Wednesday, December 21, 2016

In the dark

It's National Flashlight Day! It is a good day to make sure that all your emergency lights have good batteries and are in good working order. There is nothing like needing a flashlight and having fifteen, and all with dead batteries. So, check those flashlights so that they will be ready when needed.

Why is today National Flashlight Day? Good question. Today is also Winter Solstice, the shortest day and longest night of the year. It makes sense, with all that darkness, that we ensure that we have light if needed. Lots of folks are scared of the dark, not because there IS something out there, but because they can't SEE IF anything is out there. It's a great representation of where we were without JESUS - in the dark.

Today's word is a very familiar passage from Luke 2:9 & 10, KJV, which reads, "And, lo, the angel of the LORD came upon them, and the glory of the LORD shone round about them, and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people."

The shepherds were out in the dark, the very dark, and were quite startled at this marvelous light that appeared. I am sure I would have been too. But, the light was shining the glory of the LORD all around them. The light was there to prepare them to receive the greatest news mankind had ever heard - we no longer have to be bound in the darkness of our sins, GOD had made a way. 

Are you walking around in the dark? Are you trying to keep all your transgressions hidden from the world? Are you afraid of the light that reveals all sin? There's no need to be; the light comes to bring good tidings of great joy! Salvation is available to all people! Come to JESUS and you will no longer be walking in the dark.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Your name is Mudd

Today is National Mudd day. After assassinating President Abraham Lincoln, John Wilkes Booth and his co-conspirator rode to Dr. Samuel Mudd's home for treatment on Booth's fractured leg. Mudd provided the treatment, and was found guilty of conspiring with Booth. He was sentenced to life in prison, missing the death sentence by one vote. He was pardoned by President Andrew Johnson in 1869 and released from prison. However, his conviction has never been overturned.

Did Dr. Samuel Mudd conspire with Booth? I guess we will never truly know, for those who would really know are gone. From this incident, we gained the saying, "Your name is mud," which is used when someone is about to go done or is about to get what is coming to them. Wouldn't it be bad to have your name associated with such heinousness if you didn't have anything to actually do with it?

Today's word is Ephesians 4:25, NLT, which reads, "So stop telling lies. Let us tell our neighbors the truth, for we are all parts of the same body."

It is important for each of us to be truthful and honest to one another for more than one reason. We need to be truthful and honest to prevent hurt feelings. We need to be truthful and honest to prevent confusion. We need to be truthful and honest to protect our reputation. We need to be truthful and honest to not bring reproach upon our SAVIOR. We need to make sure we prevent our name from becoming Mudd.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, December 19, 2016

A Little Bit More

I would venture to say that if you were to ask, "What does Christmas mean to you," you would get as many responses as respondents. In Junior Church yesterday, I asked the children what they loved about Christmas, and the overwhelming majority was PRESENTS! As children, there is nothing better than presents at Christmas.

I also think, sometimes, as adults, we put way too much emphasis on the presents too. We have a tendency to get into the challenge of having the best and out-giving the giver. We seem to almost take Christmas as a contest to see who can get the most, and who can give the most. Absolutely nothing wrong with giving (or getting) if it is done with the right heart.

Today's word is a very famous quote from a very famous Dr. Seuss character. The Grinch said, "Maybe Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store. Maybe Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more."

Our kids, five and four, have really enjoyed the animated "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" this year. We have probably watched it half a dozen times already, and I am sure we will watch it again. While there are questions about Dr. Seuss's religion, I can tell you that we have used the Grinch's story to explain to our kids how GOD can change one's heart; the Grinch's problem was that his heart was two sizes too small. But, in the end, the Grinch realized that Christmas isn't about stuff.

As we begin this week before Christmas, let's take the time to consider all the good things we already have. Let's take the time to think about the precious gifts we already possess. Let's look around and take in the beauty and splendor all around us. Take the time to breathe in the Christmas spirit. Take the time to really ponder what Christmas truly mean to you. I think you'll find that Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

No Remote

Growing up, we didn't have remote control television; we were the remote. When Pops wanted to watch one of the three channels we received, he would tell one of us children to change the television to whichever channel he wanted to check out, usually, only to change it back to the channel he was watching.

Even today, we are prone to spend twenty minutes looking for the remote instead of getting up and changing the television manually. It is in these instances that we realize that the television doesn't change itself, you have to change it.

Today's word is something I came across, which reminds me that I have to do something: "Life has no remote: you have to get up to change it."

We can continue to sit on the couch and complain about how bad things are and continue on the course we are on. You know the old saying, "If you keep doing what you're doing, you'll keep getting what you're getting." The only way to change what's going on is to try and change what is going on. If you continue to wait for the channel to change, you're going to be sorely disappointed.

If you are tired of seeing the same things happen in your life over and over like some rerun of a really bad movie, get up and change the channel. The challenge is for us to trust in GOD, to rely on His guidance, and to get up and do something, for life has no remote.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

A partridge in a pear tree

The "Twelve Days of Christmas" is believed to derived to call to remembrance the twelve days between Christmas and Epiphany, which is when, it is believed, that the wise men arrived upon the scene. Each of the twelve days in the song has a biblical significance that the Catholic church used as a memory aid to teach the Bible to children.

So, the "partridge in a pear tree" isn't just about a bird in a fruit tree. It is nice when someone gives you something useful and tangible such as food -  a partridge and fruit. But, the significance of the partridge in the pear tree in the song is that it represents JESUS CHRIST, the ONE TRUE GOD, Who died upon a tree for us. But, there's more...

Today's word is Psalm 91:4, NLT, which reads, "He will cover you with His feathers. He will shelter you with His wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection."

The more...a mother partridge will feign injury to decoy predators away from her young nestlings; she is willing to sacrifice herself in order to protect her young. You see how the "partridge in the pear tree" is a representation of the sacrifice JESUS made for us? He willingly took on our sins and transgressions in order to make a way for us to become a part of His family.

As we speed towards another Christmas, I am reminded that it isn't about the hoopla and commercialization that Christmas has become. While I thoroughly enjoy the blessing of giving, and watching kids and loved ones enjoy gifts, and spending time with family, I am forever grateful for my SAVIOR, Who is represented by a partridge in a pear tree.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, December 12, 2016


No one condemns me more than I do myself. I am sure that is probably true with the majority of us. No matter how much I think others would condemn me, their condemnation pales in comparison to mine. Now, I am not talking about sins that we think of as heinous and deplorable. What I am talking about is any sin; GOD sees sin as sin, and no one condemns me for my sins more than I do.

Do you find yourself there? Do you think you have to be perfect for GOD to really love you? I think we all feel that way from time to time. However, the truth is that even while we were yet sinners, CHRIST died for us. GOD loved us, when we were the vilest of sinners, enough to send His Son to die for our sins; that is LOVE.

Today's word is 1 John 3:20, NIV, which reads, "If our hearts condemn us, we know that GOD is greater than our hearts, and He knows everything."

GOD knows EVERYTHING. We can try to cover it up, but GOD knows. We can try to justify it, but GOD knows. We can try to sugarcoat it, but GOD knows. We can try to convince ourselves that it is okay, but GOD KNOWS. And, once we realize that GOD knows, we begin to condemn ourselves. BUT...

But, if we will truly repent and turn from our sins, GOD will forgive us. He is greater than our sins and greater than our hearts that condemn us. It is He, and He alone that can cleanse us and mend our hearts. We will all fail from time to time. We will all make huge blunders and sins from time to time. However, if you are GOD'S child, and IF you will ask His forgiveness and turn from your sin, He will forgive. And, we can rid ourselves of our self-condemnation.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, December 8, 2016

The Right Words

I have probably shared before that I have a tendency of only opening my mouth in order to change feet. I seem to have an innate ability to put my foot in my mouth, to trip over my own tongue, to say the wrong thing at the wrong time. I would love to say I have learned to control it but it really seems to get worse all the time.

I mention this because I try to remind myself about the power of words. So many problems and contentions and troubles have come over words. In my case, I have caused problems not by what I said but by the way I said it, or by the way the person hearing it took it. Words are extremely powerful, and we should always be cognizant of that.

Today's word is a reminder of the power of our words. Proverbs 18:20, NLT, reads, "Wise words satisfy like a good meal; the right words bring satisfaction."

Have you ever had the opportunity to say something to someone that ended up being the exact thing they needed to hear? When this occurs, the look of satisfaction and contentment that comes across their face is an expression of the fullness within their soul. The right words at the right time can nourish the soul as much as a good meal nourishes the body.

I really try to think of how my words will impact and affect those hearing them. While I have a tendency to say the wrong things at the wrong times, I am more cognizant each day of the power of my words. I want GOD to use me to help others. I pray He will always help me say the right words.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Freedom has to be achieved

Today is National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day. Just before 8 AM on December 7, 1941, Japanese fighter planes attacked the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. While the attack lasted only about two hours the devastation was astounding: nearly 20 naval vessels, including eight battleships, destroyed, over 2,000 American soldiers and sailors killed, over 1,000 more wounded. More than two years after the conflict had started, we entered World War II.

We have seen the results of countless skirmishes and wars in our time. We have been drawn into the majority of them and have entered others to protect our freedoms, or the freedoms of others. I think we often think that what we have, the freedoms we enjoy, are just by chance - they are not. GOD has certainly blessed us with great freedom, and that freedom is protected and ensured by the sacrifices and achievements of brave men and women the world over.

Today's word is a quote from former President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who was in office during the attack on Pearl Harbor and petitioned Congress to enter World War II in order to protect our American freedoms. Today's word is FDR's quote about freedom, which reads, "In the truest sense, freedom cannot be bestowed; it must be achieved."

While we enjoy the freedoms this great country affords us daily, we should remember that we enjoy them because others have been willing to ensure them. While it may seem that these freedoms have been bestowed upon us, that we were just blessed enough to be born into it (and, GOD has certainly blessed us with freedom), again, we remember that it is because others have fought to achieve the freedom that we enjoy.

So, today, as I remember those that fought so hard and sacrificed so much to ensure the freedoms that we have, and those that continue to fight to protect them, I say, "Thank You!" May I never forget that the blessing of freedom is enjoyed only because others fight to achieve it.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

He sends rain

We have been abnormally dry around these parts for a majority of this year. We have experienced a severe drought, though GOD has provided us with a very ample supply from which to produce potable water.

Everyone's grass has withered, we've been under a "no burn" order for months, which is absolutely necessary. When I mowed the leaves that had fallen a few weeks ago it looked as if I was Pigpen, with a cloud of dust following me all over the yard. It was during this long, sustained drought that many wondered if it would rain again...and, if so, when.

Today's word is Job 5:10, NLT, which reads, "He gives rain for the earth and water for the fields."

We are now experiencing some rain. In the last few days, we have had several inches of rain, and it won't be long before everyone has forgotten about he drought we experienced this past summer and fall. Why? Because we take for granted the goodness of GOD and all His provisions.

Isn't it amazing that He sends the rain exactly when we need it? The grass that withered is now receiving the necessary nourishment for it to come back strong and full next spring. The trees that struggled to keep leaves through the last few weeks of autumn are now receiving the necessities to grow new leaves next year. Just as GOD provides for the leaves and the grass and the birds and every living creature, He provides for us - exactly what we need, exactly when it is needed. He sends rain...

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The Inner Struggle

I have found myself more and more lately trying to figure out what folks are doing. It seems that we will raise a ruckus and a fuss over most anything. It is almost as if everyone else is doing everything they can to undercut and undermine everything and everyone else. Sound familiar? Seem that way to you?

So, where does all the turmoil and strife come from? Is it that others are being subjected to more wrong than others? Is it that some folks are more mistreated than others? Some folks are. Yet, it seems that the ones most mistreated are not the ones stirring up strife. So, where does the anger and discontent come from?

Today's word is a quote I came across that may help us: "You can't change what's going on around you until you start changing what's going on within you."

My biggest challenge isn't the things that people do but the things that I do about the things that others do. It is the inner struggle between doing what I should and doing what I want. It is the inner struggle between doing GOD'S will and revenging MY wrongs. It is the inner struggle between doing what is right and doing what is self-righteous. It is the inner struggle that is the biggest battle.

If we want to see true change, if we really want to see things in our world improve, it begins withing each of us. We must fight the inner battles, correct the inner turmoil, right the inner wrongs before we can change our surroundings. We must fight the inner struggle.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, November 29, 2016


Today is the National Day of Giving. It is a day we try to reflect on what we have been given and try to share some of that with others. I hope that I don't need a reminder of how much I have been given, nor that it is not mine to keep. GOD gives us things to give, not to hold onto. Again, I add the caveat that you have to be wise and not wasteful; you also have to make sure you take care of you and yours.

So, with the National Day of Giving in mind, I am mindful of how much GOD has given me. I won't try to sit here and name all His blessings because none of us have the time, but suffice it to say that I have been given abundantly more than I could have ever thought, dreamed, or imagined. But, it is all from GOD, and I am not to act like or claim that it is MINE.

Today's word is Luke 6:38, NIV, which reads, "Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."

I LOVE this verse. The very first part of the verse tells us how GOD expects us to use what He has given us and how He will repay us for using what He has given us. "Give, and it will be given to you..." If we will take what GOD has given us and use it wisely and rightly, He will give us even more. How much more? I'm glad you asked...

The second part describes the abundance of His giving to us: "...A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over..." It will be more than we ever thought possible, more than we had before. We will never out give GOD - NEVER.

Don't miss the last part of the verse..."For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." In layman's terms, "What you give is what you'll get." If you try to hold onto everything, you're probably not going to get much more. If you will use what GOD has given you the way He wants you to use it, you will receive more than you ever thought possible. Be wise. Use discernment. Then, remember, GOD didn't give us things to hoard; He gave us things to give.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, November 28, 2016


I noticed at the preschool today that it is "Celebrate Your Unique Talent Day". I don't really have any unique talent; I am about as average as anyone can be. I can't twirl fire or run a four minute mile. I can't dance (at all) or walk a high wire. I really don't have any particular unique talent. Yet...

Yet, GOD has made us each unique. There is absolutely no one in this world exactly like us. Even identical twins have unique finger prints, tongue prints and foot prints. Doesn't that make you feel special, that you are completely unique? That GOD took the time to make each and every one of us an unique masterpiece? It should.

Today's word is just something to remind each of us that GOD made us special: "GOD is looking at you right now and saying, "I made that one extra special.""

We all have different abilities and capabilities. We all have different talents and gifts that we have been given. We can all use our different gifts, our uniqueness, to make perfect harmony and to show that it is our diversity that makes us the same - unique.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, November 17, 2016


Today is National Fast Food Day. There are times that fast food is a necessary convenience but I try not to do it often. While I like a good, greasy cheeseburger and french fries as much as anyone, my cholesterol tells on me if I eat them too often. The worst thing I ever did for my cholesterol was have it checked.

While I like the occasional fast food meal, my absolute favorite place to eat is home. Nothing compares to cooking at home and sitting down with those you love and sharing a meal, nothing. You can do that in any setting, but it is always best at home. So, obviously, my thoughts today have been about home.

We recently moved from the middle of nowhere into a neighborhood. We felt it was best for Trishia's commute and for our two little ones to have other children to play with. Around our former home, there was one neighbor and no children, which was nice for us but gave the two little ones no one to grow up with. Now, moving into a neighborhood doesn't guarantee that they will have friends, good friends, but it does increase their chances.

Upon moving, I really missed our rural homestead. I missed the solitude and tranquility, I still do. But, I have come to realize that as long as Trish and the kids are happy, I can live wherever they want to live. Because, you see, the house, the neighborhood, the setting doesn't make the home - those in the house make the home. And, I love our home.

Today's word is a thought about home. Nothing compares to home-cooked food in a loving home. So, today's word: "Fill a house with love and it becomes a home."

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Clean out the Fridge

According to the bulletin board at the preschool, today is "National Clean Out Your Fridge Day". It is important from time to time to clean out the fridge. We have a tendency to have leftovers and, then, forget that they are in the fridge. So, about once a week, we go through and clean out all that has been in there for longer than we feel it would still be safe to eat.

Just as we need to clean out our fridge from time to time, we equally need to clean our hearts. Just as we have a tendency to put leftovers in the fridge, we tend to allow leftover hurts and feelings to stay in our hearts until they are way beyond their expiration date.

Today's word is Psalm 51:10, KJV, which reads, "Create in me a clean heart, O GOD; and renew a right spirit within me."

We need to let go of those things that pollute our hearts. For some of us, it may be something we are doing; for others, it may be something they are not doing. It may be some little nugget that you've allowed to be pushed back into the darkest corner and, over time, it has become spoiled. We need to clean it out. However, we must allow GOD to do the cleaning, for the heart is His abode.

Got some things that need to be tossed out? Why not ask GOD to clean out your heart today? If you're holding on to old hurts, old grudges, old wrongs, that stuff has spoiled and is only going to rot and cause a stink the longer it sits there. Let's pray for GOD to give us clean hearts. Then, go clean the fridge.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, November 10, 2016

We are called to be Warriors

 A warrior is a brave or experienced soldier or fighter, someone engaged in some struggle or conflict. If you live in this world, conflicts and struggles will come, often. As we have mentioned before, everyone is either going through something, have been through something, or are about to go through something. Struggles and conflicts will come as long as GOD keeps us alive in this world.

There is nothing that satan likes better than to see GOD'S children suffer and struggle. He loves to see GOD'S children defeated and deflated. And, as we just said, struggles and conflicts are coming. When they arise, and they will, we have a couple of choices: we can either be a worrier or we can be a warrior.

Today's word is simply that: "Be a Warrior, not a worrier".

When things are going wrong, it is perfectly normal to wonder when things are going to improve, and how. It is perfectly normal to pace the floor a little and wring our hands a little. It is perfectly normal to feel the weight and the severity of the situation. Yet, sitting down and just worrying about tomorrow is not what we as Christians should do.

We are the children of the most High, most Powerful, most Omnipotent GOD. He is own our side. And if He be for us, who dare be against us? We will all walk through the dark times and the lowest valleys; we live in a fallen world and it is just something that is going to happen. But, remember the words of David, "Yea though I walk THROUGH the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil..." We are called to keep walking. We are called to keep pushing. We are called to be Warriors!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

GOD sets up rulers

It's early, and the unofficial presidential results are in - Donald J. Trump has been elected the 45th President of the United States of America. This excites some, pains others. This is exactly what some wanted, is the fear of others. Truth be known, if it had been the other way, if Hilary Clinton had won, it would have had the same effect.

One of the greatest privileges/blessings we enjoy in this great country is being able to vote, and vote freely. We are granted the opportunity, the privilege, the blessing of peacefully electing the most powerful leader in the free world, perhaps the entire world. And, when the candidate we are pulling for doesn't win, we feel as if the end is near. IT"S NOT.

Today's word is Daniel 2:21, NLT, which reads, "He (GOD) controls the course of world events; He removes kings and sets up other kings, He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the scholars."

No, I'm not saying that Donald Trump is a king. What I am saying is that GOD sets up the rulers and takes down rulers. Now, He works through His people to accomplish these things; He gives us free will to decide our own fates. We are to pray and dutifully seek GOD'S will in everything and, then, go out and vote our conscience.

GOD has everything under control whether you voted for President-elect Trump or Hilary Clinton. Whatever happens under whoever's term, rely on GOD. GOD sets up rulers. Congratulations Mr. Trump.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, November 7, 2016

Stopping Traffic

At the preschool, they have a "Today Is..." hanging occasionally, and today it read, "Today Is National Traffic Director Day". It's important to have someone direct traffic in the instances that everyone is vying for the same lane from every direction. If it weren't for traffic directors, more accidents would occur at the location of accidents.

Normally, the flow of traffic is uniform and steady. Yet, there are times, especially on certain interstates, when the traffic is a mass of cars, all doing eighty-five miles per hour. There are other times when traffic creeps along and eventually comes to a halt. There are times for traffic to move fluidly, and there are times for traffic to stop.

Today's word is a quote from Vance Havner, which says, "Christians, like snowflakes, are frail, but when they stick together they can stop traffic."

Lately it has been the ones with the loudest voice stopping traffic. Whether they are correct in calling everyone to halt and bringing everything to a standstill is a matter of opinion. However, one thing that is for sure is that if you band together, unite with one purpose, you can make people notice; you can bring things to a halt.

We, as Christians, seem to have a hard time agreeing and uniting on things. If we would only take the time to pray and seek GOD'S will and talk to one another, we might find that we, too, are united. If Christians would band together in one voice, unite with one purpose (to do GOD'S good will), we could stop traffic.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, November 3, 2016


Years ago, as a youngster, I watched reruns of the television series Mission Impossible. What I remember about the show, mostly, is that when they would receive their mission, the tape would always end with something like, "This tape will self-destruct in five seconds." Then, the tape would destroy itself, thus leaving the team with the only knowledge of the mission.

Self-destruction comes in many forms. We often do things that cause harmful side effects and unnecessary damages to ourselves. Why? I don't know. Temptation? Discontentment? Dissatisfaction? Greed? Envy? A singly moment of temporary pleasure? Whatever the reason, we tend to be our own worst enemy.

Today's word is Proverbs 6:32, NLT, which reads, "But the man who commits adultery is an utter fool, for he destroys himself."

It is those things that we know we ought not to do but that we proceed with doing anyway that cause us the most damage. Again, why we do them is as varied as the acts that we perform. It is utterly foolish to think that we can sin and not cause ourselves significant damage. This verse tells us that it is destroying us.

We are all tempted and tried, tested and taxed, but we have to be mindful that it can all lead to way more harm than we could ever imagine. I want to seek GOD'S will and try to serve Him and acknowledge Him in all that I try to do. I want to be useful. I want to avoid self-destruction.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

My heart's desire

We've all heard the expression, "My heart's desire is...". We all have things we want, things we want to see happen, things we want to accomplish for ourselves and our loved ones. There is nothing wrong with having a "heart's desire" and with wanting to fulfill that "heart's desire", usually.

Our heart's desire becomes an issue when it doesn't align with GOD'S plans for our lives and His will for our lives. It is not good to have a heart's desire that is evil and sinful and just plain wrong. And, there are lots of those out there...

Today's word is Psalm 10:4, NASB, reads, "For the wicked boasts of his heart's desire, and the greedy many curses and spurns the LORD."

Even the wicked have a heart's desire, and it isn't good. There are lots of folks in our world today that will eagerly and readily share with you their evil plans and desires, which do not align with GOD'S. They will even boast of the evil in their hearts and do everything they can to fulfill what is in their hearts to they point that they not only disobey GOD, but they curse Him and spurn Him.

Be careful what you desire in your heart, it will drive your actions. I want to be in the center of GOD'S will. I want to be in tune with my SAVIOR'S desires. I want to be useful in His service. I want to see good things for my loved ones. That is my heart's desire.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, October 31, 2016

You are privileged

I was holding the door and greeting folks as they entered church yesterday morning. As one of our younger couples walked up, I said, "Good morning young folks." To which they both replied, "You are one of the young ones too." Trish was standing there with me and said, "We are much older than you think." When Trish told them our ages, they both said that they couldn't believe it, that we looked and acted so much younger. Now, don't forget we are at church, which could explain the nice compliment. Plus, they may have meant that Trish looks much younger, and I act much younger.

So many people worry about growing older and the things that advanced age will bring along. Don't get me wrong, there are those concerns but I don't dwell on them. GOD will not bring me to it without bringing me through it. Growing older is a natural part of living, a natural part of life.

With those thoughts in mind, today's word is an anonymous quote about aging that really resonates with me: "Don't regret growing older, it's a privilege denied to many."

We often worry about growing older and miss the joys of growing older. I will never be twenty-one again, but I can be the best whatever-year-old that I can at whatever age I am. Living a little longer allows us the opportunity to share experiences and joys and memories. Living a little longer allows us opportunity to share with others the knowledge and wisdom that life has taught us along the way. They may not listen but it is why we are here.

Instead of worrying about another gray hair or another wrinkle or another ache or pain, let's enjoy the life GOD has blessed us to live. Will every day be good? No. Will there be ups and downs? Plenty of them. Will there be pain and regret? You bet there will. Will it be worth it all? Absolutely. Long life is not a privilege that all get to enjoy - enjoy it. You are privileged.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

She's to be praised

Well, I know some may find this post a little mushy but, on some calendars, it is "National I care about you Day", and, I just felt it time to sing the praises of my lovely and wonderful wife. She is absolutely the greatest! Period. I began praying for GOD to bring me the lady I would marry when I was twelve; I wanted to be sure that I found the one that He had made for me, and He certainly provided more than I could have ever thought, dreamt, or imagined.

Trish is a beautiful lady - BEAUTIFUL. She has grown more beautiful with each passing day, and I am amazed each day that I am blessed to spend with her. I am sure that when people see us together that they wonder what is wrong with her. I can tell you there is nothing wrong with her, other than GOD made her to love me. (I know, bless her heart).

Today's word is a tribute to all those lovely, godly, devoted women from Proverbs 31:30, ESV, which reads, "Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised."

Trish is beautiful on the outside; she is even more beautiful on the inside. I am amazed at her giving spirit and her unselfishness. She is the greatest wife I could ever imagine. Yet, she is also the best Mom, the best friend, a devoted and hard-working employee, a confidant, and so much more. Where does it all come from? First and foremost, Trish loves the LORD and strives to do His will.

If you are blessed to have someone in your life that is beautiful inside and out, please let them know. I know how blessed I am. I thank GOD every day for the lovely and loving wife He had blessed me with. She is one who fears the LORD, and I just want to praise her.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, October 24, 2016

As you please

It seems that we have a couple of paths that we can take. We can choose to please the world, which is what is often expected of us; or, we can choose to please GOD, which is what is best for us. When I say that it is best for us, I do not mean that GOD is going to send lightning to strike us because we disobey. If we are His children, He will correct us, but, He isn't going to strike us with lightning.

What I mean by it is best for us is that it will lead us to peace, happiness, fulfillment, and contentment. Walking the path GOD has established for us may not always be easy but it is the best path for our lives. The more we walk it, the more we become more like the creation we were intended to be and the closer we draw to the FATHER.

Today's word is a reminder about Whom we should try to please: "Decisions become easier when your will to please GOD out weighs your will to please the world."

When our focus is more on pleasing GOD and doing His good will, we find that we are making better decisions. And, the longer we walk His path, the longer we make decisions based on His principles and His will, the easier each decision becomes. We can continue to try to please the world and find ourselves making the same difficult decisions or we can rely on GOD to direct us and help us with our decision making.

I still make a lot of mistakes and a lot of poor decisions. Most of the bad decisions come from the fact that I was more concerned with what someone might think of me and allowed my desire to please the world to influence that decision. I pray that I will be earnest in my desire to please GOD, and that will make my decisions easier.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, October 20, 2016

What are you chasing?

I may have mentioned before about my dream of being chased by a guy with a fork. It was when I was younger, maybe a tween, and I dreamt of a guy chasing me with a fork. In the dream, I knew he was going to try to kill me with that fork, and I ran and ran. To make a long story short, I made it safely back to my parents' house, just to see him kick in the front door, holding a spoon. And, the pursuit began again.

Ever feel like you're being chased? It seems that we are constantly being pursued: schedules, deadlines, monthly bills, etc. It can be overwhelming at times if we only focus on the bad things that are pursuing us. However, if we will sit down for a second and really dig into things, we will find that we are being pursued by some really good things as well.

Today's word is Proverbs 13:21, NLT, which reads, "Trouble chases sinners, while blessings reward the righteous."

I can look back at my life and see times that I was being pursued by all the wrong things because I was doing and pursuing all the wrong things. It isn't hard to see that I was attracting what I was emitting. We have a saying around our house that we have really tried to instill in the youth: "Trash in = Trash out". If you find yourself being pursued by all the wrong things, maybe it is time to really evaluate what you are pursuing.

On the other hand, if you are striving to do GOD'S will, you will find good things pursuing you. Now, that is not to say that there won't be bad things chasing you, that's not to say that you won't have bad things happen, it is to say that despite that, if you will really look around, you will see the blessings that are chasing you and the ones you are chasing.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016


I have been blessed to be around some REALLY smart people; unfortunately, they have not had the same privilege being around me. But, honestly, I have been taught and instructed by some folks that are super intelligent, especially in their particular fields. You do have to be careful, though, when they venture out from their respective fields.

We have lots of people in our world today that are super intelligent, or at least seem to be, that people will believe anything they tell say. Some of these folks aren't even smart, they are just popular and powerful, thus, we associate them with being intelligent, and we listen to what they say. It's important, though, that we don't confuse knowledge with wisdom.

Today's word is 1 Timothy 6:20, NLT, which reads, "...Guard what GOD has entrusted to you. Avoid godless, foolish discussions with those who oppose you with their so-called knowledge."

I really like this verse for several reasons. First, it instructs us to "GUARD what GOD has entrusted to us". We have to be on constant guard to keep the hungry wolves from trying to take and destroy those blessings that GOD has allowed us in our lives, and they will if we don't keep a diligent and constant watch. We need to watch what our children listen to, what they watch on television, who they associate with and the influence that those associates have on them. We need to protect our wives/husbands by praying for them, by nurturing those relationships, and by eschewing anything that doesn't.

Then, this verse tells us to avoid arguing with those who "think" they know everything because they are smart about something. Just because someone has success as a movie star doesn't mean they should dispense financial advice. Now, they can dispense it but we shouldn't listen to it and apply it. Don't let those who seem smart influence you with their so-called knowledge. If you do, you may find that they catch you with your guard down.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, October 17, 2016

The value of a moment

I have been blessed to experience some very important and interesting moments in my life, some good, some not so. As time passes from some of those moments, I begin to see just how poignant they were and what they really mean. It is in the passing of time that we truly begin to see the value of each moment.

I have very fond memories of times with my grandparents, who have all gone on. They were good, honest, hardworking folks who loved me and left some eternal memories. With my Pops joining them in eternity, there is seldom a day that passes that I don't remember some precious moment with him - all so valuable.

Today's word is a quote from Dr. Seuss that serves as a reminder to cherish the moments. It reads, "Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory."

As I look back and remember things, it is not the huge events that stick out. Oh, they are remarkable memories, but it is the everyday, simple moments that most often come to mind. It is rarely a deep conversation that is remembered, but a moment of just enjoying someone's presence that spews forth a memory.

My Pops was a history guy. Not that he studied history or knew a lot of dates and such, but he knew historical moments when he saw them: landing on the moon, President Nixon resigning, Operation Desert Storm, etc. When these events occurred, he would say, "You need to watch this - it's history." Those events are certainly historical but it is the emphasis that Pops put on each one that is the memory I carry. You never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Face your Fears

Today is National Face Your Fears Day (on some calendars). So, what's your fear? Trish always says things to me such as, "I am amazed at all that you can do." Or, "It is impressive all the things you know and can accomplish." From this we can determine a couple of things: Trish is a really good person, and she is easily impressed.

The fact of the matter is, and I have told this to Trish each time she compliments me in this manner, is I am not afraid to fail. I tell her that what separates me from some others is that I am willing to make a complete mess of things. Now, as I have shared before, I have cost us several dollars by trying to undertake things myself. However, if it needs to be done, I will try to do it. But, what is your fear?

Today's word is a quote from Theodore Roosevelt, which says, "Each time we face our fear, we gain strength, courage, and confidence in the doing."

We all have things that we fear that keep us from moving to the next chapter in our lives. I have shared before that FEAR has two meanings: 1. Forget Everything And Run or 2. Face Everything And Rise, the choice is ours. There's also another meaning to fear that I like to share: False Evidence Appearing Real. We are often bound up by something we believe, which is completely untrue.

So, as we take on the challenge of facing our fears today, let's keep in mind that most of the time, fear is a false illusion. And, every time we overcome a fear, each time we refuse to run from fear, each time we face our fear, we will become stronger, more courageous, and more confident. Face your Fears!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, October 6, 2016


If you look up the definition of "order", you'll find that it means, "give an authoritative direction or instruction to do something". As a former military guy, and a husband of many years, I know how to take orders. Now, following them is sometimes a different story.

When you are given an order, it is usually from a superior that has experience and know how and has the qualifications to evaluate the situation and formulate a direction in which to take. I know there are exceptions to that but orders usually come from those above us that knows the direction we need to pursue.

Today's word is Psalm 37:23, KJV, which reads, "The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and He delighteth in his way."

As GOD'S children, our direction is through Him. If we will listen and follow orders, we will find that we are always moving in the right direction and that we have all the instructions that we need to accomplish the goal. It is when we deviate from the orders that we have chaos (chaos is the opposite of order). So, if we will follow the order, we will find order.

The last part of the verse strikes me from two points: 1. When we follow GOD'S plan, His order, GOD delights in our way. 2. But, what if the "He" isn't GOD but the "good man" and it read, "...and he delights in his way"? What if the emphasis is that GOD orders our steps, and IF we follow that order, we will find that we are enjoying the way? I think both are true: if we follow GOD'S plan, He is delighted in our way; and, if we follow GOD'S plan, we will find that we wouldn't have it any other way.

Follow GOD'S path. It is ordered.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, October 5, 2016


Ever find yourself in a predicament? I mean, there's a situation that is really uncomfortable and really unnerving and, yet, that is where you find yourself. Now, you don't know why you are in this particular situation. You don't know what you've done to be caught up in the situation. All you know is you want a way out of the situation. I think we've all been there.

Before I go any further, allow me to emphasize that I don't for one minute believe that GOD causes bad things to happen. Again, we live in a broken and fallen world, and sometimes bad things happen to good people. When a situation arises for a "good person", we need to see what GOD is trying to show us through their example.That is today's thought...

Today's word is just a thought from something that I read once that I now paraphrase: "We often ask GOD to change our situation, not fully understanding that GOD can use our situation to change us."

I don't like situations either. I don't like finding myself in uncomfortable, unnerving predicaments. I am a doer - I do things. I like to find solutions, implement them, and move on to the next situation. It drives me crazy to find myself in situation that I cannot control, I cannot fix, I cannot find a solution. But, I have gotten better in recent years to remember to say, "LORD, I don't know why these things are happening but don't let me miss the lesson."

Maybe you find yourself in a situation that is more than you really want to think about or even more than you can even comprehend. Keep in mind that GOD can grow us, He can mature us, He can use our situations to change us.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Talking about it

They say that the first step in overcoming a problem is admitting that you have a problem. Well, I readily admit that I am a TALKER. I talk a lot, any time, any place, any where, I talk. I have said before that I don't even have to know a subject, I just have to have an audience. I'm a talker.

Some folks, like me, like to talk about things but they don't get a lot done about things. They will tell you all their woes and all their problems and all their concerns and all their worries but they seldom do anything to change those things they are talking about. Now, I know that our circumstances dictate things, this fallen world dictate things, other people and red tape dictate things, but there is something constructive that we can all do besides talking about it...

Today's word is something I heard on the radio or something I read somewhere; I don't really remember where I got it but it tells us that there is something we can do. It says, "Have you prayed about it as much as you have talked about it?"

When this came to mind this morning, from wherever it originated, it hit me like a ton of bricks. Yeah, we all talk about things, we all like to have someone sympathize with us, but NO ONE knows our hearts and our worries and our concerns and our needs more than JESUS. Yet, it seems that we will talk to everyone else about all that is going on far more than we talk to Him about all that is going on. What a reminder that I can be doing something more constructive and more tangible than just talking about it.

You've heard me mention it before: we are all going through things. Some people are going through far worse than I could ever imagine but we all have things on our minds and on our hearts. When we get burdened down with concerns and worries, we like to talk to others about the things going on in our lives. The question for today, though, is, "Have you talked to JESUS about it as much as you've talked to everyone else about it?" I am really going to try to apply this to my life. I think I may just be surprised at how much better I feel talking to JESUS than just talking about it.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, October 3, 2016


I talk about how blessed I am a lot, I know. But, there is absolutely no doubt that I am truly, truly blessed. I look around at all the blessings I have and I stand amazed and humbled at GOD'S goodness and mercy and grace. I am truly blessed and I give Him all the praise.

Why does GOD bless me so much? I don't know. Just because He can? Because He loves His children, even, in my case, His defiant, silly, children. He blesses us all with more than we could ever thank Him for but we so often allow the distractions in this life to steal the joy of our salvation; we allow the darkness of this world to push out the Light of this world.

Today's word is just a positive quote that I try to remember. It says, "Pray not only because you need something but because you have A LOT to thank GOD for!

GOD is always available. He is there to listen to our pleas anyplace, at any time. He knows what we need even before we ask. Yet, He listens to our deepest needs even when we can't put them into words. Yes, when we need something, pray! But, don't just stop there.

When you are talking to GOD, thank Him for all that He has given you and for all that He has done for you. I would dare say that if we started truly thanking GOD for all His many wonderful blessings, we would find out how truly blessed we are. I bet that if you start thanking GOD for all that you have, you'll find that you most definitely have A LOT to thank GOD for!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, September 28, 2016


Nobody likes to suffer, nobody. However, there will be some suffering in this world. Why, because you've done something heinous and evil? No. Suffering comes because we live in a broken and fallen world, where satan, who is heinous and evil, reigns.

It's not easy going through some of the things that we must. And, trust me, I know that millions go through far more than I could ever think, dream, or imagine. Yet, we will all suffer from time to time. We will all face persecution and tribulation and ridicule just because we live in a sinful world that loves to bring people down and loves to inflict suffering on everyone.

Today's word is Revelations 2:10a & c, ESV, which reads, "Do not fear what you are about to suffer...Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life."

GOD has told us that He will never leave us nor forsake us. No matter what we are going through, as children of GOD, we know that we are going through it alone. GOD is with us each step of the way. He also sends His support to us through family and friends and neighbors and songs and words. We only have to remember the suffering that JESUS endured for us, and the glory it bought for us, to see that GOD can get glory out of our suffering, if we will only rely on Him and allow Him to direct our paths.

Nobody likes to suffer; I am the worst. I want things to go smoothly and nicely, and it bothers me immensely when they don't. I also want to be found faithful and useful. Today's word tells us that if we remain faithful, the crown of life is our reward. May I be found faithful, even in suffering.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

More, more, more

We taught our two little ones the sign for "more" before they could even speak. They knew if they wanted more milk, more baby food, more whatever, all they had to do was touch their fingers together in front of them. It was pretty neat to see and benefited us all; they received more sustenance and we didn't have to guess as much.

Much as I want to ensure that they have all that they need, GOD wants to assure us that He can meet all of our needs. If there is something lacking, He has what is necessary to fill that need. Now, don't get me wrong, I am not a believer in the "name it and claim it", "blab it and grab it" philosophy. I believe that GOD bestows upon us generous blessings. I also believe that He expects us to work for what we get and to be content with His blessings (don't confuse contentment with complacency). Anyway, I've gotten off point - GOD wants to give us more.

Today's word is Jude 1:2, NLT, which reads, "May GOD give you more and more mercy, peace, and love."

Jude was writing to his fellow believers to encourage them by letting them know that GOD has great things He bestows upon us - mercy, peace, and love. I don't know about you but those three things are certainly ones I want more and more of. And, true mercy, true peace, and true love only come from the One and Only True GOD.

There are things that any is too much. There are other things that there will never be enough. When it comes to mercy, peace and love, I want more, more, more!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, September 26, 2016


There's an old saying that tells us that we really don't appreciate our health until it's gone, and that is probably vastly understated. I would dare say that we all take our health for granted more often than not; we just think we will always feel as good as we do and will always be able to do what we do. BUT, that is not necessarily the case.

It doesn't take much for me to realize that my physical abilities are not what they were in my youth. Now, a lot of people will tell you that I am in pretty decent shape "FOR SOMEONE MY AGE". However, I am not in the shape I was when I was eighteen. And, though I try to exercise and eat a reasonably sensible diet, the results from my efforts are diminished from my youth as well. Yet, it is important to try to maintain your health.

Today's word is 3 John 1:2, NLT, which reads, "Dear friend, I hope all is well with you and that you are as healthy in body as you are strong in spirit."

For all our efforts to maintain our physical health, I wonder how much effort we put forth in maintaining our spiritual? I like the way John says, "I are as healthy in body as you are strong in spirit." This verse causes me to ask myself how strong my physical body would be if it was based on my spiritual. How about you?

My prayer for all my friends, family, loved ones is that we will all have great health - physically and spiritually. I believe it is important to try and do what we can to maintain both. I pray we all find ourselves in good health.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, September 21, 2016


I hear a lot of people complain about things but they end up doing very little other than complain. Complaining has never accomplished much more than wasting good air. Oh, don't get me wrong, I have done my share of complaining, probably more than most. But, I'm beginning to learn (I am a slow learner) that complaining is like thunder, it's just a noise. It is the lightning that gets something done.

So, how do we create lightning? Well, lightning is a natural electrical discharge of high intensity and short duration. In my layman's terms, lightning is atoms doing something - working. So, we can sit here and complain and make a lot of noise (thunder) or, we can get up and create some energy (lightning).

Today's word is 2 John 1:6, NIV, which reads, "And this is love: that we walk in obedience to His commands. As you have heard from the beginning, His command is that you walk in love."

We are to walk in obedience to GOD'S commands; that is action. We can sit around and talk about GOD and how people should live their lives, or we can go out in this world and show people what a godly life looks like. People are going to take more notice of what we do than what we say (I know it sounds like a continuation of previous posts). The fact is, though, that it's not about the noise we create; it's about the energy we exchange towards others.

I want to walk in His commands. I want to walk in love. I want others to see my feeble attempts at displaying GOD'S love more than merely talking about it. Thunder makes a lot of noise; lightning can change things.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

More than words

As I have shared before, I am a "Show Me" type of person. You can talk all day about what you are going to do, or how much someone means to you, or how devoted you are to something, but your actions, my actions speak much louder than my words. It's not about what we say we will do; it's about what we do.

There are so many times in my life that I can look back and remember things I said I was going to do, or things I said I was never going to do, and I did the complete and total opposite. There have been countless times I have had to go to someone and apologize for not following through with my words. It's about more than words...

Today's word is 1 John 3:18, NIV, which reads, "Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth."

It's easy to tell someone you love them; it means more to show them. No one really feels loved as much as when someone shows them love. A kind gesture, a little back rub, a hot meal, a caring spirit, a non-judgmental, truthful conversation, telling someone the truth even when it hurts (in love), are all active ways to love someone.

I've said it before but I quote it only as a reminder to myself: "Your wife will never find you sexier than when you take the time to help her." True love has more to do with what you do than with what you say - it's more than words.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, September 19, 2016


Our two little ones had birthdays over the weekend; they are now five and four, which is really hard to believe. Time certainly does move quickly. I like back over the last five years and remember milestones: their first words, their first steps, their first birthdays, etc. Now, in the blink of an eye, they are five and four. WOW!

It's a fact that we all grow, some more than others. We don't remain infants and toddlers forever. We grow and mature and learn and become stronger and bigger. As we age, we begin to pick up things along the way: tendencies of our parents, familial phrases, certain beliefs. It is usually those things we are surrounded by, those things in our environment, that influence, at least partially, what we become.

Today's word is 2 Peter 3:18, NIV, which reads, "But grow in the grace and knowledge of our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST. To Him be glory both now and forever! Amen."

Our prayer is that the two lives entrusted to Trish and me will see JESUS through us and will want a personal relationship with Him. We pray almost constantly that they will one come to know Him and serve Him. If they find JESUS and do His will, they will have a successful life. Once they find that relationship with Him, they will begin to study His word and have a daily prayer life with Him, and they will begin to grow in Him! That is what we pray.

It is fun watching them grow. It is exciting to think about what GOD has in store for them. It is humbling that He has allowed us this blessing. We give Him all the glory for His many blessings, both now and forever!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

It is Better

You know, there are some things that are just better than others. I prefer a certain brand of coffee, which I will not name. But, I do prefer some things better than similar things. I have a favorite pair of shoes, which, again, I will not name. But, suffice it to say that I have shoes that I really like and I have had shoes that were terribly uncomfortable.

Then, we have the flip side of things. I use a saying a lot that I am sure others get tired of hearing. When things aren't going good, when it seems that things could definitely be better, I usually say, "Well, it's better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick." I would venture to guess that most things are better than being poked in the eye with a sharp stick.

Today's word is 1 Peter 3:17, ESV, which reads, "For it is better to suffer for doing good, if that should be GOD'S will, than for doing evil."

There are times in our lives that doing the right thing is the hardest thing to do. Unfortunately in this world, there are consequences even for doing good. There are folks out there that will refuse to give you employment, or that will refuse to offer assistance, or that will judge you more harshly, or that will tear apart your goodness to promote their own evil agenda. Yet, doing GOD'S will is far better than anything else I can think of.

We all know that GOD has a plan for us. He knows what is best for us and knows how to move us from where we are to where we need to be. I am a difficult student at times. I am a stubborn student at times. And, there are times when He has to teach me something; not in a bad way but to move me to where I need to be.

There are other times when, because we live in a fallen and broken world, others will strive to destroy any good thing we do. Yet, GOD can get glory from those difficulties, IF WE WILL LET HIM. I pray I seek and do GOD'S will - it is better!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Where to find it

As a young man growing up, I remember my parents telling me to stay out of trouble. And, of course, the reply was always, "I'm not going out looking for any." Yet, the truth was, and more so is, that you don't have to look for trouble, it is all around. A lot of times, the trouble comes to you just because you are at the wrong place at the wrong time.

So, why do people like trouble and chaos and disorder so much? Why do people like to cause problems for others? Why do people like to run over others and stab others in the back? Is there any way to distinguish these types of people, and figure out where they might be hanging out so that we can avoid those types of places?

Today's word gives us some insight into where we might find those who love disorder and chaos. It is James 3:16, NIV, which reads, "For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice."

People act out and create disorder and disharmony and chaos because they want their moment in the "spotlight". These folks want to be recognized and they don't care that they have to hurt others in order to receive their "fifteen minutes of fame". It is those who are envious, those who are jealous, those who don't like the fact that someone else got attention, that love to create disorder so that they can get the attention.

We also find that those who have selfish ambition are the source of chaos and evil too. Some folks are so driven to implement their plan, to get their "piece of the pie", to have their way, that they will do whatever they have to do, harm whomever they have to harm, destroy whatever they have to destroy to make their plan a success.

If you ever start to wonder what to look for in order to avoid trouble, just look for those that are envious and full of selfish ambition - that's where to find it.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, September 12, 2016

Hold on tight

There will be events in our lives that will shake us, that will cause us to reflect, may even shake our faith. If you haven't experienced something of that magnitude, hold on tight, it's coming. The event may be something physical or emotional or spiritual but it will be something that can shake us.

I am blessed to be surrounded by folks that I have seen weather storms that most people would have given in to. Yet, they stood firm in their faith that GOD was in control and that He was working it for their good. Their resolve, their resiliency, has bolstered my faith and has strengthened my resolve on countless occasions.

Today's word is Hebrews 10:23, KJV, which reads, "Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for He is faithful that promised)."

We have mentioned before that it is easy to hold to faith and to sing praises when everything is going well. It is during the difficult times, the hard times, the faith-shaking times that people are really watching to see how we respond. It is in those difficulties that we prove what we truly believe. I pray I will hold tight.

Let's pray for one another to hold tight to our faith. We know that GOD is faithful, and He will faithfully keep His promises. We can rest assured that He has it handled and that He holds us. Let's pray that when the storms arise, and they will, that we will hold on tight.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Powerful Words

If you don't know, what we say can have a huge impact on others. As I have gotten older, I have become much more aware of how the words I say can affect someone's day. A kind word often softens others and gives them something to smile about. A harsh word can often cause others to blow up and everyone has a bad day. Words are powerful!

I look back on my life and remember certain moments, certain instances, where a spoken word made me reflect and evaluate and challenged me to become more than I was. I also can remember many instances when a kind word, a sincere word, a loving word brought peace and comfort at just the right time.

Today's word is Philemon 1:7, NLT, which reads, "Your love has given me much joy and comfort, my brother, for your kindness has often refreshed the heart's of GOD'S people."

Now, while Paul doesn't specifically say that Philemon has encouraged him with words, I think it is certainly implied. When you love someone you talk to them and encourage them and build them up. Paul tells Philemon that his love has given him much joy and comfort, just as a properly timed word will do.

Note also that it is refreshing: "...for your kindness has often refreshed..." When people are down and out, a kind word can go a long way. Sometimes, the best thing to say is nothing. Other times, the best and most powerful thing you could ever say is, "I love you." Our words are powerful; use them wisely.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

What makes me different

I want to be a good witness and live a Christian life, knowing that I may be the only Bible some folks will ever read. I fail miserably at times but I ask forgiveness and try harder. I have had, on occasions, someone ask what makes me different? What is it that makes me treat people respectfully? And, what makes me love everyone, even when they don't love me?

I'd like to say that I am just a good person, saintly even. But, there are few things further from the truth. There is not a lot of good just residing in me physically. However, GOD living in me makes me different.

Today's word is Titus 3:4 - 5a, ESV, which reads, "But when the goodness and loving kindness of GOD our SAVIOR appeared, He saved us..."

When I look around and see all that GOD has done for me and all that He has given me, how can I not be thankful and respectful and humbled. As mentioned before, it's not because I am good or that I am special, it's because GOD is good and because He loves us and cares for us.

When I realize all that He has done for me, I want others to experience it too. I want others to see the difference GOD makes in my life. I want them to accept Him and experience it for themselves. I want them to realize that it is GOD living in me that makes me different. I pray others can see it.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Not Me

Growing up, we had an imaginary family member named, "Not me". Anytime something was awry in the house and my parents would ask who had done it, the answer was always, "Not me". Ol' "Not me" did anything and everything you could imagine. He was always to blame but he was always hard to find when it was time to accept punishment.

On the other hand, I have about had my fill of people so full of themselves; it's not a matter of "Not me", it's all a matter of "It's all about me". Look, it's perfectly okay to be proud of what you have accomplished but no one does it on their own.

Today's word is 2 Timothy 1:9, NIV, which reads, "He has saved us and called us to a holy life - not because of anything we have done but because of His own purpose and grace..."

First thing to note from this passage is that GOD has saved us and called us to a holy life. We are His children, His disciples; we represent Him and should act like it. His sacrifice for us and His blessings to us should make us want to serve Him and be more like Him. This is important but not the key point today...

The second thing to note is that it's not because of ANYTHING we have done but because He desired to do it. We can't take credit for all the good things in our lives - every good and perfect gift comes from above. It is because of GOD'S graciousness and goodness that I am what I am and that I have what I have.

If you're a superior athlete, if you're more intelligent than others, if you're better at something than most everyone else, that is a GOD given gift. You didn't do it; He gifted you just because He can. If I have ANY special gift, any special ability, any special anything, it is because of GOD, Not Me.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, September 2, 2016

Facts are a stubborn thing

A quote attributed to President John Adams begins, "Facts are a stubborn thing..." It is hard to deny facts, actually it is impossible. It is facts that get us into trouble, and get us out of trouble. You can't get into trouble for perpetrating some mischief if you can proof you were elsewhere when it occurred. On the other hand, you can prove someone did perpetrate some mischief if you have facts that substantiate your claim.

We often allow ourselves to get hung up on emotions and other people's opinions when the facts are pointing out the - Facts. Facts are a stubborn thing because they are hard to deny and impossible to disprove. I'd like to talk about one in today's word...

Today's word is 1 Timothy 3:16, NLT, which reads, "Without question, this is the great mystery of our faith: CHRIST was revealed in a human body and vindicated by the Spirit. He was seen by angels and announced to the nations. He was believed in throughout the world and taken to Heaven in glory."

This verse sums up the Christian belief, and it is FACTS. We worship GOD, the One True GOD, Who came in human form, died for our sins, rose again, and ascended into Heaven, where He is preparing our place and will one day come and receive us unto Himself. These facts are backed up by eyewitness accounts throughout the Bible.

If you want to know the truth about something, you have to find the facts. And, in the Bible, we can find, without question, the facts that establish our faith. Facts are a stubborn thing...

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Protection from the evil one

It probably goes without saying but I am about to say it anyway: Things in this world seem to get worse and worse all the time. I am amazed at how evil some people are and how much more evil people seem to get all the time. You don't have to look far to see evil abounding and growing stronger.

No doubt, though, we have brought this upon ourselves. No, I don't believe in karma; but, I do believe that you reap what you sow, and you often get what you ask for. In the Old Testament, we read about the Israelites wanting a king and GOD telling them, through Samuel, all the bad things that would come of having a king like all the nations they had just defeated. Yet, they still wanted a king - and they got what they wanted.

Today's word is encouragement for times such as these. It is 2 Thessalonians 3:3, NIV, which reads, "But the LORD is faithful, and He will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one."

While there is evil in this world that seems to get worse with each passing day, we can take comfort and peace in the fact that GOD is faithfully watching over us. His strength and protection is there for those that seek it.

When it seems that things are bad and only getting worse, I pray I remember that GOD protects His children. I pray that I can remember to encourage others by reminding them that GOD provides us strength and protection from the evil one.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Overflowing Love

Have you ever really loved someone? I mean, really loved them? I think a lot of people really confuse love with so many other worldly emotions. Love is so much deeper than just a physical attraction or affection - love is when you are willing to give up everything for someone.

You've heard me share the stories about those who truly love, and you have heard me share before that true love is about giving, not getting. It is when you are willing to give what you have to make someone happy instead of wondering what they can give you. (Don't think for one minute I am talking about getting taken advantage of because true love only works both ways).

Today's word is 1 Thessalonians 3:12, NIV, which reads, "May the LORD make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else, just as ours does for you."

Overflowing love is what we are talking about today. I can tell you without any doubt or hesitation that I love Trish more today than I ever have, which I thought was impossible. When I awake and see her next to me, there is a feeling I cannot describe except LOVE. I have overflowing love for my children. I want to see them succeed and serve GOD. I LOVE them.

Do you really love someone? Do you have an overflowing love for someone? It all begins with JESUS. Once you come to know JESUS and experience His overflowing love, you cannot help but share that same love with others. You can only know true overflowing love through GOD, for GOD is LOVE. I pray we call experience His overflowing love.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, August 26, 2016

Everything we do

No matter what you do, someone notices. Why? Because, no matter what you do, it affects someone else. You may be saying, "No it doesn't. How does my watching TV affect someone else?" Well, the very show you are watching is on because you are watching it. If you, along with others, didn't watch the show, it would be taken off air, affecting the actors, producers, directors, gofers, etc. And, what you are watching will have an affect on you and it will cause you to act a certain way or talk about a certain thing, etc.

Well, how does my sleeping affect someone else? Let's avoid the obvious, that if you snore or toss and turn, and if you have a spouse, it directly affects someone. Indirectly, though, our sleeping affects those on the road with us because, tired drivers can be dangerous. Indirectly, our sleeping affects those around us because lack of sleep can cause us to be less productive and, sometimes, short-tempered. On the other hand, too much sleep and you miss work or school entirely; that will affect others for sure.

Today's word is Colossians 3:17, NLT, which reads, "And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the LORD JESUS, giving thanks through Him to GOD the Father."

I think we sometimes forget that what we do and what we say affects others in significant ways, or at least I forget from time to time. I need to be reminded and to remind myself that I am a representative of my SAVIOR, and, sometimes, not a very good one. However, today's word reminds me that others see me as such.

So, let's remember that no matter what we do or say, others are paying attention and others are affected. We need to be good representatives and good ambassadors. Then, we need to thank GOD for all His blessings and for allowing us to do everything that we do.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, August 25, 2016

I thank GOD for you

There are people in our lives that just make life better. I pray that each of us have those in our lives that bring a smile to our face each time we think of them. There is absolutely no doubt that I have been blessed with an abundance of people who just bring me more joy than I could ever reciprocate - ever.

Now, I am not going to call names because I would certainly miss someone; I did say there is an abundance. But, each time I think of these blessings in my life, yes, I smile, but I also pray for them and give GOD thanks for them.

Today's word is from Philippians 1:3, NIV, where Paul expressed to the Philippians that they brought joy to him. It reads, "I thank my GOD every time I remember you."

For those who bring such joy and peace to my life, allow me to say that I as so very thankful. If I haven't said that lately, I am sorry for not telling you what you mean to me. My life is what it is because GOD has allowed me to be connected to you! Thanks!

Allow me to say again that I have been truly blessed with great people in my life. GOD has allowed me joys beyond measure and blessings beyond imagination. And, "I thank my GOD every time I remember you!"

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Unlimited Resources

I don't know about you but at our house, we have a very limited budget. I make what I make and Trish makes what she makes and that is it. We could get additional jobs (if we had the time or energy) but having what we have is all we have. Now, I am not complaining - we are blessed beyond measure. My point is that, unlike a lot of our politicians seem to think, we can't just "make" or "get" more money. We have limited resources.

It is probably fair to say that the majority of people have very limited resources; we have what we have and that is all that we have. When we need extra, we have to either borrow from someone or from some financial institution and, then, try to use the limited resources we had to make those additional payments. It can become a burden of monumental proportions if we allow it. However, as GOD'S children, we have a Father that has UNLIMITED RESOURCES.

Today's word is Ephesians 3:16, ESV, which reads, "That according to the riches of His glory He may grant you to be strengthened with power through His Spirit  in your inner being."

Just as we have limited resources financially, we have limited resources physically. There are those days when it seems we cannot find the strength to make it through; just putting one foot in front of the other is more than we can force ourselves to do. It is on those days that we must allow GOD to fill us with His strength, with His power, with His unlimited resources to see us through.

GOD also has what we need, and will give it to us when we need it. There will be those times that it seems it will arrive too late but GOD'S timing is always perfect and it will all be perfectly ordered. On those days, during those times when it seems that our resources are stretched to the breaking point, let's remember that our Father has unlimited resources.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

While I'm waiting

There's a song by John Waller titles, "While I'm waiting", which I truly like. The lyrics remind us that while we are waiting for GOD to do His thing in His time to not sit there doing nothing. We can continue to serve and worship and move forward with confidence that GOD is doing His thing, which will lead us to where we need to be. It is a great song.

We all await things, whether they be the birth of a child, some big event in our or our loved ones life, retirement; we are all awaiting something. It's hard to wait, especially when you are as impatient as I am. Yes, I admit that I am impatient but I also understand that good things come to those who wait.

Today's word is Galatians 5:5, NLT, which reads, "But we who live by the Spirit eagerly wait to receive by faith the righteousness GOD has promised to us."

There is absolutely no doubt that I will never be righteous - NEVER. I have shared before that even on my best day I FAIL. Now, I don't do it on purpose. I truly want to be righteous and pleasing to GOD. However, I too often allow this carnal flesh, these human desires, these earthly things to get in the way and influence my decisions. I will never be righteous, completely righteous, until I am eternally in Heaven, and I am eagerly awaiting that.

While I wait, though, I am going to continue to strive to be what GOD has called me to be. I am going to continue pressing toward the calling that GOD has given me. I am going to continue to pursue a life of righteousness, not through my own doings but through seeking more of GOD and less of me. I do eagerly await the righteousness promised but while I am waiting I am going to work on myself.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, August 18, 2016


There is absolutely nothing like an election to find out that some people think very highly of themselves. Yes, there are those who are not politicians that do as well, but, you have to admit that those running for office really like to talk about themselves (and their opponent).

Now, don't get me wrong, there is no better way for me to know who you are and what you stand for other than for you to tell me. Actually, there is - show me. But, we listen to the rhetoric in order to try and gain a better understanding of the character of those seeking a seat. And, boy can they boast...

Today's word is about our boasting. 2 Corinthians 10:18, NIV, reads, "For it is not the one who commends himself who is approved, but the one whom the LORD commends."

Today's word tells us it is not about what we say about ourselves that is important. What is important is what GOD says about us. There are a lot of people who like to tell you all about themselves but what would GOD say about them, I wonder. The truth is the same for us all - GOD knows who we really are, He knows how we got to where we are, He knows how we gained what we have, He knows the real us.

My prayer today is that I will be more concerned about what GOD knows I am than about what I think I am. Because, all I really want to be is GOD'S child, doing His thing, being faithful and obedient. I may never be anything by this world's standards, and that will be fine. It's not about me; it's about Him.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, August 15, 2016

The things GOD has prepared

It has been a weekend of reminders of how our lives truly are vapors. A man with two in high school had a massive heart attack and passed away. A thirty-six year old mother passed away of cancer. A fourteen year old passed away from injuries sustained in a four-wheeling incident. It is devastating.

We have been praying for the family left to suffer and to continue on after these tragic losses. We pray for GOD to comfort them as only He can. We pray for peace for each and every family member and friend as they try to find a sense of coping. I cannot fathom what each of these families and all their friends and loved ones must be suffering and coping with.

Today's word is 1 Corinthians 2:9, NIV, which reads, "...What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived - the things GOD has prepared for those who love Him."

While it is difficult to ever find words to express our truest and sincerest care and sorrow and sympathy in times like these, I pray that we can all find some comfort in what GOD has in store for those who love Him. While a hole has been created that nothing will ever be able to fill, we can feel just a little better knowing our loved ones are experiencing the beauty and splendor that only GOD can provide.

We pray for each of these families, and everyone affected by each of these losses. I pray, again, that GOD will comfort them as only He can.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Joyful, Patient, Faithful

I have had tremendous examples throughout my life of solid Christians holding strong in the midst of the storms. I won't call names because they wouldn't want to be recognized for doing what we are called to do. Suffice it to say, though, that I have seen people that you would think had nothing to be hopeful for that were filled with hope. And, I don't mean a positive attitude as in, "I hope things get better." No, true hope, a confident expectation, that GOD was working all things for their good - even when it seemed really bad.

I have seen others that patience was something they possessed more of than I could have even imagined. I have shared before that I am not the most patient person but I am talking about patient people that KNEW GOD was doing His thing in His time and their duty was to remain patient and wait for His blessing, that hope they had, to come.

Today's word comes from Romans 12:12, NIV, and sums up these people I am referring to: "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer."

Paul instructed the Romans to keep on keeping on; to know that it rains on the just and the unjust but GOD is working all things for their good. Man, that is so easy to say, it's so easy to tell someone; it's harder to practice. But, Paul reminds us through this verse that we can be joyful because of the hope we have in our SAVIOR. We can be patient in our affliction because it is going to pass and we will be better and stronger for it. And, we need to be faithful in prayer, for it is only through the strength we have in GOD that we can endure what this world may bring upon us.

I am eternally grateful for those who have given me examples of Christian strength, examples of how to walk the daily walk. I am humbled by their resolve and bolstered by their perseverance. I pray we can all be joyful, patient, and faithful.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

He gives us everything

There are lots of people who like to claim that they are "self-made". What they mean by that is that they worked hard, had no assistance, and became a success all on their own. There have certainly been some very successful people that started with absolutely nothing, but they aren't self-made.

The fact that they are here tells me that at some time they had parents, who "made" them. They had teachers, instructors, professors, bosses who taught them and laid the foundation. They had encouragers, supporters, backers that helped them and believed in them. They had a brain that functioned in a way to direct them to success. And where did that all come from?

Today's word is Acts 17:25, NIV, which reads, "And He (GOD) is not served by human hands, as if He needed anything. Rather, He Himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else."

No doubt that there have been some people that have really overcome great obstacles and challenges to become huge successes in life. No doubt they should be proud of all that they have done and the hard work expended to get there. Yet, it is wrong to not acknowledge that GOD has given it all to you.

I am grateful everyday for the life that GOD has allowed me to live. It has had its challenges and disappointments, with more to come, but it has also been filled with blessings beyond measure. I try to work hard to provide for my family. I try to meet my obligations. I try to learn new things and be of use to my employer. And, I always try to acknowledge and give thanks to GOD, for He gives us everything.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, August 8, 2016


We went away for the weekend for Trishia's upcoming birthday, and to just relax and take in some new scenery. Now, Trish had no idea where we were going or what we were going to do. It was fun to say, "Just relax, you'll find out."

It's not easy to wait - trust me I know. I am not good at waiting. Oh, I know that good things are worth waiting for, and they are. I am just a guy who likes for things to happen and happen quickly. Maybe my frustration stems from not controlling the timing of things. How about you? And, when I am really anticipating something - needing some news on something, trying to get something settled, etc. - it is even more difficult because I don't know the timing nor what is going on.

Today's word is John 13:7, NIV, which reads, "JESUS replied, 'You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.'"

When we are going through those times that all we can do is wait, it is hard to understand why we are having to wait. It seems that GOD isn't listening; or, if He is, why isn't He doing something to ease my anxiety? We don't know all the details, all that is going on behind the scenes, all that GOD is doing on our behalf. We can't see the finished product because all we can focus on is the present and how slowly it seems that things are progressing.

As GOD'S children, we can rest assured that He is working on our behalf and that whatever He is doing will be greater than anything we could have ever expected. I pray that I can keep in mind that I don't know all that JESUS is doing but I will one day understand it all. And, I will find out that it was exactly as it should have been.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Treat Folks Right

The two young ones were having a "debate" in the backseat on the way to preschool this morning concerning toys. One of them claimed all the toys belonged to them and they were keeping them all. The other complained that they didn't have anything to play with and wanted to play with just one of the toys. So, I asked if they could just share. The one with the toys said, "No."

We aren't unlike my two kids. We tend to want to keep everything for ourselves. We have more than enough for ourselves but we aren't letting go of any of it. Yet, we want others to share things with us. I'm not just talking about money and stuff though. We will hold on to secrets and "use" them to persuade others to do what we want. We will mistreat our loved ones, yet, expect them to treat us with the utmost respect. I'll just lay it out for you - that ain't right.

Today's word is Luke 6:31, NIV, which reads, "Do to others as you would have them do to you."

This verse in Luke is like Matthew 7:12, which is where we find The Golden Rule. One of Lankford's Laws states, "Treat people the way you want to be treated," which, too, is another way of saying The Golden Rule. We should strive to treat others the way we want to be treated - with respect and love and kindness and peace. No, we shouldn't be run over, but, we should not run over others either.

In the end this morning, the two young ones shared toys and the ride to preschool was fairly uneventful. Prior to their sharing, though, I had the teaching moment of reminding them that we are to treat others the way we desire to be treated - if you aren't going to share with your sibling, then, don't expect the sibling, or anyone else for that matter, to share with you. They picked it up rather quickly. Don't you wish everyone did?

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

If you can

There's an old saying, and one my Mom used a lot, "Can't never could do anything." Actually, some of the folks in my family would say, "Can't never could do nothing," but, I was trying to be correct. But, can't is a word that we allow to define us and defeat us.

I don't know about you but there have been countless times in my life that I have allowed my "can't do" attitude to defeat my "can do" spirit. It doesn't take much to deflate us at times, especially when we are tired, not feeling well, bombarded on every side. However, if we only believed we could...

Today's word is Mark 9:23, KJV, which reads, "JESUS said unto him, 'If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.'"

Do you believe you can? As another old saying goes, "If you believe you can, or if you believe you can't, you are correct." It starts with believing. Now, I don't for one minute believe I can jump over the moon, and that is not what I am talking about. What JESUS is talking about in this verse, and what I am poorly trying to convey, is that you gotta put forth the effort and, then, believe, that your efforts are going to accomplish your goal (with GOD'S help and blessing, of course).

We will never accomplish anything worth while believing that we can't accomplish anything worth while. Do you believe you can? Is is physically possible? Have you put forth your effort and prepared for it? Is it GOD'S will and GOD'S plan for your life? Don't let "can't" define and defeat you. If you can believe, all things are possible.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, August 1, 2016

Get some rest

So, things have been sort of tiring lately. We have had a lot going on and it seems that every time we turn around, we are being hit with something else. There have been times that I have said, "If I could just get a breath." It's busy...

And, there have been lots of concerns; I won't name any in particular. We have had a lot to be considered and a lot of decisions that had to be made. We have prayed for wisdom and discernment in each of those decision-making processes. There have been times that all I could do is collapse in the bed and fall asleep before my head hit the pillow. There have been others when my mind wouldn't let go and I would lie awake all night thinking things through.

Today's word is Matthew 11:28, NIV, which tells us where to find some rest. It reads, "Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."

We grow tired because we try to carry all the weight ourselves. I know because that is my nature. Now, I have prayed about it. I have asked for wisdom and discernment. I have relied on GOD to give the answer. But, then, I pick the entire load up and try to carry it all myself again. Now, GOD expects us to do our part; He expects us to put feet to our prayers. But, we will only find true rest when we allow Him to work through us.

Feeling tired? Need some rest? Why not come to JESUS and find some rest?

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, July 29, 2016

GOD hasn't changed

It seems to me that our society has gotten farther and farther from actual biblical teachings. Yes, I know we are in the twenty-first century. Yes, I know that things have changed. Yes, I know it is an instant gratification, self-centered, media-driven society. And, again, I am not talking about the method; I am talking about the message.

GOD'S message has not changed. We are still sinners in need of a SAVIOR. If you have accepted CHRIST as your LORD and SAVIOR, you understand the fact that, though we are saved, we still sin and still need the SAVIOR. So, the Message is the same; we just use different methods to share that message with others. However, some folks are trying to change the Message.

Today's word is Malachi 3:6, NIV, which reads, "I the LORD do not change. So you, the descendants of Jacob, are not destroyed."

The children of Israel had strayed so far from GOD'S teachings, had changed the Message so much, that GOD told them that the only reason He didn't destroy them was because He had made a promise to Abraham that his seed would be a great generation and He wasn't going to break His promise because HE DOES NOT CHANGE.

Regardless of what today's media is trying to convey or the hippest televangelist is trying to tell you, GOD does not change; He is the same yesterday, today, and FOREVER. So, it doesn't matter what year the calendar indicates that it is, GOD is the same and His Word, His Message, has not changed. If it was sin one million years ago, if GOD'S word calls it sin, it is still sin; GOD DOES NOT CHANGE.

The flip side is true too. Just as sin is still sin, GOD is still in the forgiving business. If you will earnestly trust in JESUS, ask GOD to forgive your sins, turn from that sin, GOD still forgives. Why? Because, GOD hasn't changed.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Administer True Justice

There are lots of evil things going on in the world today, LOTS. I cannot imagine how people justify what they do. Yeah, we all get fed up with things. Yeah, we all know that things in this world aren't fair. Yeah, we all know that it seems that some folks are going to do all they can to take all they can from all they can. But, that doesn't give us the right to go out and mass-murder folks in the name of "justice".

If you look up the definition of justice, you will see that one of the meanings is, "a concern for justice, peace, and genuine respect for people." How are you exacting justice without peace? Now, I understand that there is a time and place for everything. However, causing terror and taking the lives of innocent people isn't justice.

Today's word is Zechariah 7:9, NIV, which reads, "This is what the LORD Almighty said: 'Administer true justice; show mercy and compassion to one another.'"

You aren't hearing this from me, the LORD Almighty said to administer true justice. I believe that means to do what is right peacefully and with respect for others. I have no doubt whatsoever that the punishment should fit the crime. I also have no doubt that you have to pay for what you've done. I also have no doubt that there is a right way to do those things, and taking matters into your own hands and harming innocent people isn't the way.

The reason true justice is so lacking in this world isn't because people don't care, it's lacking because people don't care about how their actions affect others. Yet, you can't administer true justice without considering the others involved.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, July 21, 2016

It's Gonna Get Better

The Old Testament Jews were looking for a Savior. Many of the Old Testament prophets told of His coming. Now, the Jews were looking for a Savior that would set up an earthly kingdom and establish His reign here but that is not GOD'S plan - His plan is ever BETTER!

One day our LORD and SAVIOR will return and, instead of making this place His realm, He will take us to an even better place than we could ever imagine. Now, again, there are things in this world that are spectacular to look at, that can literally take our breaths away with their beauty and splendor. But, the pale in comparison with what awaits GOD'S children.

Today's word is Haggai 2:9, KJV, which reads, "The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, saith the LORD of Hosts: and in this place will I give peace, saith the LORD of Hosts."

Haggai was prophesying that as beautiful as Solomon's temple was, it is nothing compared to what is to come. As glorious as that earthly temple may have been, it didn't even remotely compare to the temple that CHRIST established. JESUS came and fulfilled the prophecy; they destroyed the Temple (JESUS) and GOD raised Him from the dead, establishing the greatest Temple and the greatest Kingdom man could ever hope for. In order to be a part of it, all you have to do is accept the gift of salvation by grace through faith in JESUS CHRIST.

It's an old saying but today's word reminds me of it: "For those who are not saved, this world is as good as it gets. For those who are saved, this world is as bad as it gets." For all the beauty and splendor that GOD designed in this world in which we live (and there is A LOT), it is nothing compared with what is to come. Keep the faith. Keep pressing on. It's gonna get better!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T