Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Completely Satisfy

 I've heard others say, and I have said myself, "I am starved to death." Which, thankfully is untrue and a complete exaggeration. I am grateful that GOD has allowed me to never experience something so drastic.

I am also grateful that He has allowed me to feel hunger pangs. The feeling of being hungry reminds me that I need to eat and nourish my body. Do you ever feel spiritually hungry?

Today's word is John 6:35, NKJV, which reads, "And JESUS said to them, 'I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger; and he who believes in Me shall never thirst."

We often experience spiritual hunger pangs, too. I get concerned if I don't. I want to know more and more about my JESUS. And, the only way to learn more about someone you love is by spending time with them. We're learn more about JESUS through His word and through taking with Him and music and conversation and so much more.

If you are hungry, you have to eat. If you are feeling spiritually malnourished, you have to eat. Let's get full from the only One that can completely satisfy. 

Be Blessed, 

Mickey T

Monday, September 28, 2020

His good purpose

 I was speaking to someone the other day about finding GOD'S will for our lives. I am a guy that got saved young and took a fairly long and undisciplined path before finally realizing what GOD had called me to do. When I finally discovered His will for my life, it was really about as simple as could be. And, that is good because, I am a truly simple man.

GOD has a plan for us all, individually, which only we, individually, can fulfill. Your calling can't be fulfilled by me, and vice versa. However, we all have a common call, in my opinion, and that is to be faithful. 

Today's word is Philippians 2:13, NIV, which reads, "For it is GOD Who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill His good purpose."

I finally figured out that what GOD really wanted from me was to be faithful to allow Him to use me in whatever way He can. With me, He doesn't have much to work with. But, if I will allow Him, He can still accomplish His will, even through someone like me.

I don't know about you, but, I just wanted to be useful to my LORD. I want Him to be able to use me in whatever way He desires, in order to fulfill His good purpose.

Thursday, September 24, 2020


 I like the dark, in general. I like a really dark bedroom for sleeping, I like the calmness of evening, I like the coolness of evening; I just sort of like the dark.

Some people are afraid of the dark, and that is completely understandable. It is hard to know what is going in when everything around you is pitch black darkness. Our minds can begin playing tricks on us.

Today's word is a quote from Christine Caine that says, "Sometimes,  when you're in a dark place, you think you've been buried, but actually you've been planted."

It is difficult when we find ourselves in a dark place but today's word gives us perspective; we may just bet planted. You can't grow if you're not planted. 

The dark can be a mysterious place for some, and a calm for others. I am going to try to remember that, maybe, I've just been planted. 

Be Blessed, 

Mickey T

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

He will save us

 So, yesterday I let off a little steam about a very unstable person that goes around telling things that are absolutely, 100 percent untrue. It is frustrating and infuriating when others tell things that aren't true to try and damage you. 

I've been thinking, though, that if GOD is for me, who dare be against me. And, "vengeance is Mine, saith the LORD." It is comforting to know that our LORD is own our side, fighting our battles.

Today's word reminds of exactly that; Isaiah 33:22, KJV, reads, "For the LORD is our Judge, the LORD is our Lawgiver, the LORD is our King; He will save us."

We can rest assured and confident that GOD is with us, working all things for our good, even when we don't know why others are doing what they are doing. We can be confident that GOD sees it, He knows it, and He will fix it.

If you all have something going on in your lives where it feels as if you have no control, know that GOD is with you. He is the Judge, the Lawgiver, the King; and, He will save us.

Be Blessed 

Mickey T

Monday, September 21, 2020

Don't be surprised!

 Have you ever had someone spread a lie about you? I mean an absolute, 100%, bald-faced, completely and total fabrication? There is not one (1) single shred of truth in it, except my name, and yet they tell it as factual truth. 

I had it come up again this weekend; someone asked me about this lie that someone has tried to perpetrate. Of course, the person asking ways, "I knew it wasn't true." Yet, they asked because someone had made up a lie.

Why do people lie on others? Why do people try to purposely and maliciously try to tear others down? Why are others willing to destroy someone with a total fabrication that they formulate in his/her own sadistic, evil mind? Most os the time, it is jealousy and envy.

Today's word is 2 Timothy 3:12, NKJV, which reads, "Yes, and all who desire to live godly in CHRIST JESUS will suffer persecution." 

We need not find it unusual that others lie on us and about us. We need not be surprised that others will try to tear us down. We need not be astonished that others will make false accusations and fabricate complete lies to try and destroy us. They did it to JESUS. And, if we try to serve Him, they will do it to us. Don't be surprised!

Be Blessed 

Mickey T

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Do what's right

People often ask me if my being a Christuan prohibits me from doing certain things, and it is usually something that I feel is a sin or would be detrimental to my testimony. Now, unfortunately, I sin every day. Again, something I am not proud of but will not deny.

The point, though, is the Bible is very clear on what sin is in specific areas: murder, fornication, adultery, drunkenness, lying, etc. But, there are other things that aren't specifically called sins in the Bible but I know I shouldn't do them.

Today's word is 1 Corinthians 10:23, NKJV, which reads, "All things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful; all things are lawful for me, but not all things edify."

One of Lankford's Laws states, "Just because you have a right doesn't make it right." There are things that in certain parts of this state, this country, this world that are "legal" but there aren't right to do.

Ask yourself, "Is what I am doing going to build me up, someone else up, GOD'S Kingdom up, or is it going to tear someone down?" If the answer is that it tears someone down, that shouldn't be done - we edify (build up). Things may be "legal"; let's do what's right.

Be Blessed, 

Mickey T

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Looking for eternity

 It is starting to feel a little like we are changing seasons, which is really nice. We're in an area that summers are hot and humid. We haven't had much of a fall the last few years but it is feeling as if we may. 

Seasons come and go. Usually, if you aren't fond of the weather, just stick around for a little while, it'll change. Changing seasons also reminds me that we have to be diligent in our lives or satan will try to lure us into something we shouldn't be in. 

Today's word is Hebrews 11:25, KJV, which reads, "Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of GOD, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season."

Today's word is reminding us that Moses, who was raised by Pharaoh's daughter, ultimately chose GOD over living the life of royalty. Why? Because, Moses knew that the momentary pleasures that came with being Pharaoh's grandson were nothing compared with eternity in Heaven with the King of kings and the LORD of lords.

Seasons come and seasons go. But, the seasons of life are far more important. Instead of focusing on the momentary, fleeting pleasures of sin, I want to live my life for GOD, looking towards eternity. 

Be Blessed, 

Mickey T

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Set the Example

We all have people that look up to us. We may not want it, we may not ask for it, we may not know it, but they do. I remind our little ones of this fact as well; though they are young, there are others looking up to them.

People watch us, all the time. They watch how we act, how we respond in situations, how we interact with others and about others. I try to he mindful of this and still fail. However, just because I fail, doesn't mean I shouldn't try.

Today's word is 1 Timothy 4:12, ESV, which reads, "Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity."

Even when we are young, we can set a good example for others to follow. I like how Paul listed the areas, in which to set the example: in speech - watch what you say; in love - we love GOD and love people; in faith - we are strong even in bad times; in purity - we do what is right and righteous.

Others are watching us; we need to be the example. Please pray for me to set and to live the example for my family and for others. I want to set the example.

Be Blessed, 

Mickey T

Monday, September 14, 2020

GOD loves you

GOD loves you. It is a simple phrase that I want everyone to know, understand, and remember. We can't earn it, we don't deserve it, we can't change it - GOD loves us. We need to remember that every day of our lives.

And, if GOD loves us, we should love others. The Bible tells us that GOD is love. So, if GOD lives in  us, we should display His love to others. 

Today's word is 1 John 4:16, NLT, which reads, "We know how much GOD loves us, and we have put our trust in His love. GOD is love, and all who live in love live in GOD, and GOD lives in them."

If GOD can love me, someone who can be unlovable and unkind, shouldn't I love others? Yes, others hurt us and are unkind and selfish to us, just as we are to GOD, yet He loves us. If GOD lives in us, so does love.

Love is a powerful thing. It can melt the heart of stone. It can strengthen the weak and make the strongest weep. It gives us a feeling that can't be explained. Don't ever forget that GOD loves you!

Be Blessed, 

Mickey T

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Exceedingly Abundantly

 Have you ever had a situation that you didn't think there was any way it could possibly work out, much less work out good, then, see it work out better than you ever could have imagined? That, my friend, is GOD, and He does it all the time.

I have seen GOD do things in my life that only He could do. I have seen Him work out solutions to problems that I thought were unsolvable. I have seen Him do more than I ever thought possible, and certainly more than I ever deserved. He does that, you know.

Today's word is Ephesians 3:20, NKJV, which reads, "Now to Him Who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think..."

GOD can do anything and everything; far more than we could ever think or imagine. He can make the most complicated situation look like nothing and can bring solutions to the stickiest problems, and make it all work out better than our finite minds could have ever thought possible.

Got a sticky situation going on? Got a difficult problem that seems unsolvable? Give it to GOD! He is able to do exceedingly abundantly. 

Be Blessed, 

Mickey T

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Start Again

 I have shared with folks at work that I like Mondays. Now, Monday may not be my favorite work day of the week, but, I do like Monday. Why, you may ask? Well, because Monday gives me a chance to correct mistakes I made last week.

You may never make mistakes; I seem to make them consistently and constantly. Not on purpose but I make them. As I heard years ago, and repeat often, show someone who doesn't make a mistake and I will show you someone who does nothing. 

Today's word is a simple quote that goes, "Every day is a new beginning. Take a deep breath, smile, and start again."

We all make mistakes but we can't let those mistakes define us or paralyze us. We have to apologize where necessary, pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and press forward with the intention of completing the task and not making the same mistake.

We all make mistakes, it is universal. We are all going to make big blunders and major errors, but, today is a good day to start again.

Be Blessed, 

Mickey T

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Measuring Stick

 I don't know about you, but, I find it pretty easy to point out the failures and shortcomings of others. I mean, they have so many, and they are blatantly obvious. 

Oh, my shortcomings...do I have shortcomings and failures? I have far more than anyone else I know. If you started trying to list each of my sins, my failures, my lacks, my shortcomings, you would be listing from here to eternity. 

Today's word is 2 Corinthians 1012b, NLT, which reminds us of Whom we need to compare ourselves: "...But they are only comparing themselves with each other, using themselves as the standard of measurement. How ignorant!"

It is easy to find other people's failures and to point them out. But, we don't like looking in the mirror and seeing our own. We don't like when others call out ours. We don't like when we see ourselves the way we should - compared to JESUS.

When I read today's verse it reminds me that I don't have time to point out other's sins, I need to ask forgiveness for and to correct mine. I begin to see this more clearly when I start using the right Measuring Stick.

Be Blessed, 

Mickey T

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Press on

 While I am not the best at anything, and very mediocre at most things, I have had the blessing of being a part of great things. I have seen people overcome and persevere. I have seen others step up when it seemed hopeless.

For all the things I am not, I believe most would tell you that I am not a quitter. I will do all I can to see the mission through. I want to be that example for my family - the one who presses on and doesn't give up, especially in my Christian walk.

Today's word is Roman's 12:11, NIV, which reads, "Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the LORD."

We will all have times when we are tired and want to let our guards down; we have all done it. It is at this time that the enemy wants to swoop in and take us out. It is at this time that the enemy wants to shut us down completely. Don't let him.

I want to finish the fight. I want to be found faithful. I want to press on!

Be Blessed,

Mickey T

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

He does

 My kids, like everyone else's I'm sure, will ask questions that I don't have answers for. I try to research and find the answers for them, yet, there are still things they ask that I cannot give them an answer, mostly about how GOD works. 

What I can tell them is that GOD loves us and delights in us and made us in His image. He loved us enough to die for us and has prepared a place in His house for us. He really does love us!

Today's word is Job 33:4, NKJV, which reads, "The Spirit of GOD has made me, And the breath of the Almighty gives me life."

Job reminds us that it is GOD, Himself, that has made us. Have you ever made anything? It takes time and patience and love and care to make something you truly love. And, we know GOD loves us because He breathed life into us.

Yeah, there are lots of things that I don't know, and never will. But, I do know that GOD loves es me and cares for me. I know that He has made me, and while others may no ot find the beauty in my creation, He does. 

Be Blessed, 

Mickey T