Monday, November 25, 2019

Give thanks to the LORD

It is Thanksgiving week, which is one (1) of my favorite weeks of the year. Actually, I like them all, but, some have more significance than others. This week, we should really reflect on all the things that we are thankful for, though, I try to do that every day because I have so much to be thankful for. So much.

I don't need a reminder to be thankful. I have some much to be thankful for that it would take me the rest of my life just to express my thanks for what I have, yet, I get more each day. I am so blessed beyond belief that I am thankful every day. However, it is Thanksgiving week, a week in which we should reflect on all the blessings that we have been given.

Today's word is one of thanks. 1 Chronicles 16:34, NIV, reads, "Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good, His love endures forever!"

Today's passage is a reminder of just two (2) things that I am forever thankful for. Number One is that GOD is good. GOD is good all the time; and, all the time, GOD is good. I am grateful that GOD is good. I am more thankful for His goodness to me. He has given me more than I could ever list, more than I could have ever dreamed, more than I could have ever hoped. Why? Because, He is good!

Number Two, His love endures forever. He will never stop loving me - ever. No matter what happens in life, no matter how much I mess it up, no matter how many times I fail Him, He will always love me. Now, I am not trying to mess it up or fail Him, but, I do. Yet, He will never stop loving me, or you. That is certainly something to be thankful for.

It is Thanksgiving week. Let's start today, and every day with, "Give thanks to the LORD."

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, November 22, 2019

The Power of GOD'S Love

We had a power outage last night that lasted about an hour and a half. Our two (2) children didn't know what to do; without television or light enough to do something constructive/destructive, they were just lost. So, we after lighting some candles, I asked, "Why don't we read the Bible?"

I explained that years ago, before everyone had electric lights in their houses, once the sun set, people would probably read a little and go to bed. Well, they weren't ready to go to bed, so, we decided to read. We decided to read from Proverbs, with each one choosing a chapter. So, today's word comes from our candlelit Bible reading last night.

Today's word is Proverbs 10:12, NKJV, which reads, "Hatred stirs up strife, But love covers all sins."

Hatred is such a powerful and pitiful tool of satan. We see it and read about it every day. It is a shame at how easily we allow this tool of satan to infiltrate and influence our lives. I read about a man that was shot because of the football team he rooted for. We read about people being hurt or murdered because of a bad driving experience. We have a tendency to hate those who are doing better than us. As I have always tried to explain to folks, some people just love to hate. BUT,

"...But love covers all sins." When we love someone, we overlook their shortcomings, and them ours. Where there is love, there is no room for hate. More important, though, is the Love of GOD. He sent His One and Only Son to die for us, to be the price for sin, to buy us back from sin, because He loves us. And, the Blood of JESUS certainly covers ALL sins. Hatred is a powerful tool, BUT, it doesn't have the power of GOD'S Love.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

He will take care of you

Do you consider yourself a giver? Do you seem to do more for others, like doing for others, more than you do for yourself? There is a lot to be said for givers. They are kind and compassionate and generous and considerate. I can see giving tendencies in my life. BUT...

But, I tend to have a giving problem in one area of my life. I tend to try to fix things in my own and not allow GOD nor others to try to help me. Ever find yourself there? I mean, I seem pretty able to give material things to others, when necessary, but I have a difficult time giving the hard stuff to GOD. I know that He will take care of it, but I just seem to cling to it.

Today's word is Psalm 55:22, NLT, which reads, "Give your burdens to the LORD, and He will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall."

Today's word is very clear that I should give my burdens, my worries, my concerns, my struggles to the LORD. And, IF I just will, He will take care of me. Are you struggling with something today? I know we all are. Are you trying everything you can to straighten it out but it only seems to be getting worse? We all do. So, why don't we (and, I am really talking to me) give it to the LORD, Who will take care of us? I know that if I do, I can rest assured. Why?

Because, the second part of today's word tells us, "He will not permit the godly to slip and fall." Regardless of what is going on in our lives, if we will cast our burdens on GOD, He will take care of them and He will sustain us and keep us. Are you a giver? Give your burdens, your worries, your concerns to GOD. He will take care of you!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, November 18, 2019

Run to Win!

Alright, I have to tell it. I help coach my son's youth football team, which is a privilege, an honor, and a blessing. It is also quite a commitment that lasts over four (4) months. But, what a great opportunity to try to pour into these young boys, not just to play football, but how to treat others, the power of teamwork, the desire to persevere.

Our team struggled last year, going 0 - 8. Now, this happens in youth football because of the age brackets - one (1) year you could be the youngest team, the next the older. But, we didn't have a lot going for us last season but we kept reminding the boys that we weren't losing, we were learning. And, at their ages, they don't really think about winning and losing, they are playing a game. But, we kept trying to build on fundamentals and perseverance.

Today's word is 1 Corinthians 9:24, NLT, which reads, "Don't you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize? So run to win!"

So, we began this season with a group of young men that worked hard, tried hard, and were willing to learn. We pushed and taught and worked hard. We won our first seven (7) games, two (2) in overtime and one (1) 6 -0, so nothing came easy, but, we stood at 7 - 0. Quite an accomplishment for a winless team last year. Then, we faced the undefeated, best team in the league, and they beat us 28 - 12, which was tough but not detrimental. We were in the playoffs.

In the semifinals of the playoffs, we faced a team that had lost two (2) games by a total of four (4) points. We fought for a 32 - 26 overtime victory, which gave us a chance to face the team that had defeated us in the regular season. We spent last week preparing, encouraging, challenging the kids to face the giant, to stand bold, to be fearless and courageous. And, they did, winning the league championship Saturday 18 - 12! It is a season they will never forget, and neither will I. Run to win!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Lifter of my head

Have you ever had troubles? I would dare say that we all have. We have all been troubled with health problems, family problems, financial problems, and the list goes on and on. There are times when it feels as if one problem arises before we can find a solution to the previous one; they seem to just compound and multiply.

During these times that troubles come, and they will again and again, I try to remember that what ever I am going through I am not going through alone. We know that GOD is with us no matter where and no matter what. We know that He has a way, and that He is working all things for our good. Hard to remember when we are in the midst of the troubled times but it is still 100% true.

Today's word is Psalm 3:3, NASB, which reads, "But You, O LORD, are a shield about me, My glory, and the One Who lifts my head."

When we are in the midst of the turmoil, GOD is our shield. He is protecting us from the fiery darts of the enemy. It may feel as if the storm is raging and that the onslaught is relentless but GOD is with us. He will never leave us nor forsake us. His strength will sustain us through the battle and carry us to the ultimate victory.

And, don't miss the second part of today's word, "...and the One Who lifts my head." When we are down, when we are struggling, when we are just trying to trudge along, GOD lifts our head so that we can see our victory, His glory. Just as we take our down-trodden loved one by the chin and lift his/her head, GOD will lift our depressed heads, and say, "I Love You." He is my shield and the Lifter of my head.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

GOD gives us the spirit of power

Our youth football team is playing for the league championship this Saturday, which is quite the accomplishment for a team that didn't win a single game last year. The young boys have worked hard and have performed well. However, as we approach another week of practice, another week of going through the same plays, the boys have lost some interest.

It is hard to keep momentum and interest of older folks but it is really hard when you are talking about 6, 7, and 8 year olds. It doesn't help that the team we are playing for the championship is the one (1) lose we have suffered this year. Some of our boys are concerned about the outcome before we even begin.

Today's word is a passage we have used before but is a good reminder that we have no reason to fear. 2 Timothy 1:7, ESV, reads, "For GOD gave us a spirit, not of fear, but of power and love and self-control."

Whenever we are afraid, which is a natural response to stimuli, that fear is not coming from GOD. GOD has given us the spirit of power! IF we would just plug into Him, and I am talking to me, I thing we would be amazed at what He can accomplish through us. Plus, you can't focus on the task at hand if you are constantly fearing what is around you, and what may or may not happen. Focus on the power that GOD has given you, the power to talk to the LORD of lords.

We are playing for the league championship, and I want our young players to fight. I want them to take the field confident and courageous. I want them to look over at the opponent and think, "LORD, with you on my side, I've got this!" GOD gives us the spirit of power!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Even water from a rock

There is an old saying that is absolutely true that says, "You can't squeeze blood from a turnip." This is usually used when someone is asked to pay something or more than they can pay. We have all been there from time to time, when there is way more month left than money. We wonder how in the world we will ever get everything done.

There have been times in our lives that we were struggling financially for one reason or another, a job loss, a place of employment closing, everything tearing up at the same time, etc. And, it never failed that when we were at the lowest point in the struggle, GOD showed up in the most miraculous ways. I would get a call to do a job with someone that paid just what we needed. Or, we would have something given to us by someone that didn't know why they were supposed to give it to us. Of course, it was all orchestrated by GOD.

Today's word is Psalm 114:8, NLT, which reads, "He turned the rock into a pool of water; yes, a spring of water flowed from solid rock."

The children of Israel had been wandering in the desert and were thirsty. They had been complaining about their plight, as we so often do, and wanted Moses to better the situation, as we so often do. There in the desert, GOD brought forth water from a rock, solid rock. We may not be able to squeeze blood from a turnip but GOD can bring water from a solid rock.

We will all have our times of struggles in this life and in this world; it is just a fact of life. As Christians, though, we know that we have GOD on our side and that He will supply all of our needs, even water from a rock.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, November 7, 2019

You are His

There is a quote attributed to Leila Janah that says, "Talent is equally distributed, opportunity is not." There are some really intelligent people that for reasons beyond his/her control cannot afford to go to college. They would do really well in college, they would make great instructors, doctors, corporate leaders, but, they don't have the means necessary to attain the higher education.

There are others that really don't want to go to college; they don't want to be instructors, doctors, or corporate leaders but their parents have been a little more economically blessed or savvy and they have made a way to assist or pay for higher education. Now, their children will go and will get a degree of some kind but they will never apply themselves as some of the less fortunate ones.

Now, I am not saying that either child, either situation is better than the other. GOD has a plan for each and every one of us, whether we be rich, poor, handsome, looks-challenged, athletic, non-athletic, intelligent or intellectually-challenged. Not only does GOD have a plan for us, regardless of circumstances or abilities, He has a place for us.

Today's word is Galatians 4:7, NLT, which reads, "Now you are no longer a slave but GOD'S own child. And since you are His child, GOD has made you His heir."

As children of GOD, we don't need to get wrapped up and frustrated by all the circumstances in our lives. Now, we need to do our best to use what GOD has given us. But, we definitely need to recognize the fact that, while things may not seem equally distributed in this life, we are heirs of the King. This world may beat us down and keep us down, BUT, one day we will enjoy the benefits of being a child of GOD, the King of Kings and the LORD of lords. Look up child, you are His!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Drink from your own well

We try to teach our children Christian, godly principles constantly. Every now and again, however, something comes around that presents a perfect teaching opportunity. Recently we have known of someone that took something that wasn't his/hers. They were at a local big box store, saw something that they "had to have" and stole it.

Our children were talking about the fact that it didn't cost a lot of money. The store had a bunch of them. The alarm didn't go off when the person walked out of the store with the item he/she hadn't paid for. All valid points, I tell them, but it is still theft; the person that took something that wasn't theirs stole it. We are not to take things that aren't ours.

Today's word is Proverbs 5:15, NLT, which reads, "Drink water from your own well - share your love only with your wife."

We are talking about taking something that isn't ours. The first part of today's word reminds us to drink water from our own well. We are to not take stuff that doesn't belong to us. We have our own stuff. The child that took something that wasn't his/hers, has more stuff that seven (7) kids really need. But, he/she wanted something that wasn't his/hers. We have to remind ourselves that we have our own well, our own stuff.

The second part of today's word is another reminder to keep ourselves focused on our spouse. Our marriage vows stated, "...and pledge my troth only to long as we both shall live..." Pledging our troth, our truth, our faith, our loyalty to the one we marry for as long as we live. We shouldn't go out trying to take what isn't ours. GOD has given us many blessings; drink from you own well.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, November 4, 2019

Leap and Praise the LORD

When was the last time you were really happy? When was the last time you expressed your true happiness? I have to admit that I am not the most demonstrative person. I usually try to keep my emotions and reactions in check. Oh, they get away from me from time to time but, I am usually quite stoic and expressionless.

But, there are those times when happiness is building up and I can no longer keep the emotional eruption from happening. I might let out a big whoop, but, most likely, I am going to pump a fist and run, whooping the entire time. There is nothing like seeing someone's true expression of happiness, and, of course, gratitude.

Today's word is Acts 3:8, ESV, which reads, "And leaping up, he stood and began to walk, and entered the temple with them, walking and leaping and praising GOD."

The story in Acts 3 is of a man that had been crippled, unable to walk, his entire life. His existence was for friends to bring him to sit at the door of the temple each morning so that he could beg for support from passersby. In that time, there were no subsidy programs, no other way to make a living for this man, except to beg.

When the Apostles came by and the man asked alms, he was told that they had no money but what they had, they would freely give, which was the power of JESUS CHRIST to Heal! This man, lame from birth, rose up, walked, then he leaped and praised GOD! He was filled with happiness and he outwardly expressed it!

GOD does amazingly wonderful things for each of us every day. I am not saying we should run around and whoop and holler. But, I am saying that if you feel it building within you, it is okay to leap and praise the LORD!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, November 1, 2019

More than just a choice

I was sharing with someone recently that I never want to be the one someone settles for. We were discussing a job interview someone had gone on and that this person was told that the position was offered to someone else but if that person didn't accept the position, then, it was theirs. While that may seem like a positive, it carries negative connotations.

If you are the one someone settles for, the one that gets the position if my obvious choice doesn't take it, will the employer ever truly be satisfied with your performance? I ask that because we have all had to settle for things from time to time. And, while they were alright, or acceptable, they never quite measured up to what we thought our first choice was.

Today's word is just a reminder that we shouldn't allow ourselves to be someone that is settled for. Mark Twain once said, "Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option."

Many people have spent their lives, their happiness, pursuing someone that they felt that they couldn't live without, while the person they were pursuing strung them along waiting for another option. It is a tough place to be in; a tough place to find yourself. It is difficult to give up something or someone that you really think is all that, BUT, oftentimes, it is the best thing you can do for yourself.

I know today's post is a little different from most but I just had the thought on my mind this morning that we shouldn't want to be something/someone that is settled for. JESUS loves each of us enough that He died for us. The King of kings and the LORD of lords has adopted me into His family and I shouldn't allow myself to be an option. I think that if you find yourself in a situation where you are one option for someone else, find another someone else. GOD made you more than just a choice.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T