Wednesday, August 28, 2013

A rough road

The road to and from work is having some repairs done. It is a much traveled road, with a lot of semi traffic, and it has taken a beating over the years. So, they are removing some of the roughest patches and resurfacing portions of the road.

While it will eventually be better, the parts that are ground up so new asphalt can be put down are pretty rough. So rough that you can't hear anything over the road noise it creates. So rough that you can almost spill your coffee as you traverse each patch. So rough that you can't imagine what was there could be any worse than what now exists. However, it is finished yet...

Today's word is just a thought I came across that I really like. It says, "The road of life will rough you up but it is just shaping you for your future."

No discomfort is easy - NONE. It would be nice to have nothing but sunny days and storm-less nights. But, we all know that that is not life. Life will hit you sometimes, it will kick you when you are down most times. It will knock you down, run over you, back up and run over you again. But, the roughing up is not the end.

The road I travel is roughed up where they have removed the old surface. It is roughed up in these areas in order for the new surface to adhere. You see, the good can't stick if there isn't a little roughness. Life is going to be a little rough but it is just preparing us for the good.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Day and Night

I am sure you have all heard the expression, "As different as day and night". We use that to describe things that are completely opposite. Let me give you an example. My wife is very pretty. As a matter of fact, I tell folks that, together, she and I are pretty good - she is pretty and I am good. So, as far as looks go, we are as different as day and night.

There are tons of things that are completely opposites; and some of those we should do, and some we should not. We know that they are different and that we shouldn't be doing them, yet, we do them anyway. That, my friend, is called sin.

Today's word is from 1 Thessalonians 5:5, NIV, which reads, "You are all children of the light and children of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness."

As children of GOD, we are children of light, children of the day. We should be different from the rest of the world. We should be a beacon for the lost, helping to direct them to the safe harbor of JESUS CHRIST. Now, I fail at this as much as anyone. This verse, however, is a great reminder of what I should be.

There is a lot of darkness in this world. It seems that with each passing day, the world gets a little darker and a little darker. All it takes, though, is a little light - be the light! We are children of light, children of the day. We don't belong to the night or to the darkness. LORD, may our lights shine!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, August 26, 2013

Looking through

We seem to all have the desire to look through things. I know I like to look through the windshield, which really aids in driving. Could you imagine not having a windshield to look through? It is also nice to look through the storefronts and do some "window shopping". It is much more economical than real shopping.

We can look through old photos, which is always a source of pleasure and, sometimes, discomfort. It's hard to believe that I used to wear some of those clothes. Looking through old photos and videos allows us to spend a little time with our loved ones, and our bad style choices.

It is fun to look through things. We enjoy it so much that I believe we often get in the mindset of looking "through" others. Today's word is just a saying that I like that says, "We are not here on earth to see through one another but to help see one another through."

It seems that we can get so used to seeing through things that we fail to see what is right in front of us. We can't do and be all things for all people but we can certainly try to be what we can when we can. I admit that I am guilty of looking through others at times. It may be that I am distracted or weighed down or lost in my own thoughts. What I need to do is use the window to see what is going on and not just to look through.

Pray for me that I will be better at not just looking through but to see. And, I am glad folks have a windshield...

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, August 23, 2013

Another Day

I have shared this story with many folks but it makes it no less true...I was speaking to the Sunday school class one morning and told them that life is good. The alarm went off, my eyes opened up - life is good. Yet, to top it off, I look over and see that I am sleeping  next to the greatest woman GOD ever created - life is great!

So many people lose sight of the blessing that comes with another day. It is easy to get bogged down with all that is going on, with all that has to be done. I know that I have those days when there just is not enough time. However, I am so grateful for one more day.

Today's word is Psalm 3:5, NIV, which reads, "I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the LORD sustains me."

A lot of people went to bed last night with big plans for today and never awakened to see it. Now, if they are born again, they are in such a better place. I am looking forward to going to spend eternity in Heaven. However, I am really enjoying life here. I am thankful that GOD has given me another day.

Look, today could bring challenges we dare think about. Today may be worse than we ever imagined. Yet, today may be the greatest day of our lives. Each day, though, is a blessing from GOD, and we make it through each one because He sustains us.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, August 22, 2013

An eraser

There are probably few young people that can imagine having a pencil with no eraser. I mean, there are probably few young people that use the standard #2 pencil anymore. Growing up, all we had was the number 2 pencil and, if you were like me, I would use the eraser up. I seemed to make a few more mistakes than others.

There were times that I would have to erase two or three sentences or half a page of calculations because it wasn't right. Eventually, I would use the eraser up. I tried to always keep one of those large erasers for those times when I made the big mistakes. I have learned something about erasers, though, since my early years of using them to erase my mistakes...

Today's word is a saying I came across a while back that sums things up for me. It says, "An eraser isn't for those who make mistakes. An eraser is for those willing to correct their mistakes."

Yeah, I made a lot of mistakes; I messed up probably more than most. I would have to erase things. I would have to do them over. Now, though, I realize that the eraser wasn't there because I made a mistake, it was there because I was willing to correct my mistake. There is nothing wrong with making a mistake; there is plenty wrong with making a mistake and refusing to correct it.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Step on it

I remember my first year of farm team baseball as being a huge learning experience. Obviously, there was the learning of how to play baseball. I was six years old and this was my first experience with organized sports. I predated tee ball and coach pitch and machine pitch so, at six years old, I had nine, ten, eleven year olds throwing to/at me.

Now, some of these guys were pretty good pitchers, some not so much. In practice, I had several near misses and became a little afraid of being beaned by one of the less than accurate hurlers (okay, hurler is relative). My fear of being beaned by an errant toss really affected my hitting, you can't hit with your eyes closed.

Eventually, though, in a game, I took a fastball (once again, relativity) in the left back pocket. I was six. It stung. It hurt a little. I may have even teared up. However, because I got hit by the pitch, I got a free pass to first base. I was ON first base, which hadn't happened much to this point.

Today's word is a quote from Brendan Francis, which says, "Many of our fears are tissue paper thin, and a single courageous step would carry us clear through them."

I really feared being hit by that ball until I was actually struck and realize that it did hurt a little but not as much as I had thought. But, more importantly, there was a reward for being plunked! The fact that there was a benefit from being beaned, allowed me to overcome my fears of being beaned. So much so, that I eventually started leaning into those inside pitches to get a free pass.

We are all going to have fears of some kind. Most of those fears, however, are thin and shouldn't have near the hold that we allow them. The next time fear arises, step on it, squash it, smash it, go through it. That'll take you much further than first base!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, August 19, 2013

Captain Murphy

Captain Edward A. Murphy is quoted as saying, "Anything that can go wrong, will." We call this statement Murphy's Law, which is a good one. I think the biggest thing about Murphy's Law is to make us aware of all the possible things that could go wrong so that we can try to prevent them. However, even when we do our best, things still go wrong.

I had one of those weeks last week that it seemed that I couldn't get out of my own way. Every time I turned around, I was in the midst of some other mess up and having to back up and regroup; it happened time and again last week. I am grateful that I didn't take anyone else down with me.

While all this was going on, it seemed that I was chasing my tail trying to catch up and fix things. I was running around like a lost mongoose and accomplishing NOTHING. Then, it occurred to me that what I really need to do was pray. So, I start praying about the situation...

Today's word is an old quote from Allen E. Vartlett, which says, "Seven days without prayer makes one weak."

The less time we spend in prayer, the more time we seem to spend trying to make things work. Look, I am a man in every sense of the word. When things aren't working the way I think they should, I am going to do everything I can to fix it. What I really need to do, however, is spend some time praying about it first. I bet if I follow my own advice and pray about things first, I will find that Captain Murphy may have been correct but GOD can make everything right.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Holding On

Well, once again, it has been a few days. And, once again, I have been rather busy. I have noticed that the busier I get, the busier I get. However, I will eventually figure out the rhythm and get into the groove again. In the mean time, allow me to say that I am still working on being more usable to GOD.

I have had the opportunity lately to discuss how we hold onto things with a couple of folks. We seem to have the tendency to hold onto things that we cannot do anything about. I think we would all agree that we would all be better off and more fulfilled if we would just let go of those things that we can't change and are pulling us down.

Today's word is a quote from T. D. Jakes, which says, "We cannot embrace GOD'S forgiveness if we are so busy clinging to past wounds and nursing old grudges."

I realize that Mary Better-than-thou did something to you twenty-five years ago that you cannot get over. Ain't nobody blaming you for not forgiving Mary. BUT, you are never going to experience true forgiveness until you learn to forgive. Yes, it is easier said than done but it is still an absolute necessity.

Yes, Dean Did-it-again did you wrong, and you should never allow him to do you wrong again. But, don't allow Dean to continue stealing your joy and your sunshine. The only way you will ever get over past hurts is to forgive and move on; it is only then that we can experience true forgiveness and peace.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

That might be a slight exaggeration

I have been having a little trouble lately believing folks. Mainly because you can't believe what they say. We all have the folks that you know when they are lying - their lips are moving. Lately, though, it seems that I am surrounded by folks who will fabricate an exaggeration about most anything. I mean anything...

I often wonder if they are doing this to make themselves feel better or look better or seem better. It doesn't work that way but I wonder. For me, it just makes them look like someone that has a problem telling the truth. Now, we all like to embellish a little here and there. Most of my stories would be pretty bland if I didn't spice them up a little. But, some folks will take great liberties in the amount of exaggeration. It stops being embellishment and starts becoming embarrassment.

Today's word is a quote form Josh Billings, which says, "There are some people so addicted to exaggeration that they can't tell the truth without lying."

Look, there is nothing wrong with making a story a little more exciting. But, when things are bad, you don't have to try to make them worse. When they are really bad, don't make them catastrophic. If you do, when they really are catastrophic, who is going to believe you? That's all I am trying to say...

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, August 1, 2013

There's so much to worry about

All you have to do is turn on any news channel to find that there are plenty of things to worry about. Or, you can just watch any kind of daytime talk and see that there are plenty of things to worry about. Well, that's what folks want you to think.

We try not to watch too much news around the house because all they want to do is tell you the bad things. I am not naive enough to believe that everything is good, it most certainly is not, but, I also believe there are some good things in this world. As a matter of fact, I have seen folks doing really nice things for others just today. Yet, there seems to be such a drive to bring others down.

Today's word is Proverbs 12:25, NIV, which reads, "Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a kind word cheers it up."

There enough bad stuff going on in this world. And, there are folks that are going through things that we will never know about. Plus, we should be nicer to folks than we should have to be. It is amazing how much a kind word can ease a troubled mind and aching heart.

Next time you hear someone trying to bring everyone down, offer up a kind word. You might just be surprised how much your words can change someone's day. Oh, by the way, stay away from daytime talk - the only kind word on any of those shows is, "Goodbye".

Be Blessed,
Mickey T