of giving is all about.

Today's word is a quote from Thomas S. Monson, which says, "Christmas is the spirit of giving without a thought of getting."

I think a lot of folks give in order to get. I think a lot of folks get angry because they don't get as much as they feel they give. I think a lot of folks lose the true meaning of Christmas because they forget that it is about the gift GOD so willingly bestowed upon us all.

If I get no presents for Christmas this year, I have already received far more than I ever deserved. Not only do I have an eternal home with JESUS CHRIST because I accepted the gift; I have an overly abundant life here! Let's not lose the season of giving focusing too much on the getting.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, December 18, 2015

Light the Way

Our three-year-old seems to have the innate ability to trip over air. She can be walking across a perfectly flat surface with absolutely no obstacles in her path and find a way to trip and fall. Hopefully, she will outgrow it but, until she does, I pray that she lands softly and safely.

While Olivia seems to be able to fall over nothing, there are others out there that love to trip people up. Some folks truly do find joy in other people's pain. They will purposely stick a leg out or place an obstacle in someone's way just to watch them stumble and fall. I guess there is some humor in that, but, the older I get, the more cognizant I am of actually breaking something should I fall.

Today's word is 1 John 2:10 NLT, which reads, "Anyone who loves another brother or sister is living in the light and does not cause others to stumble."

It is easier to not trip over things if we can fully see all the things that are before us, if we are walking in the light. If we are following JESUS, we are truly walking in the LIGHT! And, as light, we should illuminate the way for others. We should never be the stumbling block for someone else. I pray I never am.

Hopefully, Olivia will learn to not stumble over air as she matures. Also, I pray that my Christian walk will illuminate the way for others and keep someone from stumbling. Because, we all know that when we trip, we usually hurt ourselves or take someone down with us. Let's light the way!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, December 15, 2015


When you hear the word, "freedom," what comes to mind? It has certainly meant different things at different times in my life. I can remember summer vacations from school being a sort of freedom. I can remember turning sixteen and getting a driver's license and mistakenly thinking I had some form of freedom. I remember my first weekend pass after boot camp graduation and thinking how nice it was to be "free".

Most important, though, is the day I accepted JESUS CHRIST as my SAVIOR and became completely and totally free from the bonds of sin. I have sinned numerous times since then but I know that when I ask for forgiveness that GOD is faithful and just and forgives me from all my sins and cleanses me, making me truly free again.

Today's word is Galatians 5:13, NIV, which reads, "You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge in the flesh, rather, serve one another humbly in love."

Once we are saved, we are truly free, free indeed. However, we shouldn't use that freedom to think that we can do whatever we want, whenever we want, and then ask GOD to forgive us and everything is still alright. Now, GOD will forgive if we are sincere and repentant. However, if you continue committing the same sin, are you truly repentant? And, even if we are truly repentant, the damage is done. We can never regain that trust or repair our witness and testimony. Yes, we are free but we shouldn't use that freedom to justify a godless life.

Instead, we should use our freedom, the freedom that salvation brings, to show others GOD'S love. If we humbly serve one another and show the love of JESUS to those walking without Him, we may lead them to recognize their need for freedom. Let's use our freedom to show others that there is a way out - JESUS CHRIST!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, December 14, 2015

The Season

You usually find two extremes during the Christmas season: those who are frantic and rushed and tense and those that are joyous and reverent and worshiping. I pray that I am the latter but I, too, find myself the former on occasions; none lately, but occasionally.

This past weekend, we took in some Christmas lights. We had a great time watching the little ones ooh and aah at all the twinkling, moving, animated scenes. I've said it before but it deserves repeating, "There is nothing like experiencing Christmas through the eyes of a child."

Today's word is a quote from Roy L. Smith about Christmas, which says, "He who has not Christmas in his heart will never find it under a tree."

While Christmas presents are really about watching the little ones open them and giggle and jump and run, Christmas isn't about the presents - it's about the Gift. The Gift of JESUS CHRIST brought salvation to the world; that's what Christmas is about. And, you won't find Christmas in the lights, the presents, the pageantry, the season until you find it in your heart. For in the heart is where Christmas truly resides.

There will be enough situations to cause frustration and stress this time of year. Let's try not to let it dictate the true feeling and meaning of Christmas. You can't truly experience Christmas anywhere except the heart.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, December 10, 2015

The Power of the Tongue

Blake is an encourager; I have probably mentioned that before. Now, he will say things that aren't so encouraging but, he will often say positive things to encourage others. I shared with someone a prime example of this just yesterday.

I am not an artist. As a matter of fact, if you looked for someone that is the exact opposite of an artist, the antithesis to artist, the antonym to an artist, that would be me. Yet, Blake and Olivia will often want me to "draw something" for them. I do my best but it is horrible. Blake will say, "Good elephant Daddy," when I actually drew a butterfly. However, his encouraging words keep me trying.

Today's word is a reminder about the power of our words. It is Proverbs 15:4, HCSB, which reads, "The tongue that heals is a tree of life, but a devious tongue breaks the spirit."

Our tongues have the power to heal or to destroy; it's all a matter of the way we use it. We can use our tongues to encourage and build up and bolster and edify or we can use our tongues to bring pain and heartache and ridicule and destruction. To be such a small part of our bodies, it is so powerful.

Let's choose our words wisely, they hold great power. I want mine to correct when necessary but to build up and encourage. I want someone doing their best to know that I appreciate their best. Even when a butterfly looks like an elephant.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, December 7, 2015

He renews

It's been one of those very surreal, very complex, very extreme weekends. We have had a weekend where we have visited funeral homes to offer condolences to friends, neighbors, and loved ones who have seen a dear one depart. On the other hand, we saw a Christmas parade and walked through the scenes of JESUS'S life. And, it all happened in the same weekend.

The two visitations were for born-again believers that have received their eternal reward and await their loved ones entry into Heaven. Their families take comfort in the fact that one day they will see them again. Yet, it's tough; it's hard to imagine life without them. We pray that GOD strengthens and comforts them as only He can.

Today's word is a reminder that GOD will do just that. Psalm 103:5, NLT, reads, "He fills my life with good things. My youth is renewed like the eagle's!"

When we feel as if the weight of the world is on our shoulders, we need to take a breath and start thinking about all the good things GOD has filled our lives with. Mine are far too numerous to count. Like Saturday night, after walking through the scenes of JESUS'S life, I asked Blake, our four-year-old, what his favorite part was and he said, "The part where JESUS rode the elevator."

The ascension scene was aided by a scissor lift that allowed the person portraying JESUS to rise into the sky, and Blake liked watching JESUS ride the elevator. It was my favorite part too. JESUS ascended and will return one day to take us home to live with Him forever! Until then, He has filled my life with so many wonderfully, blessed things. And, when I am tired, I'm going to take a breath and recount them all, which will renew my resolve, as it will yours.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, December 4, 2015

Make it count

There are constant acts of kindness committed every day. We don't hear about most of them but those that we get a glimpse of really stir me. I think about the police Sgt. in Ocala, Florida that bought breakfast for a homeless man and, then, sat down on the curb and ate with him. Another is a young student buying a meal for a homeless lady. These and the countless others committing these type acts get it.

Yes, there are those who will take advantage of others' good natures but, many truly are genuine in their desire for a little help. I think we often have a tendency to discount others, to overlook others, to even look down on others. I can't help but think of something a good friend told me years ago, "Call no one useless that Christ died for." And, who did Christ die for? Everyone.

Today's word is a Max Lucado quote, which says, "With GOD, every day matters, every person matters."

It is in those moments that we don't feel GOD, that we don't think that He is there, that we don't think He is listening, that He is more there than ever before. It is in those moments when we feel all alone, that He is sitting on the curb with us. Why? Because, with GOD, every moment matters.

It is also true that, with GOD, every person matters. It is not GOD'S will that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. Let's take the time to look around and see if GOD is calling us to minister to someone around us. Not for us to get glory or praise but because, with GOD, every day matters and every person matters.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, December 3, 2015

You have choices

If you watch much news, you will find enough bad news to really stress you out. There are people in this world that will do most anything against anybody for absolutely no reason at all. Why? I think it is because some people are just absolutely evil. Others have been erroneously led to believe that what they do is the correct thing to do. Some may be stressed; stress can cause folks to do some really bad things.

How do we get stressed? We allow the weight of this world to rest on our inadequate shoulders. We allow everyone else to dictate our happiness. We try to keep up with those who have more than us. We try to measure up to someone else's standard. Do you see the common denominator? We'll get to that in a moment...

Today's word is a quote by William James that says, "The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another."

The reason we get so stressed out sometimes is because we choose to think the wrong things, take on the wrong things, then, do the wrong things. We choose to think all the negative thoughts, to perform all the negative actions, and to suffer all the negative consequences. If we had chosen differently, though, how might it have turned out?

Don't let stress wear you down. We all have those stressful moments, those stressful times, those stressful situations, but let's not dwell there. Let's choose to change out thoughts and reduce our stress.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

What song does your heart sing?

Music has always been a part of my life. Now, as many know, I am not much of a singer but I love to sing. The same thing can be said about my attempts to play a guitar but I love to play. And, when I have the opportunity to put the two together, to play and sing, I am really enjoying myself.

I shared with someone the other day that music is part of my worship. While others may be experiencing fingernails on a chalkboard, GOD and I have some pretty good times when I am playing and singing. Why? Because it comes from the heart, where GOD has placed that song.

Today's word is Ephesians 5:19, which reads, "Speak to one another with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the LORD."

When we share the song in our heart, others experience the joy of that song with us. We lift one another up with the songs that proceed from our hearts because, GOD has placed the song there. You may be like me, not much of a singer, but don't be afraid to sing the song GOD has placed in your heart. Around our house, we sing by letter - open up and let 'er fly.

There are lots of people walking around that need a little encouragement, a little boost, a little pep, a little light, a song - SING IT! I want my heart to sing to JESUS, then, I want others to see and hear my heart's song. What song does your heart sing?

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

So much to give

It's Giving Tuesday, a day set dedicated to giving back. I don't know when the movement began but it is a nice reminder during this Thanksgiving/pre-Christmas season that it is most certainly better to give than to receive. And, I don't mean in gifts or money. I just mean it is nice to be in a position to be able to, in any small way, make life a little easier on someone else.

I was eating lunch one day last week, when the waitress informed me that some kind individual had paid my bill and walked out the door. I don't know why GOD impressed upon this individual to do something so nice for me but it is something I will never forget and another reminder of how truly blessed I am. How truly blessed we all are if we would only take the time to look around.

Today's word is a quote from Roy Lessin, which says, "A heart that receives from GOD has so many riches to give to others."

Has GOD blessed you with things? And, once again, not talking money. Has He given you special gifts and abilities? Has He blessed you with the ability to cook? The ability to do home repairs? The ability to work on a vehicle? To sew? To sing? To play an instrument? The gift of some free time that you could spend helping someone by watching a loved one while they run errands? GOD has given us much; let's use His gifts to help others.

We try to instill in our kids that we serve GOD by serving others. I pray daily that I show them this through the example of the life I live. So, in honor of Giving Tuesday, let's think of something GOD has gifted us with that we can use to make someone's day a little better. It truly is more blessed to give than to receive.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T