Wednesday, October 31, 2012

It's Time

It is Halloween! While some say that Halloween is the "devil's" holiday, I just see it as a day that kids dress up and go out and get candy. Man, I really like candy, especially Reese Cups! I won't go into the history of Halloween; you should look it up, though.

I find it strange how we can make anything and everything "bad". I remember as a young child that we would make our rounds through the neighborhood and "trick or treat" our way into a bunch of goodies. Mrs. Upton lived a couple of blocks from us and she always had homemade treats: cookies, popcorn balls, etc. Those homemade treats were some of the best.

We can't allow our kids to have the homemade treats anymore because, we don't know what someone may have done to them prior to handing the out. What an absolute shame. Once again, people can make anything "bad" if they want; Mrs. Upton's popcorn balls still hold a very fond place in my heart.

On this particular Halloween, I am also have a heavy heart for those that have been affected by Hurricane Sandy. I pray that GOD will give them the grace and strength and resources to persevere and see it through. I know that He will; we just have to keep holding them up, and they have to remain faithful.

With those thoughts on my mind today, today's word comes from parts of Ecclesiastes chapter 3, NIV, which I skipped around some to get this, "There is a time for everything...a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh..."

Today is Halloween! I can't wait to hand out candy to all the little ones dressed up as all sorts of cute and funny characters. I want them to know that it is okay for Christian's to have some fun. I also want them to know that we need to pray for those that have lost so much. Be careful tonight with your little ones. Pray for those that need our prayers. There is a time for everything.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


I was driving along a busy highway yesterday, when about 100 feet ahead of me, I saw a man riding a bicycle take a fall. His front tire had fallen into one of the storm sewer gratings and tossed the rider over his handlebars onto the ground. It was rather scary to see this man fall, and the amount of traffic whizzing by made it that much more scary.

The traffic whizzing by is what really amazed me. When the man fell, I was probably fifteen or twenty cars from where he had fallen - not a one of those cars stopped, not a single one. As a matter of fact, I am not sure they even slowed down. They kept whizzing by while this man lay precariously close to speeding traffic.

I am sure that they had somewhere to be, probably work. I am sure that they had other things on their minds, probably work. But, goodness, this guy had fallen within mere inches of destruction and NO ONE was going to stop and check on him! Are we really that busy?

Today's word comes from Philippians 2:4, NIV, which reads, "Not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of others."

Sometimes, we are so distracted with ourselves that we can't seem to see the danger that someone else is in, or is headed for. If we, and I am talking to me, would just take a second and look around and see what is going on in others' lives, we could have a dramatic impact for GOD! Pray that I will notice others.

Not to say anything good for me but, yes, I stopped to check on the man. He was fine, a little bruised and sore but no worse for wear. He was riding his bike to work, it is his only means of transportation. We loaded his bike in the truck and went to his place of employment. I am interested in learning if this gentleman knows JESUS. If not, I pray that he may see Him through me.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, October 29, 2012

Love Insurance

With Hurricane Sandy bearing down on the east coast, my thoughts and prayers are for those that may be in harms way, and for all the ones that will feel the effects of the storms wrath. I especially think of those who will try to get their lives, and, maybe their homes, back together afterwards. With these thoughts and prayers on my mind, I started thinking about insurance.

If you are like most folks, you are probably "insurance poor". We have a fair portion of our income go towards some form of insurance every month. I am grateful that my employer picks up a large portion of our health insurance but we still have pay a few amount of money for homeowners, life, auto, etc.

The thing about insurance that gets me is that they have "riders". The riders are there to provide extra protection, which is not included in the standard policy. That is to say that the standard policy has a lot of, "this is covered - unless this occurs," or "this isn't covered - unless this occurs," etc. It is kind of sad to me that there are so many loopholes in everything, and that we must have "riders", add-ons to ensure our protection.

I have also seen folks put "riders" on their love for others. They say, "Well, I'll love them if they will love me, or if they will do this, or if they don't do that, or..." It seems that we want everyone to be perfect in order for us to love them. Aren't you glad that that is not a requirement for GOD to love us?

Today's word comes from Romans 13:10, NIV, which read, "Love does no harm to its neighbor. Therefore, love is the fulfillment of the law."

GOD doesn't put "riders" on His love for us. He loved us first, He loved us just because, He continues to love us because He is LOVE! I wonder how much better my relationships would be if I would get rid of the love insurance, the riders, and just love like JESUS.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, October 25, 2012

So Little

I have often been amazed at how little it takes to help someone. I speak from the "helpee" side more than from the helper. People have don things for me that they considered insignificant but they will NEVER know the difference it made.

We often get so wrapped up in the fact that there is so much to do and there is no way that my little effort is going to fix the problem. While the effort we put forth may not be enough to completely alleviate the problem, if everyone did nothing because they couldn't do anything, then, nothing would ever get done.

Today's word is a quote from William James, which states, "Act as if what you do makes a difference. It DOES!"

What we are doing may seem mundane and casual and ordinary but to those who are receiving the benefit of our efforts, it really makes a difference. It is often hard to see where our efforts in the everyday is making any kind of beneficial difference but it truly does.

I won't take the time to try and give specific examples because there are so many and I would certainly not want to leave any of them out; they have all had an impact on my life. I am sure that if we would take the time to reflect on the little things others have done for us, we would all share the same sentiment - WOW!

So, the next time you are feeling as though what you are doing is just ordinary and useless, remember that what you are doing REALLY makes a difference! Keep doing it!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

It's Tiring

There are things that really tire me out. I could list them but the list would get way too long, and listing them all would make me tired. I will talk about one of those tiring things, though.

Arguing really tires me out. Now, I am not talking about debating; I love to debate. I am known as playing the "devil's advocate". I am not his advocate but I do like to debate. I like the debate just to get people thinking and to have them make me think.

But, we are talking about arguing. Arguing wears me down and out quick, fast, and in a hurry. I can argue with someone for no more than five minutes and if feels as if I have run a mile. The effort expended, physically, emotionally, even spiritually is exhausting. Arguing is definitely one of those things that really tires me out.

Today's word is my paraphrase of an old Yiddish proverb. My paraphrasing is, "Nothing wears me out as much as doing something I do not like."

Have you ever noticed your children getting overly tired while doing homework? It is the middle of the evening, they are usually full of energy, bouncing off walls, but make them sit down and do homework and they are falling asleep as they write. Same goes for us all. Nothing wears us out like doing something we do not like.

We all have things that we just have to do. We all have things that we do not like that we must do. However, let's strive to do more of the things we want to do. Doing this will help us overcome the fatigue of having to do what we do not like.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

My Plans

I've heard it said that if you want to hear GOD laugh just tell Him your plans. I am sure that GOD has received quite a few laughs at my planning. I am also sure that He has probably sat there and thought, "That boy will never learn." He is still working on me, and He has His hands full.

Don't get me wrong, we need to make plans. If you wait until the year you want to retire to start planning your retirement, you are going to come up lacking. If you wait until the last week of your senior year of high school to start sending out college entrance applications, you are WAY behind.

On the other hand, if you sit there without ever being in a certain situation and say, "Oh, if this ever happened to me, I would do such and such." You just never know. It is important to make plans and contingency plans but it is more important to realize Who is in control.

Our word for the day comes from Proverbs 19:21, NIV, which reads, "Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the LORD'S purpose that prevails."

It is important to make plans and to be prepared. It is foolish to think that our plans are more important and "better" than GOD'S. GOD has the absolute best planned for His children; all we have to do is follow His plan. If you ever want to hear GOD laugh, tell Him your plans...

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, October 22, 2012

Giving Credit

Have you ever had one of those associates, whether it be a boss, a coworker, a friend, etc., that will take the credit for whatever good thing is done. I know that I have been around enough people, and I have probably been that person from time to time, that will take all the credit for something that is not theirs to take.

One prime example I like to give to the "kids" is that of professional athletes. I am amazed at what some professional athletes can do. Some of my amazement may stem from the fact that I gave mediocrity a new name - sub par. Anyway, I am amazed at how these professional athletes can do amazing feats and, then, take credit for it all.

Don't get me wrong, I know they work really hard and train really hard but they have some GOD-given abilities that others don't have. How can they take credit for something that Someone gave them? They do seem to do it so easily. Not pointing fingers, though, because, as I said, I have been a credit hog myself.

Today's word comes from Psalm 115:1, NIV, which reads, "Not to us, O LORD, not to us, but to Your name be glory, because of Your love and faithfulness."

We can't take credit for the good things that GOD has just given us. Can we? It is easy to get wrapped up in ego and me, mine, my but the truth of the matter is that GOD has given us many good things because He loves us and is faithful to fulfill His promises.

LORD, forgive me for taking credit for anything that You have done. I know that it is because of Your great love for me that I am what I am and that I have what I have and that one day I will spend eternity in Heaven with You. Not because of anything I have done but because of Your great love!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, October 19, 2012


Financial troubles seem to be the plight of every person/family from time to time. I can say with a certainty that my family has had its share of financial challenges. I would also venture to say that with the current economy and the ever changing employment environment, financial challenges have increased.

I find myself, at times, wondering, "Why me?" We try to be good stewards of all that we have and try to do all that we can with all that we have, yet, there are still numerous times that we end up with way more month than money. Ever been there?

It is during these times that I may feel as though I have missed out because we didn't get to take the big vacation or buy the new car or have the finest smart phone. Then, if I will take the time to really evaluate things, I find that things are quite different than I first perceived.

Today's word comes from Genesis 33:9, KJV, which reads, "And Esau said, 'I have enough, my brother, keep that thou hast unto thyself.'"

Esau, the guy who gave up his birthright and lost his blessing stands here before his brother, Jacob, and says, "I have enough." Isn't it a shame that we, as Christians who are guaranteed that GOD will supply ALL our needs, seem to always think that we need/deserve more. Don't we have enough?

When I take the time to look around and see my wonderful family, a dry warm/cool place to sleep, something to eat at every meal, and so much more, I see how truly blessed I am. But, more than that, when I realize ALL that JESUS has done for me, that one day I will spend eternity in Heaven with Him, I see how mistaken I am. You see, with JESUS, I have enough.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Happiness and Joy

Last night with the Youth, we discussed the difference between happiness and joy; there is a huge difference.   I like to think of it like this...happiness comes and goes, joy comes and stays.

We can do things that make us happy. I like Reese Cups, ALOT. So, if you give me a Reese Cup, I am pretty happy. Until I eat it and it is gone. Then, shortly thereafter, my happiness is gone.

Another example I like to use is that of buying a new car. You go out and buy a new car and for a while you are really happy. Then, after about six months or so, the new has worn off, and so has the happiness. That new car is nothing more than just another monthly payment.

There's an old Spanish proverb that goes, "Happiness itself does not stay--only moments of happiness do."

We can look for perpetual happiness and forever be disappointed. We must look for true joy. The only place to find true joy is through JESUS CHRIST. While happiness will come and go, true joy comes to stay!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Paper towels and mercy

We can make some pretty bad messes at our house. You may not have the problem of clumsiness but we seem to be overly blessed with the malady.

Recently, we had a mess that required some serious and quick clean up. However, we were at the end of the roll of paper towels. So, it took a little while to open the new roll and complete the job. At our house, there are times we could use a roll of paper towels three miles long. How about you?

Today's word comes from Lamentations 3:22 & 23, NIV, which reads, "Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning;great is your faithfulness."

I am so glad that GOD'S mercy doesn't run out. I don't know about you, but for me, He has to have a roll of compassion that cannot be measured. I do so many things and require so much mercy, yet, He has more. As a matter of fact, it is renewed each morning. I am humbled and amazed at GOD'S great mercy and compassion.

While paper towels may run out, we can rest assured that GOD'S great love and mercy is infinite.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

One of GOD'S "buts"

Studying the Bible often leads to coming across one of GOD'S "buts". Don't you just love to see a "but" in the Bible. Something has been stated that usually isn't good - BUT- something else is then stated that tells us how it will actually turn out.

I think life would be extremely miserable and almost unbearable if not for the "buts". I have failed at many things "BUT" I am not a failure. I have fallen many times "BUT" I do not remain downtrodden. I have been forsaken by others "BUT" I am NEVER alone! What a wonderful little three letter word!

Today's word comes from Psalm 73:26, NIV, which reads, "My flesh and my heart may fail, but GOD is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."

Yes, MY flesh and MY heart may fail, BUT it is GOD, Who lives in my heart, that will see me through! Don't let life dictate who you are before you see the other side of the "but"!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, October 15, 2012

What do you say

There's an old saying that goes, "If you want to be well liked, never lie about yourself, and be careful when telling the truth about others." While there will never be a single time in our lives that we will find everyone liking us, nor should we strive for that, we often times cause the division with our words.

I am sure that I could name several hundred things about myself that I would like to lie about but that would do no one any good, especially me. I have been called brutally honest but I am truly what you see is what you get. Not that that is anything to get excited about but it is what I am.

On the other hand, I have met many folks who seem to live by the philosophy that if I can make you look bad, it makes me look better. Allow me to say that that is not correct in any fashion. The only thing you do by trying to make someone else look bad is make yourself look worse. Trust me, I know these things.

A final thought, when your friend stands before you wanting to know what you think of their new hairstyle, clothes, car, boyfriend/girlfriend, etc., choose your words carefully. We absolutely need to speak the truth in love but be sure your words are laced with love. It is important to be honest with others; it is not imperative to be brutal.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, October 12, 2012

Feeling Secure

Having a one year old teaches me more than I ever realized I needed to learn. It is definitely a true saying, "The more I learn, the more I realize how little I know." I have LOTS to learn.

Today, I would like to try and talk a little bit about security. Security means so many different things to so many different people. You have those that think security is money in the bank. Others think security is three dead bolts, a slide lock, and the knob locked. Yet, others think security is being wrapped in the arms of the one you love. All of these are things that make us secure but security can be summed up with "feeling free from danger."

A little blue blanket with footballs and basketballs and baseballs probably wouldn't provide much security in the way of protection from a meteor but to a one year old, it is the force field that makes him feel secure. He doesn't always have to have the blanket but when he has it, you can sense that it means something special to him.

Today's word comes from Hebrews 10:23, KJV, which reads, "Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised)." Another translation, the New Living Translation reads, "Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise."

We can rest secure that GOD is going to do what He says He will do for He is faithful! Having an Awesome GOD that is going to protect us and see us through whatever this life may bring is more valuable than all other earthly treasures. That is security!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Shining Bright

There are times, especially during thunderstorms, that we find ourselves without electricity. It is amazing how much we have come to "rely" on electricity. It seems that we can hardly function without it.

When we find ourselves groping in the darkness trying to find our way to wherever it is that we strategically put the flashlights and candles so that they would easily be found in just such an emergency, we know that just a little light will make a big difference. All it takes is the illumination of just one little candle, just one flashlight glowing makes us feel a little warmer, safer, securer.

We don't have to light an entire candelabra to receive the comfort of just a little light. We don't have to have 1,000,000 candle power halogen lights to feel a little better about the darkness. While all the light might be better, the point is that just a little light can make a HUGE difference.

Today's word is a simple quote that reads, "Even a small star shines in the darkness." Let your light shine, others will see.

Just as that one little candle's glow on a dark, gloomy night, our light could really make a huge difference to a lost and dying world. Even a small star shines in the darkness. Let your light shine, others need the guidance.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Anxious Annie

Have you ever been anxious about anything? Have you ever been really nervous or wanting something to get here or get over with? Have you ever lost something and was really anxious to find it?

There are times when I get really anxious about things. I mean REALLY anxious. I am always running wide open wanting things to happen - NOW! I have found, though, that, sometimes, in my anxiousness, I actually overlook the one thing that could help with my situation. Maybe I should just slow down, take a breath, and really pay attention to what is in front of me.

Today's word comes from Philippians 4:6, NIV, which reads, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."

When we are really stressed about things, really looking for an answer about something, we may really overlook what we desparately need if we aren't careful. Sometimes, what we really need to do is relax and allow GOD to do His thing (I sound really hypocritical writing that but it is true never the less).

Next time you are lost, or have lost something, don't be anxious or nervous. Make your requests to GOD through prayer, He'll send the answer. Then, make sure to thank Him. Being anxious will do nothing but cause us to run around and miss what we really are looking for. Leaving it with GOD will cause us to look around and see what we are missing.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Financial Advice

When I was much younger, my Pops gave all his children a two-dollar bill; I still have mine. He told us that as long as we kept that two-dollar bill, we would never be broke. Being a young child, I thought that the two-dollar bill must be some kind of good luck charm or something of that nature. As I got a little older, though, I realized that what Pops meant was that as long as I kept that two-dollar bill, I would never be broke because, I would have two dollars. I have kept my two dollars.

The word for today is an anonymous quote I have heard many times but it rings so true..."The quickest way to double your money is to fold it in half and put it back in your pocket."

We need to be wise with what GOD gives us; we need to be good stewards with all that He has entrusted us with. I have to admit that I haven't always been the wisest steward but I am certainly trying to get better. I realize the value of a dollar; I know how hard money is to come by and how quickly it leaves.

Learn to separate wants from needs. Fold that money up and put it back in your pocket. Better yet, go out and get you a two-dollar bill. As long as you keep that two-dollar bill, you will never be broke.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, October 8, 2012

You can't hide anything

I remember as a child trying to hide things so others couldn't find them; even as an adult, the thought of Easter egg hiding comes to mind. We try to hide eggs for the smaller ones, trying to make it difficult but not impossible. However, there are times that we will realize that one is missing. We can't find it until mid-summer, and, then, only by smell.

We often try to hide things from GOD, too. We know we can't hide anything from Him but that never stops us from trying. I know I have had my times when I wasn't really doing anything bad but was doing something I shouldn't be, and thinking no one would ever know. It wasn't too far into it, though, that GOD'S Holy Spirit, residing in me, spoke and said, "Now, you know that ain't right. You can't hide anything."

Today's word comes from Psalm 139:1, NIV, which reads, "O LORD, You have searched me and known me."

GOD knows us whether we do it in secret or in the open. He knows our motivation, our incentive, our true intentions. I may not be the best at finding all the hidden eggs, but nothing is ever beyond the all seeing eye of GOD. Pray with me that I will be as diligent to openness as GOD is.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, October 5, 2012

Integrity can be tough

I have a person who has called me a liar to my face. The reason this person thinks I am a liar is because I told them something and someone else told them something different. The other person "outranks" me so, they have to be more honest. Right? So, this person has taken the other person's word, and I have become a liar.

There is a way for me to prove I am not lying but it would cause me to have to break my word, which would make me a liar; so, therein lies the conundrum. I can either be thought a liar, or I can break my word and be a liar. Have you ever been there? It is a tough choice to make - the choice between proving you're right and being a person of integrity.

Integrity - doing the right thing even when no one is looking; doing the right thing even when it is difficult; doing the right thing even when it hurts; doing the right thing even when it sucks. I realize that "sucks" isn't a great word but it really describes the situation.

Today's word comes from Matthew 5:37, NIV, which reads, "Simply let your, "Yes," be, "Yes," and your, "No," "No,"; anything beyond this comes from the evil one."

It isn't always easy being a person of integrity but it is always worth it. I have prayed long and hard. I have fought self-pride and selfishness. But, in the end, being thought a liar is far better than being a liar. This person can think what they want but I will remain a person of integrity.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Perfect parenting

Last night we discussed with our "kids" in the Youth group that there is no such thing as a perfect parent. When one asked if that included me, I replied, "Absolutely." I then went on to say that there also is no perfect child, though I was really close (YEAH, RIGHT).

Allow me to digress for just a moment and say that when I was a child, I wasn't horrible but I was far from perfect. If you would look up mischievous in the dictionary it would have had my picture and my address. So, no, there are no perfect parents or children.

We do tend to often wish we could change our family; we want the perfect family. While our family will never be perfect, it is the perfect family for me. My family is the exact family GOD had in mind when He placed me in it, and vice versa. I bet my family may be reading this and thinking, "Why us LORD?"

The point I want you to get is that we are far from perfect but GOD will continue to work on us and help us to get there if we will let Him. Today's word comes from Psalm 138:8 (English Standard Version), which reads, "The LORD will fulfill His purpose for me; Your steadfast love, O LORD, endures forever. Do not forsake the work of Your hands."

Your family is not perfect, it never will be. My family will never be perfect. How can it be when I am a part of it. However, if we will continue to pursue GOD'S will, He will not forsake the work He is doing in us. I promise you, He has His hands full with me but He will continue His work to completion. Let's not worry so much about perfection and rest perfectly secure in GOD'S promise to continue working on us.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

That first step can be a lulu

Not too many years ago, we had a small snow/ice storm. While this may be nothing uncommon for most, here in the deep south, this is quite unnatural. Anyway, we had had some snow and ice the prior evening and I was going out to start our car for church.

While we have snow and ice, occasionally, it rarely lays anywhere other than the grass and trees. However, we had a ramp attached to our back porch for easy access for a family member, and it was slick. Yes, it was slick but I couldn’t tell that by looking at it. You see, the snow was on the top, and it covered the slick ice underneath. From the top, it appeared you could walk down the ramp without any trouble. Boy, was I wrong!

As I began to walk down the ramp to warm our car, I slipped on the ice lying precariously under the light dusting of snow. I may not have seen the ice but it didn’t take long for me to feel its effect. As I timidly traversed the ramp, suddenly, I found myself looking up at my feet. Yes, looking up at my feet! This is the last thing I saw prior to slamming my back, shoulders, and head on the ramp.

That slippery ramp reminds me of today’s word, which comes from Hebrews 3:13, NIV, which reads, “But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.”

Sin is such a slippery slope. While it may look inviting, tempting, even safe from the top, one small step can send us hurtling down the slippery slope. All it takes is giving in to one thought, one covet, one desire, one weakness and we can find ourselves with our feet up in the air, and us in over our heads.

Sin is a slippery slope; don’t give in to the smallest temptation.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

How much more

I read a statistic several years ago that stated that if Bill Gates tried to feed all the birds in the world, if he tried to buy enough bird feed to feed them all, he wouldn’t have enough money to feed them all for one single day.

One of the richest people in the world doesn’t have enough money to feed all the birds in the world for just one day. Yet, GOD feeds them all everyday. He doesn’t just feed them all; He has prepared enough for them to eat to fullness every single day.

Our word for the day comes from Matthew 6:26 (NIV), which reads, “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?”

I know we all struggle from time to time. I know that it is especially difficult in the current economic downturn. But, if GOD provides the basic needs for all the birds in the world, don’t you know He’ll take care of us?

We may not know how He is going to do it. We may not know when He is going to do it. We can have faith, though, that He is going to do it. GOD cares for the smallest creature, the smallest bird of the air. How much more valuable are you than they?

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, October 1, 2012


I have often asked our Youth, "Do you know what an idiot is doing when you are arguing with him?" The answer? "The same thing, arguing with an idiot." Don't argue with idiots, it is a waste of your time, and theirs.

Today's word comes from Proverbs 3:30, and today I have used GOD'S Word Translation. Proverbs 3:30 (GWT) reads, "Do not quarrel with a person for no reason if he has not harmed you."

We seem to want ot argue with everyone about everything. Well, maybe I should just speak for myself. Sometimes, it seems that I can't do anything but make snide remarks and argue with everyone about any and every thing; this ought not be so.

There are things in life worth discussion, debate, even arguing but, I would venture to say, that most things we argue about aren't worth the argument. The next time you find yourself in an argument with an idiot, step back and see if they are in the same predicament.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T