Friday, December 22, 2017

He never changes

I will readily admit that I am what some would call "old fashioned". I often feel that I was born out of my time period. Now, of course, we know that isn't true; GOD has us where He wants us when He wants us. But, what I am saying is that sometimes I am more of a traditionalist than others.

Now, I am not so old fashioned that I don't see the good in progress, especially medical and technological. I like air conditioning, microwaves, and remote controls. I am amazed at what GOD has allowed mankind to accomplish with the eradication of some diseases and learning to treat others. And, like so many others, I really enjoy the flexibility and the usefulness of the smartphone.

Today's word is Malachi 3:6, NLT, which reads, "I am the LORD, and I do not change. That is why you descendants of Jacob are not already destroyed."

While some might question my traditionalism, one thing that is not questionable is GOD. GOD is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He does not change. Sins of 6,000 years ago are still sins today. Things that were wrong to do centuries ago are still against GOD'S plan, will, and law. While things are certainly progressing and changing, GOD does not change.

Now, the other part of GOD not changing is the fact that His love for us has not changed. He loves each and everyone one of us and wants a personal relationship with each of us. He has never loved anyone as much as He loves you. He always has; He always will. There is nothing you can do to make GOD love you more. There is also nothing you can do to make Him love you less. He never changes!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Toss it overboard

Alright, I am about to confess something that I really shouldn't, because it isn't about me personally but about some folks I know. There are some people in my family that are borderline hoarders. I mean, they get something and they KEEP IT. Let me give you an example conversation...

Me: "So, what is this?"
Family Member: "Oh, that's the felt gasket that goes behind the left tail light on a 1958 Edsel Corsair."
Me: "So, why are you keeping it?"
Family Member: "Well, you never know when you might need it."

And, that is just a small example of some of the hoarding tendencies I have seen. We all have the ability to hold on to things that we really don't need.

Today's word is Johan 1:15, NIV, which reads, "Then they took Jonah and threw him overboard, and the raging sea grew calm."

Now, these sailors weren't hoarders, they weren't keeping Jonah just to be keeping him. No, Jonah, in his attempt to run from GOD'S calling, had put these sailors and their ship in a very dangerous predicament. The sailors had to make a choice: keep Jonah on the ship and all perish, or toss Jonah off the ship and save themselves. We know how the story ends: Jonah is swallowed by the great fish, GOD gets his attention, and Jonah does what GOD told him to do. But, the point...

We all have a tendency to hold onto things that are doing us no good. We will cling to them and cling to them knowing that they are bringing us down. Those things may be things, they may be habits, they may be attitudes, they may be relationships. Whatever it is that is keeping you from moving forward in GOD'S will may need to be reevaluated. Pray about it. It may be time to toss it overboard.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

What you listening to

Our son will often say, "I need to tell you something," then, commences to telling you something. Sometimes, what he needs to share is about his day in kindergarten. Sometimes, it is about something that he saw on television. Other times, it may be something that is on his mind and he needs an explanation. Whatever the case may be, he has a message that needs to be heard.

I have to admit that there have been more times than I care to count when someone had something big to tell me and I wasn't completely listening. When you don't get all the details because you weren't completely focused, you can find yourself making bad decisions, or no decision at all. It is imperative that we listen.

Today's word is part Obadiah 1:1, NIV, which reads, "...This is what the Sovereign LORD says about Edom - We have heard a message from the LORD..."

The LORD had sent a message to His people. I wonder how often He still does this but we just don't listen, or just half listen. I am talking about myself more than anyone. I have shared before that I am a "Gideon"; I need a sign. And, GOD understands that. He made me. He knows my quirks. He provides what I need. Yet, I will get the sign and still miss the message because I wasn't listening.

Our son and daughter have a lot to tell us. And, it is always important and it is always important to listen. We have people telling us things all the time. Some of it, rightfully so, goes in one ear and out the other. There is often so much noise all around us that it is hard to hear it all. It's easy to get distracted and only half listen. Other times, we hear things that we shouldn't hear and allow those things to control us and really influence our happiness and our witness. There are things that we need to disregard. There are things that we don't need to listen to. However, we need to listen for the voice of GOD, and really listen. So, what you listening to?

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Just what I want

If you look up the meaning of "justice", you will find that it means "just behavior or treatment, fairness, equity, honesty, righteousness, etc." A lot of people claim that they want justice. I mean, we all want to be treated honestly and fairly. We all want people to treat us equally and righteously. Right?

But, I've had a thought that I cannot get rid of lately. I wonder if we really treat people the way we want to be treated? I wonder if we truly treat people the way we want GOD to treat us. Isn't that really the standard for justice? Wouldn't that be the truest form and practice of justice, treating folks the way we want GOD to treat us?

Today's word is Amos 5:24, NLT, which reads, "Instead, I want to see a mighty flood of justice, an endless river of righteous living."

I wonder what I would receive in my stocking on Christmas morning if it was just (what I deserved). I am not sure I could stand what I deserve. Instead, I want what I want. Don't you? I have noticed that I often base my judgement on my opinion but I want GOD to base His opinion of me on His great mercy. I wonder what it would be like if GOD rained down a flood of justice?

Well, I am going to work harder on the second part of this verse and try to live a life of righteous living. Again, getting to Heaven has nothing to do with anything I do, except my decision to accept JESUS as my LORD and SAVIOR. However, earnestly trying to live a humble, sincere, and godly life is my true desire; that's just what I want.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, December 18, 2017

The LORD has done great things

We are one week, seven days, from Christmas. Our kids are excited and filled with anticipation. They have had their lists for a while. They have talked with Santa more than once. They have made preparations by writing letters, planning what to leave on Christmas Eve night, and by making sure they have all the bases covered. They are excited!

They also know why we truly celebrate Christmas. We celebrate the birth of our SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST. I am not going to get into the debate on whether it is the actual day CHRIST was born, etc. I will say that we celebrate the fact that GOD came in human form - Immanuel - GOD with us - to make a way for us to have a personal relationship with Him. That is the GREATEST GIFT!

Today's word is Joel 2:21, NLT, which reads, "Don't be afraid, my people. Be glad now and rejoice, for the LORD has done great things."

Much as we should be thankful every day of the year, we should have a lot to celebrate every day of the year. Yes, Christmas for the young ones is about presents and such but, we should be able to celebrate the GIFT we received long ago every day. JESUS'S birth is truly the GIFT that keeps on giving - eternal life.

GOD has done great and wonderful things. All we have to do is look around and see His mighty work. All I have to do is look at my kids and see the miracle that they are. All I have to do is look at where I was headed and where I will now spend eternity. All I have to do is think about the many blessings in my life. Be glad and rejoice, for the LORD has done great things!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, December 15, 2017

Let them go hungry

In no way am I recommending this but, if you did a google search for most anything, you would find links to most anything. There seems to be absolutely no filter, no self-worth, nothing off limits. I wonder what people are thinking that post things that will live forever in this electronic world.

It almost seems to me that some folks have no moral compass, nothing to direct them to what is right and wrong. We live in a society, in a world, in an age, where it seems that anything is supposed to be accepted. So, people will do most anything.

Today's word is Hosea 4:8, NIV, which reads, "They feed on the sins of my people and relish their wickedness."

The reason people post most anything is because there is an audience out there that will pursue and chase after most anything. There are people in our world that live for, that wait for, that relish the failures of others. Some of those people are making their livelihood off the sins of others; they can't wait for someone to fail so that they can make more.

However, much like businesses being opened on Sunday and people complaining about them being opened, so too is the evil that others relish. IF no one would go to any business on Sunday, they would quit being open on Sunday. Yet, they are open on Sunday because we live in a society that expects them to be open on Sunday and we, then, frequent that establishment on Sunday. The only reason people publicize their sins is because someone else will watch it and exploit and profit from it. Some folks love to feed on the sins of others. I say, "Let them go hungry."

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Do you measure up?

We have taken our kids to several entertainment venues where there was a minimum height requirement for riding certain rides. We have seen the disappointment on their faces when they weren't quite tall enough. We have, over time, learned where and where not to go to avoid these types of scenarios. Plus, they are both growing so fast that this will not be a problem much longer.

We have all had times when we just didn't measure up, me probably more than most. There have been those times with job interviews, or with loan applications, etc., when we just didn't match the requirement. When this happens, all we can do is keep pressing forward and prepare for the next one. However, there will come an instance when we all need to make sure that we measure up...

Today's word is Daniel 5:27, NLT, which reads, "[Tekel] means 'weighed'--you have been weighed on the balances and have not measured up."

Belshazzar was having a great feast for about a 1,000 of his nobles and their families. During the feast, he ordered that the gold and silver cups that had been taken from the Tabernacle in Jerusalem be brought in so that he and all his dignitaries could drink from them. As they continued their feast, drinking from these sacred vessels, they were also praising their idols of gold, silver, bronze, iron, stone, and wood. Then, a hand began writing on the wall...

The writing was, "MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN", which meant that Belshazzar's days were numbered, that he had been weighed and found wanting, and his kingdom would be divided between the Medes and the Persians. All of this came to pass. Belshazzar had decided to not worship the One, True GOD. He had rejected Him and defiled His sacraments. He had been weighed and not measured up.

I will never measure up to GOD'S standards with my meager works or efforts. I will never measure up to GOD'S standards with wealth or fame. I will never measure up to GOD'S standards by trying to do good. The only thing that will balance the scale is the blood of JESUS. If you have JESUS you have it all! Do you measure up?

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

He is the stone crusher

I will be the first to tell you that I am far, FAR, from being the person that I should be. I truly strive daily to be more and more like my SAVIOR, but, unfortunately, even on my best day, I still mess it up royally. All I can do is ask forgiveness and try not to mess it up again.

On the other hand, there are those that just seem to fight GOD and His precepts and commandments, and they don't seem to mind at all. I've often wondered how some people can be as evil as they are, how some can do some of the things they do, and still carry on a life and sleep at night. While some truly do have some mental deficiencies, others have a heart problem.

Today's word is Ezekiel 36:26, NIV, which reads,"I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh."

For some, they have hardened their hearts so much that they truly have a heart of stone. And, it is not just stone, it is impenetrable stone. No matter what you tell them, no matter what they see, no matter who they hurt, nothing seems to penetrate that heart of stone. Why? Because it is stone, and it will take something, no SOMEONE, more powerful to overcome it.

My prayer is that those who don't know my SAVIOR will one day have a true encounter with the One that can penetrate the hardest of hearts. I pray that everyone, no matter how evil they may be, will come face to face with the One that can change things. He will renew our hearts. He will renew our spirit. He can do anything. He is the stone crusher!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

A call away

Have you ever been looking for someone and couldn't find them? I mean, it could be as simple as trying to find your child inside your house. You run up and down the stairs, you look in the cabinets, you search the closets and toy boxes. You run outside, you run inside, you frantically search but can't find them. You finally start to sit down on the couch and panic when you find them sitting on the couch.

When you tell them that you had been searching for them, they usually look at you and say, "Well, I've been sitting right here." You respond, "Why didn't you say something? Why didn't you notice that I was looking for something? Why didn't you come to me?" To which, you will get the response, "All you had to do was call me."

Today's word is Lamentations 3:57, NIV, which reads, "You came near when I called You, and You said, 'Do not fear.'"

I think we often go through a lot of panicked searching, when all we have to do is call. So many of us will try to find a way to fill the void we fill with anything and everything except the Right Thing. We will search high and low and find ourselves lost and broken time and time again, when all we have to do is call on the Name of the LORD.

The next time you find yourself searching for something, anything, call on the Name of the LORD. He sees all. He knows all. He does all. And, as today's word reminds us, when we call, He will come near. JESUS is just a call away.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, December 11, 2017

He alone can make it right again

I have had my injuries; and, as I mature, some are more prevalent and noticeable than others. There are days when my arthritic hips and knees are unnoticeable; there are others when there is nothing I can do to hide them. Yet, I really have no complaints. I have been so blessed.

However, we all start thinking about our own hurts and scars from time to time. I guess that is human nature. There are so many others that suffer far greater and have overcome far more than I ever have, and that I hope I ever will. I see the resolve, the drive, in some people and wonder where it comes from. I see them fight back and overcome great obstacles and am amazed at their resiliency and tenaciousness.

Today's word is Jeremiah 30:17a, NIV, which reads, "But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds, declares the LORD..."

Those that I know that have overcome great adversity have had great resolve; they have also had great faith. They knew without a doubt that they were not going through it alone. They knew without a doubt that if they persevered and did their very best that GOD would bring them through. They also knew that whatever the outcome, they were held in GOD'S hand and they would resolve to praise Him - regardless.

If you've been hurt: physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, why not turn to the only One that can provide complete healing? Yes, it hurts. Yes, it was undeserved. Yes, the outcome may not be everything you desire. BUT, He alone can restore; He alone can heal; He alone can make it right again.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, December 8, 2017

He wanted a relationship with us

It has been a few days of not posting; it has been a busy few days. Sometimes, in the hustle and bustle of end of the year, shopping, family health problems, functions, etc., it is easy to lose what the Season is all about.

I LOVE CHRISTMAS. My love for Christmas has nothing to do with presents. As much as I love fellowship and food, it has nothing to do with either of those, though I really love them both. I also love the lights and decorations. We drove around our neighborhood for a while last night looking at the lights. And, the music. But, that is not my favorite part of Christmas either...

Today's word is Isaiah 7:14, KJV, which reads, "Therefore the LORD Himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel."

The best part of Christmas, my favorite part of Christmas, is that GOD loved us enough to give us the GIFT of a relationship, of eternal life with Him. I love every part of Christmas because I love what Christmas is really all about - the SAVIOR.

Immanuel means, "GOD with us". We can rejoice as we celebrate His birth. We can celebrate that GOD loved us enough and wanted a relationship with us so much that He came and dwelt among us. The mystery, the wonder, the best part of that isn't that we wanted a relationship with Him, but that HE WANTED A RELATIONSHIP WITH US!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Beautiful in every way

Alright, anyone who knows me knows that I married a beautiful lady. I am pretty sure that when most people see Trish and me together they think either, "That guy must be rich," or "Bless her heart." I can guarantee you that the first one doesn't apply, the second probably always does.

As I have mentioned before, though, Trish is a beautiful lady on the outside but she is even more beautiful on the inside. You would be hard pressed to find anyone that is more caring, more loving, more compassionate than she is. She is beautiful inside and out.

Today's word is Song of Solomon 4:7, NLT, which reads, "You are altogether beautiful, my darling, beautiful in every way."

While this verse, in this book, is believed to be a love song of CHRIST to His bride, the Christian Church, there is so much in it that we can use in our earthly relationships with our spouses. There is not at man in this world that shouldn't treat his wife as CHRIST treats us. Ephesians 5:25 tells us, husbands, to love our wives as CHRIST loved the church and gave Himself up for her. We are to love our wives as CHRIST loves us, which is described in today's word.

I have said it before, and I say it again, I am a blessed man. I am blessed to have a beautiful wife, inside and out. I am more blessed that CHRIST loves me even more than I could ever think, dream, or imagine. I am grateful that His blood covers my sins and all He sees is the beauty He imparted. If you belong to CHRIST, all He sees is that you are beautiful in every way.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, December 1, 2017

No one is always good and never sins

So, I once heard a man, standing in a pulpit, a "pastor" say that he was above sin, that he was so righteous that he did not commit sin. Well, I knew he was sinning - he was LYING. Now, no doubt, this guy was probably a really good guy, and probably tried really hard, but he sinned. But, his saying this was a good reminder for us all.

We can all get on our high horse and start believing that we are better than others when it comes to sin. We somehow think that our sins are less sinful than others. Well, let me tell you that I sin. Not that I am in any way proud of that; I say it with the complete condemnation that it deserves. I hate that I sin. And, I would never claim that I didn't sin or that my sin was more approved than others.

Today's word is a reminder to us all that we have all sinned and we need not think too highly of ourselves. Ecclesiastes 7:20, NLT, which reads, "Not a single person on earth is always good and never sins."

Now, this verse is not to be used to justify our sins, as in, "Well, I do sin but there isn't a single person on earth that never sins." That is absolutely correct. However, trying to use some other person's sin to justify yours doesn't make your sin any less sinful. This verse is telling us that we need not think better of ourselves and less of others because of their sins. None of us are above sin.

We aren't to compare our sins to others. We aren't to compare our righteousness to others. We, like the prophet Isaiah need to compare ourselves to JESUS, WHOM we are striving to be like. If we do that, we will find that our righteousness is as filthy rags, and that when we are weighed in the balance, we are founding wanting.

Yes, we have all sinned, and we all sin. We have all fallen short of the glory of GOD. We have all failed to meet GOD'S standards. We all need to earnestly seek forgiveness for our sins and, then, turn from them forever. Then, we should pray for our fellow man that each one does the same. No one is always good and never sins.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Be sensible and keep your mouth shut

I have probably shared before that Trish will tell you that I am brutally honest. I hope that more emphasis can be placed on "honest" than on "brutal". Now, it's not that I haven't told lies; if I claimed that, that would be a LIE. I have just gotten better with age at telling the truth, brutal or not.

One thing I have learned, and it has proven true time and again, is that if you start with a lie, you will have to tell more lies and more lies and more lies. And, before long, you have told so many lies to so many people that you can't remember what you have told to whom. Then, one things leads to another and, eventually, you have a mess. Lying is especially prevalent when we are trying to cover up a sin...

Today's word is Proverbs 10:19, and I love the NLT translation, which reads, "Too much talk leads to sin. Be sensible and keep your mouth shut."

When we start trying to impress, to be something that we are not, or we try to cover up something, we have a tendency to talk too much. And, the more we talk, the deeper the hole gets. The more we talk, the more we are apt to get caught up in sin. Not that talking in and of itself is a bad thing, it's not. But, too much talk will give us a false sense of belonging or a false sense of self-worth (everyone is interested in me).

Then, as with all other things that cause that euphoric feeling, we find ourselves needing more. So, in order to sound more interesting, we find ourselves telling things that aren't exactly true. I know. I've been there. Eventually, we leave the conversation thinking, "I should have shut up before I said...". Or, "I shouldn't have said..." The verse today has some great advice for each of us - "Be sensible and keep your mouth shut."

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Push Back

I seem to have had a lot of no win situations lately. It's not that I have had more than anyone else or that I am complaining about the ones I have had to face; I am just saying that it seems that I have had an abundance of situations lately that there really seems to be no good answer, no good fix. But, we all have those, right?

So, where do you turn when you face a difficult task, a difficult situation, a dilemma so to speak? It is good to ask advice, if you have someone that you trust enough to ask, and if they have some experience in a similar situation. It is good to seek articles and such from creditable resources that may help in the decision making process. BUT, why not turn to the ONE that knows all and can really give you the answer you need?

Today's word is Psalm 44:5, NLT, which reads, "Only by Your power can we push back our enemies; only in Your name can we trample our foes."

Sometimes, the best thing you can do when you are challenged on every side is to push back. Now, there is a right way and a wrong way to go about it. And, trust me, I have done it wrong more times than I care to admit. However, there will come those times, those challenges, those moments when we need to stand down and let things work themselves out. There will also be those times that we need to stand up and push back.

When it is time to push back, we need to do it correctly, wisely, and with GOD'S assistance. We need to pray and seek His will and, then, to act accordingly. We need to know what to do, then, do it. We need to allow Him to direct us, then, act. BUT, only if that is His will. And, if it is, He will give us the strength to push back.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, November 27, 2017

Don't blame GOD

There is a lot of blame and finger pointing going on in our society today, and some it rightfully so. We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of GOD; I know I certainly have. Some, though, are being pointed out for heinous things that they tried to cover up for years. The Bible also reminds us to be sure that our sins will find us out.

In all the finger pointing, everyone is looking for someone to blame, something to blame besides self. I have mentioned before that there are things in my life that I wish I had never done, NEVER. However, all I can do is ask forgiveness, learn from the failures, and move on - remorseful, repentant, refocused.

Some folks, in their desire to place blame, want to blame GOD for some of the atrocious acts being committed. GOD is not to blame. We have allowed so many things, tolerated so many things, accepted so many things, that we are to blame. When you allow and accept everything and anything, you will eventually see and receive everything and anything. GOD isn't to blame for the evil that befalls us; human nature and free will is.

Today's word is Job 1:22, ESV, which reads, "In all this Job did not sin or charge GOD with wrong."

Job had just received word that he had lost everything: all his flocks, all his livestock, all his servants, even all his children. It would have been easy to stand there and blame GOD for all the calamity. It would have been easy to stand there and blame GOD for all the losses. However, Job recognized that GOD had given it all to him to begin with. Job stated that he had come into the world with nothing, and he would leave this world with nothing (You don't take any of it with you).

Job also knew that GOD is Good, and He has our best interest at heart. He knew that we live in a broken and sinful world and that it rains on the just and the unjust. He knew that GOD would see him through, and that He wasn't to blame. Don't let satan talk you into blaming GOD for his doings. Don't let satan talk you into blaming GOD for the mess you got yourself into. Praise GOD. Serve GOD. Don't blame GOD.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

GOD'S Favor

I have a good friend of mine that made a comment once that still resonates with me. He said that he hoped that when he stands before GOD that his good outweighs his bad. Now, of course, we all hope that can be said of us but, this gentleman was telling me that in lieu of accepting JESUS as SAVIOR and LORD. I told him that it didn't work that way - you must be born again.

I can tell you that my goodness is as filthy rags. I could NEVER do enough good to earn GOD'S salvation. I could NEVER earn enough to pay for GOD'S salvation. It is a free gift. It is available to all who will believe and accept. The only thing that makes me worthy enough to spend eternity in Heaven is the blood of JESUS CHRIST that covers ALL my sins. Period.

Today's word is Esther 5:2a, ESV, which reads, "And when the king saw Queen Esther standing in the court, she won favor in his sight..."

Esther had taken her life into her own hands to try and save her people, the Jews. Going before the king without permission could get you killed. If the king was having a bad day or if things just rubbed him the wrong way and he didn't hold out the scepter, granting you favor, he could have you imprisoned or killed. The king loved Esther but it was still a chance.

We don't have to worry about coming before the King of Kings if we have accepted JESUS as our SAVIOR. If we are saved, when the day comes for us to stand before GOD, He will reach out His hand and say, "Welcome home My good and faithful servant." If you're not saved, there will come a day when you hear the LORD say, "Depart from Me, for I never knew you." Don't rely on you good outweighing your bad - it won't. Accept JESUS as LORD and SAVIOR, and win eternal life and GOD'S favor.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

My Part

I once knew a guy that thought GOD would do everything for him. Now, don't get me wrong, I KNOW that GOD does everything for me. But, this guy took it to a whole different level. He believed that GOD would doe everything for him even when he (this guy) was doing stupid stuff. An example...

This guy had a car that would backfire through the carburetor. The car was in dire need of a new timing chain and gears but this guy would just adjust the distributor and, after several backfires through the carburetor, would get the vehicle running and proceed to drive it anywhere. When this guy was told that he needed to get it fixed or it was going to either leave him stranded or catch fire and burn up, his reply was, "GOD will take care of me."

Today's word is Nehemiah 4:9, NLT, which reads, "But we prayed to our GOD and guarded the city day and night to protect ourselves."

Nehemiah and the Israelites were rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem and it made some folks angry. Verse 7 of Nehemiah 9 tells us that Sanballat, Tobiah, the Arabs, the Ammonites, and the Ashdodites were angry. They decided that they were going to go down and stop the rebuild. Nehemiah knew that what he and the Israelites were doing was not a popular thing. He knew that it made the surrounding communities angry. He knew that GOD had called them to do this great work. He knew that GOD would take care of them while they carried out this task. He also knew that he had to do his part. So, they prayed AND they guarded the city day and night to protect themselves.

As I said, I know that GOD can do all things. I know that He is working all things for my good. BUT, I also know He made me smart enough to do my part. He expects me to pray and seek His will. AND, He expects me to earnestly do my part.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, November 20, 2017

He is good

It is the week of Thanksgiving, and I love it. I LOVE Thanksgiving. Not because of the food, though it's some seriously good food. Not because of family get-togethers, though I am always grateful to have another chance to get together with family. No, I love Thanksgiving because of what it means.

Blake has been learning about Thanksgiving in school and has shared with us his rendition of the Mayflower and the pilgrims and the first Thanksgiving. It is such a blessing to hear him narrate the story, to hear him describe the first Thanksgiving. That is something I am thankful for.

Today's word is Ezra 3:11a, NIV, which reads, "With praise and thanksgiving they sang to the LORD: 'He is good; His love towards Israel (and us) endures forever...'"

The Israelites had been freed from Egyptian captivity. They had had their difficulties, many of which were brought upon themselves, with enemies and settling in. But, finally, the foundation of the House of the LORD had been laid; it was time for celebration, time for Thanksgiving.

Much like these Israelites, our forefathers, who endured great strife and difficulties to allow us the privileges that we enjoy in this great country, gave GOD praise and thanksgiving. If we will take the time to look around and see all that GOD has done and all that He is doing, and remember all that He is going to do, we should have nothing but thankfulness. We have so much to be thankful for. One reason is because He is good!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, November 17, 2017

Look to GOD for help

Ever have a decision to make and not know which way to go? We all face those moments when we know that it is an important decision and that no matter which way we go, it will have consequences and pain. It is true that the right thing to do is often the hardest.

When I have decisions to make, I always pray about it. I don't know what else to do. I don't know what others do but that is my first action, to pray. I always want to do what GOD wants me to do. I want to be a good example for my wife and kids. I want them to see that I seek GOD'S will in every decision we make. Besides, that should be our desire when a decision needs making.

Today's word is 2 Chronicles 20:12b, NLT, which reads, "...We do not know what to do, but we are looking to You for help."

It is a really tough position to be in where you don't know what to do. I have faced that decision more times than I care to admit, more times than I care to mention, more times than I care to talk about. It is a tough position to be in and a tough position to find a way out of. UNLESS...

Unless, you allow GOD to direct your decisions. If we will allow GOD to direct us and if we will submit to His will, we will find our answers. We will NEVER go wrong with allowing GOD to direct us. We will NEVER go wrong with allowing GOD to show us what we need to do. When we don't know what to do, we know what to do - Look to GOD for help.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

The song we sing

I have shared before that I come from a singing family. Not that any of us sing particularly well but we all sing. I grew up in a family that loved to listen to music and loved to sing along. And, a lot of times, there is nothing that touches someone's soul quite like a good song. It's all about what you are singing.

Now, I have been known to make up a song or two. I have also been known to make up lyrics to songs that others find popular, as have others. Trishia's cousin used to think the Bon Jovi song "You give love a bad name" actually said, "You give love a bandaid". Songs can express so much; it's all about the words.

Today's word is 1 Chronicles 16:23, ESV, which reads, "Sing to the LORD, all the earth! Tell of His salvation from day to day."

We, Christians, have A LOT to sing about. We should be singing it daily. We should be singing the praises of our LORD and SAVIOR to everyone we come across. Now, I know that you can't be offensive, and some companies don't allow overt religious discussion, but, we should be telling others about JESUS and the difference He makes in our lives any time that opportunity presents itself.

There are lots of folks that we will encounter daily that need to hear that there is a SAVIOR Who loves them. They need to hear that there is a GOD who cares and who is concerned about their eternity. They need to hear that there is a GOD who wants a personal relationship with each and every one and that He made a way for that to happen. They need to hear the song we sing!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, November 13, 2017

Open our eyes

Fear is an easy thing to have and a hard thing to lose. I've probably mentioned before that we all have fears of some sort or another. Whether your fear is flying or public speaking or darkness or whatever, it can be overwhelming and, sometimes, debilitating.

I have seen people freeze up at the most inopportune times. I have also seen people conquer their fears and excel beyond imagination. I always try to remember that if GOD is for us (and, He is if we are children in His will), then, who dare be against us. With GOD on our side we have nothing to fear. However, in our human, earthly, carnal, made of dust flesh, we can often forget about the army with which GOD has surrounded us.

Today's word is 2 Kings 6:17a, NIV, which reads, "And Elisha prayed, 'Open his eyes, LORD, so that he may see.' Then the LORD opened the servant's eyes..."

Elisha and his servant were surrounded by a great army; an army of horses and chariots was all around the city. Elisha's servant had gone out and seen the vast challenge before them. He was sure that Elisha and he were about to meet their demise. BUT, GOD already had the situation handled. When Elisha prayed for the LORD to open the servant's eyes and let him see, the LORD allowed the servant to see the force that GOD had assembled.

We are often too busy focusing on our fears that we fail to look around and see how GOD has already conquered them. We allow ourselves to get concerned and flustered and fearful when GOD is saying, "Look around. I've got this covered!" Don't let fear stop you from going where GOD leads you. Don't let fear stop you from doing what GOD has called you to do. Don't let fear cause you one moment of worry. Let's ask GOD to open our eyes.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Then, you will know the truth

Lee Segal is credited with saying, "A man with a watch knows what time it is. A man with two watches is never sure." It's hard to trust anything if you are trying to trust two different things, and watches are no exception.

We have about twenty clocks in our house. And, as much as possible, I try to synchronize them. I mean to the second. I would love to see them all change the minute and the hour at precisely the same time. NEVER HAPPENS. No matter how much I try, over time, some of the clocks will lose milliseconds, which accumulate into seconds, then minutes, etc. So, at any one time, one clock could be twenty minutes different from another. BUT, if I only rely on one...

Today's word is 1 Kings 18:21, NIV, which reads, "Elijah went before the people and said, 'How long will you waver between two opinions? If the LORD is GOD, follow Him; but if baal is god, follow him.' But the people said nothing."

Elijah was telling these prophets of baal that you can't ride the fence. Do you know why? Because, satan owns the fence. You are either on the right side of things or you are not. You can't continue to try to waver between two opinions; it is either twelve o'clock sharp or it isn't. It is either GOD is LORD or He is not. (HE IS).

There are a lot of us that try to "slip by", that try to justify some of the things we do by keeping two "rule books" - one for us, one for everyone else. There are many of us that try to "slip by" by just believing anything and everything, especially anything that will justify our actions. Trust me, there are enough false teachings out there to justify most any sin BUT that doesn't make it right. Choose to do right - follow the LORD GOD. Then, you will know the truth.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

You don't have to stub a toe

Ever got up in the middle of the night and stubbed your toe? Or, ran into something with your shin? Yeah, if memory serves, I have damaged my pinkie toe on my left foot three times by catching it on something I didn't see.

Usually, we get up and leave everything dark because we don't want to disturb others and we don't want to mess up our sleep anymore than we have to, and bright light will do that. However, if we aren't careful, if we don't turn on some light, we may stub a pinkie toe or bash a shin, neither of which is overly appealing. And, usually, if one of these two occur, everyone in the house is awakened anyway.

Today's word is 2 Samual 22:29, NIV, which reads, "You, LORD, are my lamp; the LORD turns my darkness into light."

Just as many of us wander around at night in the darkness, there are many more wandering around in this world in darkness so thick they can't see all the dangers in their path. Yet, they continue to walk, not knowing that they can run into something far worse, far more sinister, far more evil, far more painful, far more dangerous than a bed frame or coffee table. As a matter of fact, if you are outside and walking in darkness, you may fall off a cliff. So many are walking perilously close to the edge.

Just as we can turn on the light in our houses, we too can turn on the True Light in our lives. If we will allow GOD to take control and lead our lives, He will shine a light on the path that we should go. He will illuminate every danger, every peril, every trouble, every obstacle that lies ahead and lead us safely to our destination. Turn on some lights. You don't have to stub a toe.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, November 6, 2017

Pray for Sutherland Springs

The tragedy in Sutherland Springs, Texas is heavy on my heart this morning, as I am sure it is yours too. I cannot imagine the pain and anguish suffered by so many. I don't have any idea how you recover from something so devastating; I pray I never have to.

There is so much wrong in this world, so much hatred and malice and terror and disconnect. There are a lot of people that will tell you that we need to take away every gun. That won't work because then only the ones capable of doing such dastardly acts would have guns. This isn't about gun violence; this is about violence. Our world continues to get more and more violent. What can we do?

Today's word is from 1 Samuel 1:10, NIV, which reads, "In her deep anguish Hannah prayed to the LORD, weeping bitterly."

Hannah wanted to have children but it wasn't happening, and she was earnestly seeking GOD. The first chapter of 1 Samuel tells us that Elkanah, Hannah's husband, loved Hannah. As was customary in Old Testament times, Elkanah had another wife, Peninnah, and he had given portions of his sacrifice, of his possessions, to Peninnah and their children, BUT, he loved Hannah so much that he gave her a double portion. He even asked Hannah why she was so sad, and wasn't he worth more to Hannah than ten sons? Hannah loved Elkanah. She wanted to please him. She wanted to give him a son. So, she earnestly pleaded with GOD.

There is only one thing that will cause people to stop committing heinous and cowardly acts of terror - GOD, the One True and Living GOD. We can hope that our legislators will fix it. We can hope that it will stop. We can hope that people will find other ways to vent their hatred and anger. But, the truth is that it will only stop when everyone turns to GOD. Let's join together and pray earnestly, sincerely, with conviction and anguish that GOD will stop the violence. Pray for Sutherland Springs.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, November 3, 2017

Some things can't wait

I am not one to procrastinate much. If Trish tells me that we need to do something, I try to jump up and start working on it, if money and time allows. There have been several instances when she will tell me that she didn't mean, "At this very moment," but, I like to get things done. I have to mark things off my list.

Now, there are times when I am a little less quick to act. I am a planner to a fault. So, if a big project is to be done, I will sit down and plan it all out, detail by detail. Once the plan is done, however, and, if time and money allows, we go at it full bore.

Today's word is Ruth 3:18, NLT, which reads, "Then Naomi said to her (Ruth), 'Just be patient, my daughter, until we hear what happens. The man won't rest until he has settled things today."

Boaz loved Ruth. He knew that she was a good woman, a virtuous woman. As a matter of fact, he had told her that he knew she was a woman of excellence. He was going to discuss with her closest next of kin about redeeming the property of her deceased husband and father-in-law, which would also allow him the right to marry Ruth. Boaz didn't know how it would turn out but he wasn't going to wait very long to find out; he would settle the matter today.

On the other hand, Naomi reminded Ruth that she had to be patient. Sometimes, we have to wait for the plan to come together, for all the pieces to fit together. And, we always find out in the end that it was worth the wait.

While today's thoughts might seem contradictory, they aren't. There are times that we need to sit and wait for GOD'S plan to unfold, like Ruth. There are other times that we are led by GOD to act, like Boaz, and we need to settle things today.

If you don't know JESUS as your LORD and SAVIOR, won't you make that decision today? Some things can't wait.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Do not be afraid!

Have you ever been really scared? REALLY SCARED? There have been situations that many have been through that were truly life and death situations. It seems that most everyone has some fear, whether it be public speaking, meeting your new girlfriend's parents, etc.

I think the biggest fear that many have is death. It is easy to see why the fear of death is so prevalent. I don't know about you but I really enjoy my life. I love the life that GOD has given me. I know that when this earthly life is over that I will spend eternity with JESUS in Heaven. So, what is there to fear?

Today's word is Judges 6:23, NIV, which reads, "But the LORD said to him (Gideon), 'Peace! Do not be afraid. You are not going to die."

Gideon had entertained the LORD'S angel, who had told Gideon that GOD was going to use him to defeat the Midianites. Gideon had asked for a sign that this was GOD'S will (I have shared before that I am a Gideon-type person). The angel gave Gideon a sign. Gideon feared that he would die because he had seen the LORD'S angel face to face. BUT, he had no need to fear...

With GOD on our side, with us being His children, we have no reason to fear what He calls us to do. He has a plan. He has it all worked out. He has our best in mind. We can rest peacefully and comfortably in His arms. Do not be afraid!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

The Power of the LORD

Has GOD ever done anything absolutely amazing in your life? For me, the list is endless. Obviously, I begin with the fact that He died for my sins and forgave me of my sins and gave me the gift of salvation. That is enough said. However, He has given me so much more...

GOD has blessed me with a godly and great wife. She is the perfect wife for me, perfect. He has blessed us with great children, a good home, good health, good employment, and so much more. Why has He chosen to do so much for us? Why has He chosen to do such mighty and powerful works in our lives?

Today's word is Joshua 4:24, NLT, which reads, "He did this so all the nations of the earth might know that the LORD'S hand is powerful, and so you might fear the LORD you GOD forever."

GOD had brought the Israelites through so much. And, He had done it in ways that no one had to wonder how it was happening. He had sent plagues upon Pharaoh, the death angel, parted the Red Sea, and so much more. He had given them visual reminders. Those reminders were fore the Israelites, those around them, and for us. They remind us that the LORD'S hand is powerful!

I can easily see the miracles that GOD has performed in my life. I am humbled and amazed at His mighty works. I am in awe of His goodness and grace. I am thankful for His blessings and goodness and miracles. Can you see the power of the LORD?

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, October 30, 2017

Wherever you go

We have our challenges. The Good LORD knows that most of Trishia's challenges are probably related to me in some form or another. What I mean is that we have not arrived, we still live in a broken and fallen world. And, sometimes, this world causes challenges that are difficult, challenging, hard, and unyielding. Yet, in the midst of all the challenges, I can see GOD working and growing and blessing us.

Yes, I am blessed and highly favored; more than I could ever express. I can look back on my life and see GOD in so many instances. Of course, He brought Trish and me together. He has given us two very strong and strong-willed children that will go out and conquer this world one day. Pray with me that they will come to know CHRIST and serve Him; that is our ultimate prayer. GOD has given us good health, good employment, a good home, good family, good friends, and so much more. All we have to do is look around to see GOD'S marvelous work.

Today's word is Deuteronomy 28:6, NLT, which reads, "Wherever you go and whatever you do, you will be blessed."

GOD had delivered the Israelites from Egyptian bondage. They had seen Him work in many mighty and powerful ways. They had seen Him roll back the sea and send them food from Heaven. Now, He was telling His people that wherever they went and whatever they did, they would be blessed. However, there is a requirement for the blessing...

Verse two of Deuteronomy 28 reads, "You will experience all these blessings if you obey the LORD your GOD." IF we will just follow the LORD, IF we will just obey His commandments, IF we will just allow Him to direct and guide us, He will bless us beyond imagination. And, those blessings will be wherever you go.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, October 27, 2017

Leave them there

There are, and have been, times in my life when I feel as if I am asked to carry more than my share. Now, where that comes from I do not know. I mean, how do we know how much is our share? How do we determine that we are doing more than others, or that others aren't doing as much as we are? But, suffice it to say that I, too, have my days when I feel as if I am being asked to bear more than my fair share of the load.

So, how do you combat the feeling of being over-used, over-expected, over-burdened? What do you do to make yourself feel less so? I know, without a doubt, that I have those days that I feel as if no one understands and that no one cares. I have those days that I might complain about it and grip about it. BUT, nothing works as well as praying about it.

Today's word is Numbers 11:14, NLT, which is a passage where we can see Moses struggling with the weight of leading the Israelites. It reads, "I can't carry all these people by myself! The load is far too heavy!"

Moses was feeling the weight of governing, directing, deciding for all the children of Israel. It had gotten to a point that no matter what Moses was doing, no matter the decision he made, he was questioned and folks complained about it. GOD had used Moses to lead His people, the children of Israel, the Israelites, from Egyptian bondage. Yet, they would complain about how they had it better under bondage.

When Moses got to the point that complaining wasn't helping, that gripping wasn't fixing it, that frustration wasn't working, he asked GOD to help. GOD told Moses what to do. Moses did what he was told, and things got better. 

If you're like me and get in the mullygrubs and feel like a lone ranger from time to time, take the time to pray. Not only does GOD know what you're going through, He can fix it. Take your burdens to the LORD and leave them there.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

His very own

I have shared before that our children, especially our son, is taking on some of my habits. He has some movements, some gestures, some posturing that is much like mine. He also mimics some of my actions, seldom the good ones, but he is good at imitation. And, when others see him do some of these things, especially Trish, they say, "Just like his daddy."

Now, before we get too far into this, I realize that one day he won't want to act anything like me and that he will cringe any time someone says he does. But, with that being said, we have a tendency to mimic those that we admire, those that we love. This desire explains leggings and parachute pants and Members Only jackets (you may have to look that up). Needless to say, we try to look like and act like those we admire.

Today's word is Leviticus 20:26, NLT, which reads, "You must be holy because I, the LORD, am holy. I have set you apart from all other people to be My very own."

We are GOD'S children. And, as we have discussed before, we should look like it; we should act like it. Others should be able to see that we are His, that we want to honor Him, that we have His habits and gestures and nuances. GOD took it a step further and said that we must be holy. Why? Because our Father is holy. We should reflect Him.

The final part of the verse reminds us that GOD has set us apart (Yes, I know this was given to the Israelites, but, it is for all GOD'S children). He has made a way for us to be His. He has made us to be an heir with JESUS CHRIST. He has set us apart to be His very own.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Who is like Him?

One of my favorite movies is Facing the Giants. One of my favorite scenes from the movie is in the locker room after winning the championship when coach Grant Taylor begins asking his players, "So, tell me, what's impossible with GOD?' Absolutely NOTHING is impossible with GOD. NOTHING.

I believe that GOD can do whatever He wants, however He wants, whenever He wants. Now, that doesn't mean that He will. I believe that He allows us to go through consequences for our decisions and actions. I believe that He allows this world and its societies to face the reality of their disobedience. But, I also believe, without any doubt, that GOD can do anything. And, He is worthy of our praise.

Today's word is Exodus 15:11, NLT, which reads, "Who is like You among the gods, O LORD--glorious in holiness, awesome in splendor, performing great wonders?"

There are a lot of people that worship all kinds of things, false gods. There are those that believe that GOD is His creation. No, GOD is the Creator. There are those that believe that we are all "gods". No, we were not created to Be god; we were created By GOD. Do you know of anyone that can MAKE a tree? They may grow one from a seed, BUT, where did they get the seed? Did the make the seed? Did they create the tree? Did they form an object? NO. They grew a tree from the tree that GOD created.

My GOD is AWESOME! All you have to do is look around at all that He created and be in complete awe of Him. He isn't a god. He is THE GOD. He is glorious and awesome and worthy of all our praise. Who is like Him?

Monday, October 23, 2017

He sees, and He cares

Have you felt as if you were completely invisible? I mean, that no one knows who you are or what you do? That no one seems to see your hard work and efforts? That everyone is oblivious to your existence?

It is easy to get the feeling that no one sees us, that no one knows us, that no one knows what is going on with us in this busy, electronically-driven world in which we live. It is easy to believe that no one knows your struggles nor, more important, that no one cares.

Today's word is Genesis 16:13, ESV, which reads, "So she called the name of the LORD Who spoke to her, 'You are a GOD of seeing,' for she said, 'Truly here I have seen Him Who looks after me.'"

Hagar was struggling; she was wondering if anyone cared, if anyone knew she was struggling. Hagar wondered if anyone could see her predicament, if anyone even knew she existed. Then, she found out that GOD was there. He didn't sugar coat anything. He didn't condone the things that were against His will. YET, He met her need.

If you are feeling as if no one is there, that no one cares, that no one sees your efforts, trust me, GOD sees. He has anything and everything you could ever need. He loves you more than anyone ever could. He wants a relationship with you more than words can express. He will meet your needs in ways that no one else ever could. Call on Him; He sees, and He cares.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, October 20, 2017

GOD will faithfully sustain

I run into a lot of tired people, including myself. It seems as if everyone is burning the proverbial candle at both ends. It seems that everyone has enough going on for two people and they are taking on more. There is a lot to get done; there doesn't always seem to be enough people working to accomplish the tasks. On the other hand, sometimes, there is no one else to help.

I don't know about you, but, when I start getting really tired, physically exhausted, I can find myself in the midst of a pity party. Again, I am not advocating that pity parties are bad. We all get down from time to time; this world knows how to knock us down and drag us around. It's okay to have a pity party. It is completely unacceptable and unproductive to remain in a pity party.

So, how do we bring ourselves out of our doldrums? How do we defeat the negativity inside our own heads? How do we find the strength to push through another tiring and trying day? How do we keep on keeping on? All good and legitimate questions. Today's word is a reminder that GOD will provide what we need when we need it.

Today's word is Jeremiah 31:13b, NLT, which reads, "...I will turn their mourning into joy. I will comfort them and their sorrow for rejoicing."

It is when we are at our lowest that we have to fight our hardest. Rest assured that our efforts, our determination, our fight does not go unnoticed. GOD sees our situation. He sees the effort that is expended. He sees the exhaustion that is endured. He sees our struggles. He also has a plan. Today's word reminds us that if we faithfully fight, GOD will faithfully sustain.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Guard your heart

So, I have been gone the last few days to a training conference. It is good to hear others talk about their experiences and for them to share their knowledge. Then, maybe, we can glean something from one another that we can take back to our respective workplaces and make our jobs better and/or more efficient.

While at this conference, there was some entertainment that, to me, was anything but. I found the entertainment to be a bit crude and maybe a little inappropriate for an audience that included young children. Now, it wasn't overly offensive but, it did have some talk about alcohol and drugs and a few words that most parents would blush if they heard their six-year-old repeat, especially in front of the pastor. I don't know how it ended because, about five minutes into it, I left.

Today's word is Matthew 15:19, NLT, which reads, "For from the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, all sexual immorality, theft, lying, and slander."

Now, I am not saying that the folks performing the other night were bad people; I don't even know them. They were trying to be funny and entertaining, which I am sure they probably were. However, I didn't need to allow the negative and inappropriate things to enter my ears. Why? Because, what enters my ears will eventually find its way to my heart, which will eventually enter my thoughts, which will eventually become part of my speech and behavior. Remember, Trash In = Trash Out.

We have to guard our hearts. We have to protect what is allowed to infiltrate our thoughts. We have to prohibit things from entering our ears and our eyes. If we aren't careful with what we allow in, we will eventually not care about what we allow out. Guard your heart!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Move forward

I have probably shared a lot about our U6 soccer team this fall. Our team is a fiery bunch, with a determination to do their best, which is very encouraging and humbling. These youngsters, all six or younger, have played really hard and fearless.

This past weekend, we faced a team that had some fairly tall and athletic kids. These kids knew how to play soccer, how to get from point A to B, and how to get there in a pretty big hurry. During one of the quarter breaks, our kids were commenting that the other team was big and fast. They were sizing them up correctly. BUT...

Today's word is a passage I have used before but it reminds me that GOD has called us to complete a mission. Today's word is 2 Timothy 1:7, NLT, which reads, "For GOD has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline."

I mentioned to the kids that they were correct, the other team was big and fast, BUT, so were we. And, we knew our positions, we knew where we needed to be, we knew our game plan. We just had to be brave and play our game. We had to continue doing what we knew to do. We had to keep doing our best. And, if we do that, if we face our fears and do what we are called to do, GOD will take care of the rest.

I think we all have fears and concerns. For some of us, those fears are others. For some, those fears are financial. For some, those fears are about the future. But, this verse tells us that GOD has not given us that spirit of fear; that spirit is from satan, who is causing doubts and fears. BUT, GOD has given us a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline. If we will follow GOD, His Spirit will lead us to face all the challenges life offers. By the way, it wasn't easy but our kids pulled out a victory! GOD didn't call us to fear; He called us to move forward!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Even at our worst

We hear about relationships falling apart all the time because of irreconcilable differences, which means that the two people in the relationship haven't been unusually cruel or bad but that the two of them have decided that they are no longer compatible. And, it also means that the couple has agreed that neither is entirely at fault; they just don't want to repair what they had.

We also hear about relationships that end because one party or the other has decided that they "no longer love" the other. I have often wondered about falling out of love. I mean, I know you can; love is a choice. You can either choose to love someone or not. But, and I pray I never have to experience it, I wonder how you just stop loving someone. What brought you together in the first place?

Today's word is Romans 5:8, NIV, a very familiar passage, which reads, "But GOD demonstrates His Own love for us in this:While we were still sinners, CHRIST died for us."

Aren't you glad that GOD doesn't just stop loving us? Aren't you glad that He doesn't reach a point that He "no longer loves us"? GOD doesn't like it when we sin. As a matter of fact, He will not tolerate sin. BUT, even when we sin, HE STILL LOVES US. Even when we turn our backs on Him, HE STILL LOVES US. Even when we find something else to occupy our time and to adore, HE STILL LOVES US. And, if we will just turn back to Him, He is right where we left Him, waiting to receive us back into a restored relationship with Him.

I am amazed out how much GOD loves me. I heard an analogy that summarizes GOD'S great love for us: "If you ever wonder how much GOD loves you, try to catch all the raindrops that fall. The ones you can catch is how much you love GOD; all the ones you can't catch is how much GOD loves you." I think, for me, the best description of GOD'S love is today's verse. GOD loves us so much, even at our worst.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

The perfect plan

Sometimes, no matter how well we plan, things can still go wrong. The old saying, "The best laid plans of mice and men" often holds true. The mouse has a plan to still the cheese. However, the homeowner has placed the cheese on a contraption that will cause the mouse's plan to go horribly awry.

We, too, make plans that don't always work out. Sometimes, the plan is foiled by some unexpected circumstance or influence that we have absolutely no control over. Such as, we may plan a big outdoors party and it rains, which is a major inconvenience, especially without an alternate plan. There are other times, though, when Providence moves in our favor.

Today's word is a quote that reminds me that my plans are often interrupted to protect me: "GOD will wreck your plans when He sees that your plans are about to wreck you."

Sometimes, in our best interest, GOD will step in and foil our plans because our plans are about to wreck us. It's not fun. It's not comfortable. At the time, it is certainly not our desire. BUT, sometimes, in order to protect us from a worse danger, GOD will step in and wreck our selfish plans. Why? Because He loves us.

We need to always ensure that we make plans with the thought of having some flexibility when possible. We also need to understand that there will be times when GOD wrecks our plans because they are contradictory to His plan. I guess the best thing to do is to seek GOD'S will and to follow His plan, the perfect plan.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, October 9, 2017

When we listen

It's often tough to get people to listen. Hey, I know, I have a tendency not to listen either. I have a saying that I use to describe what a lot of us do: "I heard you but I wasn't listening." Hearing is simply perceiving or detecting sound; listening, on the other hand, is consciously choosing to focus on the sound. I think a lot of us hear but we often fail to listen.

I know I could have avoided a few challenges and obstacles in my life if I had been more diligent to listen. There have been times that someone has told me one thing or another and I heard the sound of a voice but I didn't focus on, I didn't listen to the advice. I have gotten better at listening as I have matured, as I hope most of us have.

Today's word is Proverbs 19:20, ESV, which reads, "Listen to advice and accept instruction, that you may gain wisdom in the future."

If we would only listen to advice and accept what others are trying to teach us, we might could save ourselves some hassle, some trouble, some problems, some heartache, some disappointment, some physical hurt. This verse tells us that we not only need to listen but we also need to heed, to accept, the instruction/advice. It doesn't do a lot of good to read the directions, if we aren't going to follow them.

However, if we will listen and accept instruction, we will gain wisdom, not only for the present circumstance but for future instances. It is possible that if we would listen today, we might could prevent something occurring later. If we apply the advice and instruction we are given, we may just be wise enough to avoid a problem today and prevent a mistake later. BUT, it all begins when we listen.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

They will be blessed

The word "integrity" means to be honest and to have and practice good moral conduct. I so want to be a man of integrity. I want to be the comparison, the example, when others mention someone of integrity. I fail sometimes. I have mentioned before that I have to watch myself, to check my own motives. It's really easy to allow selfish ambitions and unrighteous pride to compromise integrity.

Now, don't get me wrong, I want to be a person of staunch integrity so that others will find me trustworthy and loyal. But, I really want to be a person of strong integrity so that my children will know that GOD is my LORD and so that they will have an example to follow. I want to be a man of integrity to not bring reproach upon my LORD and to not bring embarrassment to my family.

Today's word is Proverbs 20:7, NLT, which reads, "The godly walk with integrity; blessed are their children who follow them."

There is a huge earthly reward for being a person of integrity - my children will be blessed. Don't you want your children to be blessed? Don't you want them to come to know JESUS and to serve Him? Don't you want your children to be able to say that they had parents of integrity? I want to walk in integrity to not bring reproach upon my LORD but, also, to not set a bad example for my children. Walking in integrity will keep me in GOD'S will and will BLESS MY CHILDREN! How much more of a reason could you need?

Let's strive to be people of integrity, people that others will look at and say, "You can trust what they say and trust them to do what is right." Why, so that we can get a bunch of  "atta boys" or pats on the back? No, so that our children and grandchildren will have an example to follow. And, so that they will be blessed.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

How's your appetite?

Have you ever been hungry? I mean, REALLY HUNGRY? I have been blessed to have lived a life where I have never known true hunger. Yeah, there have been times that I may not particularly like what is being served, or that I have not eaten right when I wanted, but I have never known true hunger - for food. I have been hungry to know more about JESUS.

There is an old Gospel song that says, "I want to know more about my JESUS. I want to know more about my LORD.." Have you ever been hungry for JESUS? Have you ever wanted to know more about why GOD, Himself, would come to make a way to have a relationship with us? I am a terrible example at times, but I am truly hungry to know more.

Today's word is Luke 6:21, KJV, which reads, "Blessed are ye that hunger now: for ye shall be filled. Blessed are ye that weep now: for ye shall laugh."

When you are hungry, there is only one remedy - to eat. And, there is nothing like the feeling of eating after you have been hungry. There is only One Thing that will fill our spiritual hunger - JESUS CHRIST. There are lots of folks trying to fill that void in their life, in their heart, in their soul with everything and anything when JESUS is the ONLY THING.

Have you ever noticed that even if you just ate a big meal, it wears off. We can have a ginormous dinner and I will awake tomorrow morning wanting breakfast. Yet, in our spiritual lives, we will sup with JESUS and then not commune with Him again until something bad happens or we need an answer NOW. I know, just like my physical hunger, my spiritual hunger should be a constant reminder that I need spiritual sustenance. So, how's your appetite?

Be Blessed,
Mickey T 

Monday, October 2, 2017

Work It

I've been thinking A LOT lately about what GOD wants me to do. I have always tried to seek GOD'S will for my life. Now, I haven't always immediately accepted it. And, I have from time to time tried to run from it. But, as I matured in my Christian faith and walk, I try to follow GOD'S will and call.

Trish and I have young children. I want to be sure that I am being what I am supposed to be as a husband, as a father, as a person. I want to be the one that leads my family, that teaches my children about GOD, and faith, and purpose. I want them to see me living my faith to the fullest. I want them to see me doing GOD'S work for His glory.

Today's word is Genesis 2:15, NIV, which reads, "The LORD GOD took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it."

I think a lot of folks are wandering around trying to find what GOD wants them to do. Why? Because, they don't like what GOD has called them to do. OR, they don't think that what they are doing is "good enough". No, they don't think that their efforts aren't good enough; they think that their calling should be something more glamorous, more visual, more prominent. But, I'll tell you what GOD has called us all to do - WORK.

Maybe you're thinking that GOD can't use you in your work. I want you to know that GOD is using your work for you and for others. Your example of good work, your determination and attitude is a testimony, either positive or negative. GOD put Adam in the Garden of Eden to tend it and take care of it, to WORK it. So, GOD'S calling for this season of your life might have you gardening, or welding, or cooking, or managing, or sweeping, or mowing, or cleaning, or typing, or whatever. His purpose, though, has not changed. He has placed each of us wherever we are to WORK IT.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, September 29, 2017

Give Him the glory

If you've ever asked me how I am doing, you have probably heard me reply, "Blessed and Highly Favored." And, as I have shared before, that is not something that I just say, it is not some flippant comment, it is not just something that sounds good, I truly am Blessed and Highly Favored, and I just want to share that with others.

GOD is so good to us if we will just recognize all the blessings around us. I truly believe that if you have someone to love and someone who loves you, you are far wealthier, far more blessed than you could ever imagine. If you have family and friends that you can talk to and fellowship with, that is a blessing many others don't have. If you have the ability to get up and go do, you are truly blessed. And, all these blessings come from our Father, Who loves to bless His children and Who deserves our praise.

Today's word is Psalm 29:2, KJV, which reads, "Give unto the LORD the glory due to His name; worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness."

We need to give the LORD His deserved glory. He has given us everything, including the gift of eternal life with Him, if we will only accept it. Yes, He deserves our highest praise and honor for the gift of eternal life, and for all the little things that we enjoy in our day to day lives.

I think about this time of year as we are entering into the autumn/fall season. We will see the leaves change into indescribable colors. We will see many beautiful displays, natural and man-made, as we move through the holiday seasons ahead. I pray that I remember that the LORD allows me the blessing to see it all and to experience it all. I want to give Him the glory!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Do what is right

If you look up the word "right", you will find that it means, "morally good, justified, acceptable, correct, true, etc." We don't usually have to ask anyone how to do the right thing. We do often struggle, though, with doing it.

I have mentioned before that oftentimes the right thing is the hardest thing. However, it is still the right thing. And, there is no feeling like doing the right thing. Yeah, it is often difficult to feel as if we have done the right thing. It seems that if we do the right thing we should feel better about it, though, we often feel as if we have been through a great struggle. I think not wanting to feel the struggle, not wanting to feel the pain associated with the right thing, we find ourselves from time to time not doing the right thing, but doing the easy thing.

Today's word is a quote from Theodore Roosevelt that says, "Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what is right."

We can know what is right. We can tell others what is right. We can quote every law, every scripture, every creed and schism, but none of that means anything if we don't practice what we preach. It's easy to tell others what they need to do, or it is for me. It's easy to point out where other people fail and falter. But, are we diligently seeking to do what is right?

I know today's post sort of goes with yesterday's, and I apologize. I really want to be GOD'S servant. I want to do what He wants me to do. I want to be useful to Him. I want others to see that I don't just say it, I walk it. I want to be found faithful. I want to be an example to others, especially my wife and children. I want them to know that I am going to do the right thing, ALWAYS. I want them to see me doing the right thing, ALWAYS. Because, "knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what is right."

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

The life that I live

Ever have someone say, "Hey, you need to go look in the mirror"? Well, you go, and sure enough, your hair is a mess, or you've got chocolate all over your mouth, or you've got spinach between your teeth. The gist is, you can't see your true self unless you look into something that reflects your image.

I'm not a huge mirror fan. Yes, we have them in our house for the reasons I just stated, along with being able to straighten ties and gig lines. The downside to mirrors, though, is that reflect my true image. Now, don't get me wrong, I am not image-conscious or image-focused, but, I can see that the image reflected back today is a little older, a little grayer, a little more wrinkled than the image from previous reflections. The image I see is the true me.

Today's word is Proverbs 27:19, NIV, which reads, "As water reflects the face, so one's life reflects the heart."

Much as we see our true outward appearance, our true reflection, by looking in the mirror or by looking into water, our life shows our true inward appearance. We may think we are projecting a perfect image but our heart shows our true self. We may try to mask our lives by saying the right things, by going to some of the right places, by putting on an act. However, our heart reflects who we really are, and we all know our own hearts.

I am much more concerned with my spiritual image than the physical one I see in the mirror. I can dye my hair, I can put in colored contacts, I can buy really nice clothes, I can change my physical appearance but my true self, the person I truly am, will always be reflected by the life that I live.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, September 25, 2017

To Whom we are attached

I have probably shared before that Trish and I have a flower cemetery; we plant it, it dies. I hate to say that we have a proverbial "black thumb" but we have little success when it comes to flowers and plants. We have managed to allow a cactus and an aloe vera meet their respective demise while in our care. I know, hard to do, but, we did it.

My Mom, on the other hand, can pretty much cast seeds on the pavement of the busiest highway and grow some of the most spectacular flowers in the world. How she does it, I do not know. She just has a gift for cultivating and for horticulture. We had a second aloe vera plant that I was sure had expired that my Mom brought back and it is still living and thriving.

Today's word is Colossians 2:7, NLT, which reads, "Let your roots grow down into Him, and let your lives be built on Him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness."

Without a good foundation, a good root system, plants will not make it. I'm sure you have probably seen large trees fallen in the wind because, while they were massive in size, their roots didn't grow deep enough to withstand the storm's onslaught. When the storm blew the strongest, the tree's lack of deep roots allowed it to be toppled. The same can happen in our spiritual life.

We have to allow our roots to be grounded DEEP into JESUS. We have to allow Him and His Word to penetrate and permeate everything we are. If we will do that, when the storm comes, and it will, we will have roots established so deeply that we may lose a few leaves, we may be "pruned" but we will not be moved.

My Mom is a really good horticulturist. She knows how to cultivate and nurture and promote the growth of plants. She knows that the secret to success is establishing a good root system. Our spiritual lives are only going to be as strong as the depth of our root system, and to WHOM we are attached.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, September 22, 2017

Are you listening?

There is a church billboard that I pass on my way to work that currently reads, "When GOD calls you, does He get a busy signal?" It's a great question. And, I know the implication is, "Are you too busy to hear GOD'S call?" Or, "Are you so busy and distracted with other things that you can't hear when GOD is calling you?" With all that we each have going on in our day to day, it is easy to get that way.

I have been gone most of this week to a training conference. As with most conferences, we sat through presentations for seven or eight hours each day. And, as is normally the case, some of the presentations were really good and informative, while others didn't seem as such. Or, so I say...

Today's word is Proverbs 18:15, NLT, which reads, "Intelligent people are always ready to learn. Their ears are open for knowledge."

So, I was asking myself this morning if those presentations that I didn't really get that much out of were really not that interesting or was I just not listening? I would venture to guess that if I were to pay more attention and really listen, I would learn far more than I think I would. Which leads me back to that church sign.

When GOD calls, are you sitting there thinking about all the other things that are going on? Are you tuning out because you think your way is better? Are you thinking your way is better because you feel you need to prove a point? Exact some revenge?

I may never attain it, but, I want to be intelligent. I want to be what I need to be. What I can be. What I should be. GOD will show us what to do and when to do it. He will tell us things that will make our lives go smoother. He will tell us things that will guide our paths and lead us to blessings unimaginable. Are you listening?

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, September 18, 2017

Be about it

This may seem as a continuation of the last post but it is not intended to be. I have just had hard work and working hard on my mind lately. It may be because of all the projects we have had going that keeps this on the forefront, but there is just something about working  hard and earning it.

Don't judge me when I tell this story. Many years ago, when I was much younger and had a nephew that was then about 10 or 11, this nephew and I were playing video games, which have never really interested me very much but I have been known to play a few. Anyway, we were playing games that my nephew was very familiar with and very good at and he was beating me pretty soundly every time. Eventually, though, I noticed a football game and asked if we could try that. My nephew said something to the effect of, "Oh yeah, I'm good at that."

Well, we played football and I began to get the controls down and I began to win. The better I got and the more he couldn't stop me, the angrier he got. Finally, he blurted out, "My Dad lets me win!" To which I replied, "And, that is your problem. You know how to win but you've got to learn how to lose. I don't let anyone win. If you want to beat me, you have to earn it."

Today's word is Proverbs 14:23, NIV, which reads, "All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty."

There's just something about earning it. There is nothing sweeter than setting a goal, putting in the work, and accomplishing that goal. During the course of obtaining that goal, the profits are innumerable: effort, experience, perseverance, determination, etc. There is a lot of good things that come from hard work, and they are all profitable.

The flip side, of course, is talking it but not walking it. I think we have this problem in our spiritual lives from time to time as well. We want to talk it when everything is going good but we often lose that talk when it begins to not be as good, when it is time to work. GOD is on our side. He has everything in control. Everything is working for our good. Let's not just talk about it; let's be about it.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, September 15, 2017

Keep working hard

So, I am trying to be a U6 soccer coach. What is U6 soccer, you ask? Well, for our organization, it is for any child that is under six years of age on July 31st of the current soccer year. However, to sum it up more precisely, it is like herding cats, only with less success.

If our team doesn't have a competitive season, it will have more to do with their inept coach than the members of the team. I know about as much about soccer as those I am trying to coach, except for the fact that I can read others' recommendations and can understand youtube videos. I truly am working hard to try to educate myself on how to best instruct them.

Today's word is a quote from Colin Powell, which says, "A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work."

There are lots of people who say they want a particular thing, who claim to have a particular dream but are unwilling to put forth the effort to bring it to fruition. Even at the U6 soccer level, we will try our best to instruct and teach the basic fundamentals. BUT, these young soccer players will never reach their full potential with the couple of hours each week that we have. If they truly want to get better, they will have to work hard at home to hone their skills. Same holds true for us adults.

We all have dreams of one sort or another. However, those dreams will never come to fruition as long as we sit on our duffs and wait for it to happen. GOD does perform miracles - every day - but, He expects us to do our part. And, our part is working hard and depending on Him for the rest. We are going to keep working hard.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, September 14, 2017

The entire ensemble

I've worn some uniforms in my life. I played a lot of sports throughout my life. I didn't play any of them particularly well but I tried to play most all of them. There is just something about putting on the uniform. It designates that you are a part of a team. It distinctly ties you to a particular school, organization, church, etc.

The uniform I am most humbled and most proud to have worn is for the United States Navy. Again, I didn't particularly excel as a member of that team either but I am proud that I was allowed the privilege to serve.

Today's word is Colossians 3:12, ESV, which reads, "Put on then, as GOD'S chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience."

Much like uniforms distinguish something about with whom we are teammates, the characteristics we display tells others a lot about us. As GOD'S children, we should have certain traits, certain characteristics that causes others to see that we are apart of GOD'S "team", a child, a part of His Royal Priesthood. There are certain characteristics that we should display because we are His.

Whether we realize it or not, as children of the Most High GOD, we represent Him daily; we wear the uniform. Just like any uniform, it consists of various parts. In the case of our spiritual uniform, we should display compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience. And, much like all the earthly uniforms I have worn, I haven't always been the best example wearing my spiritual one either. I pray I can better better at displaying the entire ensemble.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

An encouraging word

The song "Home on the Range" has a line that goes, "And, seldom is heard, a discouraging word..." There is something about an encouraging word. We all need a little encouragement from time to time. We all need a little exhortation and uplifting. We all like to hear that we are loved and cared for. An encouraging word can do all those things and more.

I always try to remember that there is always time to say something nice. I may not always want to, I may not always try to, but there is always time to say something that will brighten someone's day. It doesn't take much either. Just a simple, "I like that shirt," or, "I like what you've done with your hair," or, "that was really kind of you to do that".

Today's word is an attempt to remind me of how blessed I am and how I need to share an encouraging word with others: "Happiness keeps you sweet. Trials keep you strong. Sorrows keep you human. Failures keep you humble. GOD keeps you going."

Today is National Day of Encouragement. It is celebrated every September 12th, and it is supposed to be dedicated to lifting others up and to making a positive impact on those we come in contact with. I know that I can certainly be more encouraging,  and I am going to try to be.

Look around today and see if you can find a way to express an encouraging word.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, September 11, 2017

Not what you see

I had an experience in a restaurant once that will forever remind me that things aren't always what they seem.

We were eating at a buffet and I saw on the sneeze guard "Cheese Sticks", and I like cheese sticks. A LOT. So, I picked up a "cheese stick", took a bite, and instantly realized that it wasn't cheese at all - it was fish. Now, if you like fish, this would have been a surprise, BUT, I don't like fish. At all.

Today's word is 2 Corinthins 5:7, ESV, which reads, "For we walk by faith, not by sight."

Sometimes, things aren't what they appear. It's easy to look at things and sit and think,  "This is horrible, and will always be horrible." But, that's not true.

GOD has great plans. What is happening today is preparing us for things tomorrow. Don't let what things appear to be dampen your spirit. Walk by faith; things are not always what they seem.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, September 7, 2017

When doubts fill my mind

There are probably those who know me that would say that I am a confident individual, and I am for the most part. I have shared this before, I am not arrogant, but I am confident. The way I explain this is by saying that I am confident; there are things that I know, that I am confident that I can do. However, the flip side is also true: there are those things that I am absolutely confident that I cannot do.

But, even with being confident and trying to instill confidence in others, I have my occasional doubt. Sometimes, when one bad thing seems to lead to another, it is easy to become doubtful. During those times when I am trying my very best and still not getting what someone is trying to show me, what someone else makes look so easy, I can become doubtful. When it seems that there are still two many bills for the amount of month left, it is easy to have doubts.

Today's word is Psalm 94:19, NLT, which reads, "When doubts filled my mind, Your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer."

It is during those times of doubt that I can feel GOD'S presence the most, if I will only take the time to sense it. I have seen GOD move time and time again at just the right moment and in just the right way. I have seen Him produce great victories from what should have been a sure and resounding defeat.

When I have those moments of doubt, when I have those moments of wonder, when I have those moments of uncertainty, all I have to do is take a second and remember all the things that GOD has done before. I try to focus on how GOD has previously made a way and how He has prove time and time again that He is working everything for my good. That's what I try to do when doubts fill my mind.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Always Loyal

What do you think of when you hear the word "loyal"? Some words that come to mind are faithful, true, devoted, consistent, constant, steadfast, dependable, etc. There is such power in loyalty, such a humbling power when you find someone that is truly loyal. Loyalty seems to be a dying trait these days.

I am not talking about anyone in particular or any specific population but all you have to do is look around at all the divorce in our culture and all the backstabbing and dissension to see that loyalty is certainly falling by the wayside. I was told at a very young age, and have found it to prove true most of the time, that you can count your TRUE FRIENDS on one hand. How sad.

Today's word is Proverbs 17:17, NLT, which reads, "A friend is always loyal, and a brother is born to help in time of need."

I think the reason so many relationships fall apart, so many disagreements severe long friendships, so many trivial things destroy closeness is because we become disloyal. We begin to become obsessed with self-promotion and the old, "What's in it for me?" We forget what drew us to the person to begin with. We consciously choose to pursue our own will rather than the will of the one we love. We aren't to be used by anyone. Period. Yet, I think we so often forget what love is truly all about - true love is about giving, not getting. We lose loyalty because we start focusing on the getting.

I pray daily that GOD finds me faithful and that I will strive to do His will. I want to be faithful to Him and to His calling. And, that means that I want to be loyal to those He places in my life. Pray for me that I can be a true friend, always loyal.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Ways we can help

Alright, so I admit that I have been really watching a lot of the disaster unfolding in Houston and other parts of our country that has been ravaged by Hurricane/Tropical Storm Harvey. The recovery effort will be long and arduous. Lives have been forever changed. It is just unimaginable.

Seeing the news reports, the pictures, the videos, you can't help but wonder, "What can I do?" We all want to do something because GOD has given us the ability to feel and empathize with others. We want to help because we care. We want to help because we want to make things a little better. We want to help because we don't like to see others hurt. But, what do we do? How can we help? I think those are questions we ask ourselves multiple times daily without even thinking about it.

Today's word is a short quote from Theodore Roosevelt that reminds us of how we can help in most in circumstance, at most any time: "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are."

Each day, we should do what we can with what we have. There are some folks in this world that have more money than I could ever fathom, and they use some of that money to help others. I don't think GOD has a problem with people having a lot of money. I do think it is a shame to have a lot of money and just try to hoard it and make more. I think GOD has given us all things that we are to use to glorify Him and to make life better for others.

We may not be millionaires. We may not be able to help monetarily. But, if we will take the time to pray and to allow GOD to show us what we have and how we can use it, He will reveal to us that there are ways we can help.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

We need it

I was a high-spirited, high-strung, very stubborn child. I am still all but one of those. My parents had their hands full. I am sure they would tell you now that it wasn't that bad. I am also sure that I may recall only my worst days because, those were the days that I received correction.

How you discipline your children is certainly an individual thing. My parents were not afraid to discipline, and I think I turned out decently well. Now, I don't think I "enjoyed" being corrected or disciplined. I don't think any punishment for misbehavior is "fun". But, my parents loved me enough to correct me. They cared enough to teach me wrong and right and that there are consequences for all decisions, especially the bad ones. I say they cared enough because, in my opinion, one of the worst kinds of abuse is neglect. You can't neglect to correct.

Today's word is Proverbs 29:15, NLT, "To discipline a child produces wisdom, but a mother is disgraced by an undisciplined child."

We, GOD'S children, have to be disciplined from time to time. Whether you want to admit it or not, you aren't perfect, none of us are, and on occasions, GOD has to correct our bad behavior. Sometimes, the discipline is just letting us suffer the consequences of our bad decisions. BUT, GOD'S discipline, just as my parents', just as ours as parents, isn't to harm or hurt - it's to correct. And, that correction comes because of love. GOD loves us; thus, He corrects us.

The only way we ever learn what is right and what is wrong is for someone to point out to us the errors in our judgement. And, whether we like to admit it or not, sometimes, we have make some errors. When we do, I'm grateful we have a loving Father that is willing to straighten me out. Because, like it or not, sometimes we need it.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Better than Duct Tape

Ever use duct tape? I am a typical man that uses A LOT of duct tape. I truly live by the philosophy that if it didn't stay together, you didn't use enough duct tape. Duct tape is to home improvement projects what bacon is to Sunday breakfast.

Duct tape's ability to stick to things and hold things together is unprecedented. And, just when you think it couldn't get any better, they improve duct tape. Now, we have Gorilla tape and 200 mph duct tape; that stuff really holds. If you can't put that chair back together with either of those, it truly cannot be saved.

Today's word is Colossians 1:17, NIV, which reads, "He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together."

Before anything that is was created, GOD was already there. He is eternal: He has always been and He will always be. So, while we may be amazed at some new "creation", some new "discovery", GOD knew it, designed it, created it way before He allowed us to find His creation.

And, it is because of GOD that all things continue. He is gracious and merciful and allows us another day on this earth to enjoy His creations. When we have those days that it seems everything is spinning out of control and that we are surely going to come apart, all we need do is rest in His arms and allow Him to carry us through. Because, no matter how battered you feel, no matter how broken it seems, no matter how much of a lost cause it appears, GOD can put it back together and hold it together. He is far better than duct tape.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, August 28, 2017

He is our Hope

The flooding taking place in Houston right now is unimaginable. I have tried to put myself in their place but it is absolutely impossible to try to fathom what they have been through, what they are going through, and what they will have to go through to recover. Unimaginable.

In Houston, most folks went to bed on Saturday night and awoke Sunday morning stranded by flood waters all around. It's not that they didn't plan well; things turned from bad to worse without warning. The water fell and rose in an unprecedented manner. I cannot imagine what I would do if Trish and I were there with a five-year-old and a four-year-old. Where do you find hope?

Today's word is on that thought. Psalm 62:5, NIV, reads, "Yes, my soul, find rest in GOD; my hope comes from Him."

The old saying is that when you realize that GOD is all you have, you'll realize that GOD is all you need. GOD can aid and comfort the afflicted unlike anything we could ever manage. He can be all places at all times helping all people. We have to do our part: pray, seek GOD'S guidance, provide what we can.

It is at times like these that we may find ourselves at a loss for what to do, especially when we are so far away and have limited resources. We may not be able to do anything more than pray for GOD to be with them and comfort them, which is what we need to do. And, we need to remember that GOD is there, in the midst of the nightmare, in the midst of the turmoil, in the midst of the struggle, He is our Hope.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T