Tuesday, December 25, 2012


It is the afternoon of Christmas day and I am starting to wind down. Actually, I may be worn out. It has been a really good weekend but busy. However, I am always grateful to be able to see my family.

It is always nice to get gifts, but more enjoyable to give them. I, as always, received far more than I deserved, or ever will for that matter. I am always humbled and utterly amazed at how nice folks are to me.

This year, the little one is fifteen months old so he was a little more able to rip open presents and really play with things. I can NEVER express how amazing it is to see a little one enjoy themselves at Christmas. I know I enjoy myself immensely.

Well, Christmas, that's what we're talking about. Christmas, the day we set aside to celebrate the birth of my SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST. Yeah, I am not arguing birthday, etc. I said, we set aside the day to celebrate His birth; that is what Christmas is all about.

My SAVIOR was born. His birth gave me life; His life gives me strength; His death brought me salvation; His resurrection gives me hope; His ascension gives me an advocate with the Father and assurance that I will see my loved ones again. We will spend eternity with our loved ones with JESUS in Heaven. WOW! That is what Christmas is all about!

Yeah, all the stuff is good. But, NOTHING COMPARES TO THE SAVIOR! Merry CHRISTMAS!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, December 21, 2012

This is not the day

Well, today is December 21st, 2012, the day many feared would be this world's last. They based their fears on an ancient Mayan calendar that someone interpreted today as the end. Allow me to day that this is not the day.

For the Mayans, the end of their civilization came. The problem was that the calendar maker missed the end of their society by about 500 years. I'm not a smart guy but I would have to say that that is a pretty substantial miss.

Why everyone worries about the end of the world, I do not know. We should each be concerned about the end of our own respective world. My world could end today: I could get killed in an auto accident or have a heart attack or a massive stroke or countless other things that could end my world today. Instead of being so concerned with the world's demise, we should be more concerned with making sure that we are ready if today is our day.

Today's word comes from Matthew 24:36, NIV, which reads, "No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father."

If the angels and JESUS don't know when the end of this world is coming, why would anyone think that a Mayan calendar maker would know? The Mayan calendar was made hundreds of years ago. Maybe the calendar maker got tired of making it. Maybe he retired. Maybe he passed on. Maybe he figured the calendar was hundreds of years advanced so why continue on. Regardless, the calendar maker had no idea when the end would come, and neither does anyone else.

We must live our lives as though today may be the end of the world. If not for everyone, for us. No one knows. Not the angels, not the Son, but the Father only. Don't fret about what everyone predicts. Give your life and your soul to JESUS and He'll take care of the travel plans.

One final note, I usually only do this on school days. However, I will post a couple of times each week for the next two weeks (the Christmas break).


Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, December 20, 2012

You're not going to believe this

In our Youth Group discussion last night, we talked about Joseph and his part in the birth of our SAVIOR. We also had our annual Christmas party, which is a highlight of the year for me. I love Christmas and the fellowship and family time associated with it. I don't, however, lose sight of the true meaning of Christmas, the birth of the SAVIOR. The birth of JESUS epitomizes fellowship - it gave us the bridge necessary to fellowship eternally with our LORD.

Anyway, we were discussing Joesph and his part in GOD'S great plan. Can you imagine being told that your fiance, whom you have had no "relations" with, is pregnant? Obviously, it isn't yours. What are you going to do?

The willingness of the young Jewish girl, Mary, to be obedient to GOD'S will is astounding. But, can you imagine her telling her fiance, Joseph, what it is all about? I bet her explanation began with, "You are not going to believe this..."

I can only imagine the difficulty in believing the story; I am human. We know Mary was telling the truth, we know GOD'S plan, but Joseph had no idea at the time. One young man last night said, "Yeah, but it won't happen again so, if it is my fiance, I will know it's not true." My reply was, "Yeah, and for Joseph, it had never happened before so you could understand his apprehension."

Today's word is from Matthew 1:24, NIV, which reads, "When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the LORD commanded him and took Mary home as his wife."

It is hard to believe anything when someone starts with, "Hey, you're not going to believe this..." I have to admit that when someone starts a conversation with that phrase, I am usually thinking, "You are absolutely right." I also have to admit that there have been rare occurrences when it turned out true and I was embarrassed for not believing to begin with. Do you know when those times have happened? When the LORD has spoken to me through His Word, or a friend, or a message, or a song, or through a visual. He still does miracles. He still shows us things that are hard to believe. I want to be like Joseph and faithfully serve the LORD.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

He's Waiting

For those of you who are parents, you know the feeling you get when you arrive home and your little run gets up/gets down from where he/she is and comes running towards you, arms outstretched. There is nothing like it.

When I arrive home and see our little one go "crazy" wanting me, it thrills my heart like no one can understand. WOW! Here is this little guy who thinks I am worth all this fuss. I won't tell him I'm not, he'll figure that out on his own in ten or so years. Or less. lol

To see him stand up from playing or to get down off the couch or chair and come running towards me saying, "DaDa," with his little arms outstretched speaks to me volumes of love that endless books could never describe. I cannot put into words the feelings it gives me; it is truly better felt than talked about.

Today's word comes from Luke 15:20b, NIV, which reads, "But while he was still a long ways off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him."

While I know this story is the opposite, the father runs to the son, I think it expresses the love I am trying to convey. However, as much as I love our little one, as much as he loves me, our love doesn't come close to the love GOD has for each of us.

You may be wandering in the desert. You may have lost your direction. You may be wondering if anyone loves you. If you will just decide to go to the Father, He will come running to you. He is longingly waiting for your return to Him. There is nothing that will ever fill that gaping hole of love in your heart besides the love of the Father. Go to Him. He'll come running!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Some things you should never do

There are things in this world that you should just never do. Ever. I am sure that we know the old Jim Croce song that says that you don't tug on Superman's cape, you don't spit into the wind, you don't pull the mask off the ol Lone Ranger, and you don't mess around with Jim. Yeah, there are things you should never do.

I think of other things that we should never do like never trust everything you hear; there are some folks out there that would rather climb a tree and lie to you than stand on flat ground and tell you the truth. These folks write for magazines that you can purchase at the checkout aisles in grocery stores.

Today's word is a quote from Will Rogers that says, "Never slap a man who is chewing tobacco."

There are so many things that we should never do. We shouldn't play in busy streets. We shouldn't exceed the speed limit. We shouldn't drive without wearing our seat belts. We shouldn't be mean and hateful to others. Lots of things that we shouldn't do.

However, the most important thing that we should NEVER do is expect that we can get to Heaven any way except through JESUS CHRIST. If you, or anyone you know is trying to get there any other way, that is something you shouldn't be doing. There is only one way to spend eternity in Heaven and that is by grace through faith in CHRIST JESUS.

Don't do things you shouldn't do. On the other hand, always do those things you should. Why not start with accepting the greatest gift ever given - salvation through JESUS!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, December 17, 2012

Such Pain

I write this morning heavyhearted, as so many in our country is today. I cannot fathom the evil required to perpetrate the events of last Friday. Many ask, "How can someone be that evil?" I have no answer to that. I really don't know how anyone can be that evil.

Well, actually, I do. satan plays a large part in that kind of evil. There is no way a rational individual could ever comprehend doing something so heinous. satan is looking for folks who will allow him to lead them down the paths of destruction. I will say it again, satan will take you farther than you want to go and leave you to die in the gutter. DON'T GO!

My heart breaks for the loved ones who lost their innocent family members and friends to a evil sadistic demon possessed individual. There are no words to comfort or heal. There is nothing that can be said or done to lessen the pain. I just pray that GOD will comfort them as only He can.

Today's word comes from Proverbs 14:32, KJV, which reads, "When calamity comes, the wicked are brought down, but even in death the righteous have a refuge."

I don't know what to say. I don't know how a parent or loved one recovers from this kind of tragedy. What I do know is that GOD is our Comfort and He will see us through. Calamity came to so many on Friday. But, we can rest assured that the wicked will be brought down. We can be equally sure that those innocent children are safe in JESUS' presence.

May GOD deliver His peace and comfort as only He can.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, December 14, 2012

Leaving it behind

You know what someone leaves behind when they pass from this life into eternity? Everything. We aren't taking anything with us. Everything we have in this world is temporary; GOD has allowed us to use it while we are here.

So many of us seem to want to try to amass some sort of ambiguous fortune. We aren't sure of the exact amount or the exact contents or even to what extent we are vying. We just know that we are supposed to do something and leave something behind.

I will not deny that I want to leave something besides all the payment books and debts that we have amassed. I would like for my family to be secure when GOD calls me to my eternal abode. But, there has to be something more...

Today's word comes from Proverbs 13:22, NIV, which reads, "A good person leaves an inheritance for their children's children, but a sinner's wealth is stored up for the righteous."

I think the "good person's inheritance" is far more than the monetary amount left behind. I think it encompasses all the wisdom and the examples they leave behind. Yes, I want to ensure my families financial future should something happen to me. But, more important, I want to leave a legacy of living a life for CHRIST and speaking wisdom.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Simple Folks

We studied the Christmas story with our youth last night. We are quickly approaching the Christmas holiday and we wanted to take the opportunity to remind them of what Christmas is truly all about. The presents are nice; I like them myself. The food is wonderful; I don't need any excuse to eat. The festivities are exciting; I love getting together with others. However, Christmas isn't about stuff, it's about our SAVIOR.

Anyway, we were discussing the Christmas story and we came upon the passage where the angel Gabriel visited the virgin Mary and told her that she would conceive and bring forth the SAVIOR, JESUS. Scholars believe that Mary was a young teenager, probably 14 or 15 when JESUS was born. She was a complete nobody as far as the world was concerned.

Mary, Joseph and all the others involved in the birth of our SAVIOR were simple folks, complete nobodies. Yet, GOD used these simple folks to bring about the greatest miracle and to deliver the most precious gift, salvation, to His children. WOW!

You, like so many others and me, may wonder at times why GOD would choose to work His greatest miracle through such simple folks. We may wonder why He would choose to involve us in His mission. I am humbled and amazed that He could find something for someone like me to do. Why?

Today's word comes from Luke 1:30, NIV, which reads, "But the angel said to her, 'Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with GOD."

GOD used Mary because she was humble, obedient and willing to be used for His will. GOD will use us, too, if we will humbly submit and be obedient to Him.

Yes, GOD uses simple folks. I pray that He will find a use for me.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Yep, I'm her idiot

Anyone who knows my wife and me has, no doubt, thought, "I don't know what that girl sees in him." I have to admit that I have thought that same thing, myself. I am far from perfect, though I don't like admitting it. I am probably below average in most categories, except annoyances and stupidity.

I am sure there have been times that I have done something and my wife has thought, "What an idiot!" I am equally sure, though, that her next thought was, "Yeah, but he is my idiot!" There is so much to be sad for being her idiot.

My wife probably could have found someone with less impetuously infantile tendencies. However, she would have never have had the laughs that my spur of the moment decisions have provided her. I can guarantee that she NEVER would have found anyone who loves her more than I. EVER!

Okay, so I am FAR from perfect. Easy on the far if you are reading this. lol I have some room for improvement. I have some opportunity to better myself. I guess you can say that my opportunity for improvement is endless. Yet, my wife loves me despite all that. Ever wonder why?

Today's word is a quote from Jodi Picoult, author of My Sister's Keeper, which says, "You don't love someone because they're perfect, you love then in spite of the fact that they're not."

It is easy to love folks who are easy to love. It is more loving to love those who are not perfect, such as me. If the requirement for love was perfection, few of us (wink, wink) could ever be loved. I know how blessed I am to have someone love me despite my imperfections. Look, no one is perfect but everyone deserves love.

Yes, I am, sometimes, an idiot. But, I am her idiot.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

We are not alone

I was sharing with a friend recently that no one kicks you when you are down like family. Family, the ones that are supposed to be the most supportive and the most understanding, are the ones that will rub salt in the wound quicker than anyone else. I wish I could explain why but I really can't.

There will be times in our lives (maybe not in yours but they have been numerous in mine) that we are going to fail and fall flat on our faces. There have been times that I have really disappointed folks, but I have never disappointed anyone as much as I have disappointed myself. It is at these times that I need someone to come along and say, "Hey, you really messed that up but I still love you and everything is going to be alright." More often than not, though, someone usually comes along and says, "Hey, you really messed that up. I am so glad I am not you. I can't wait to post this to facebook. WOW! You are such a doofus!"

Yes, we all make mistakes and we all need some support and help when things fall apart. Often, that help isn't found in our closest relationships, which is unfortunate for us all. As I told my friend, though, GOD knows we mess up but He loves us anyway. He knows the pain and the hurt that we are feeling. He knows the burdens that we are bearing. He loves us despite our shortcomings and will see us through our most trying times. We just have to rely on Him.

Today's word comes from Psalm 22:24, NIV, which reads, "For He has not despised or scorned the suffering of the afflicted one; He has not hidden His face from him but has listened to his cry for help."

GOD has not and will not leave us in our lowest moments. He hears our cries and works things for our good.  Now, He never intends for us to sin, and certainly doesn't want us to go around failing. However, when we do fail and falter, He isn't standing there saying, "WOW! You really blew that!" No, our Heavenly Father is listening to our cries and patting us on the back and soothingly saying, "I know this looks really bad but we will work through this together."

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, December 10, 2012

Listen. Learn. Apply

This weekend, I sat down and watched what I could of one of the best football games of the year. The two teams consisted of young men that played for the love of the game. They played for the competition. They played for the pride of their university, and their country. Saturday the 113th meeting of Army versus Navy took place.

Navy has had a decade of dominance; they had won ten in a row heading into Saturday's matchup. Army hadn't had a particularly good season, entering the game with a record of two wins and nine losses. Navy, on the other hand, had had a decent season, entering the game with seven wins and four losses. However, the game was ultra competitive from start to finish. We'll just cut to the chase...

With just over a minute left to play and Navy leading 17 - 13, Army's quarterback, Trent Steelman, handed off to running back Larry Dixon inside the Navy twenty yard line. Something went wrong with the exchange and a fumble resulted. Navy recovered the fumble and Army lost for the eleventh consecutive year.

Trent Steelman is a four year starter at quarterback for the Army Black Knights. He has been the starting quarterback for four consecutive losses to the Navy Midshipmen. He could see victory just a few yards away; he could sense the chance to get the proverbial "monkey" off his back. He could see the chance to beat a rival in his last collegiate game. However, it was not to be.

I felt for Trent Steelman. On the sideline, after the game, during the singing of the Alma Maters, he was inconsolable. Who can blame him? When you put your heart and soul into something like that, when you give everything you have to accomplish your goal, when you try with all your might and come up short, it is devastatingly heartbreaking. Some may say, "Well, here's a young man that may lead our troops into battle and he is crying on the sideline." I say, "Show me someone without passion and feeling and determination, and I will show you someone I don't want leading our troops." Trent Steelman is a real man.

Today's word comes from Proverbs 23:12, NIV, which reads, "Apply your heart to instruction and your ears to words of knowledge."

Trent Steelman will be a great leader of men because he has been through adversity and learned from it. He will use the lessons he has learned on and off the field to be a better person out in the world. While Saturday was full of disappointment for young Trent Steelman, he has a solid future ahead. Yes, disappointment will come, but don't miss the lesson. By the way, with no disrespect intended, GO NAVY!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, December 7, 2012

Ouch! That hurts!

We have reached the time of year when the trees lose their leaves, the sap has receded and it is time to break out the pruning shears. We lop limbs that aren't necessary in order for the others to acquire what is needed to produce fruit.

It takes some work and effort to prune trees. One must be sure of which limbs to remove and which to leave. We must be sure not to do too much but to be sure to do enough. We have to be sure that what we do is a benefit and not a detriment to productive growth.

Much like pruning trees in the fall and winter, it is necessary for GOD, at times, to prune the dead and unneeded growth from us. As we progress through life, we often grow things that are completely and totally unnecessary. In order for us to be productive and grow the fruit that we need to bear, GOD has to step in and do some pruning.

The pruning process is painful; no on likes having a limb cut off. GOD, I would venture to say, takes no pleasure in lopping us but He knows it is absolutely necessary; He must remove what is not necessary in order for the other parts to acquire what is needed to produce fruit.

Today's word is a really simple quote from John Henry Newman, which says, "Growth is the only evidence of life."

While the pruning process is a painful it is absolutely necessary to prepare for growth. I can say without a doubt that there have been some things that GOD had to prune from me; I wasn't giving them up freely, and they were certainly hampering growth. In due time, however, I have seen the need for the pruning and the resultant growth. GOD still has a lot of pruning to do on me but I am striving daily to grow into the productive branch that He desires.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Putting out fires

Anyone who knows me would probably say that I talk - A LOT. I like talking. There is nothing wrong with silence; I just can't seem to find a comfort in it. I figure the only way I am ever going to learn something from someone is to hear it from them. Often, my talking is just questioning.

On a similar note, I would like to think that most folks, while they would agree that I am a talker, would probably also say that I am not a gossiper. Yes, it is interesting to learn about some of the things that folks do and, then, try to figure out why they would do something like that. But, I am not one to go around sharing what I know about others to others.

Today's word comes from Proverbs 26:20 & 21, NIV, which reads, "Without wood a fire goes out; without a gossip a quarrel dies down. As charcoal to embers and wood to fire, so is a quarrelsome person for kindling strife."

It is impossible for a fire to continue without the fuel, the wood, to keep it going. So, too, is gossip. Gossip will die if just one person refuses to send it on, if one person will not put their "log" on it. It is challenging to not "share" such news with others but wouldn't we want others to stop our "fires" if they had the chance?

Gossip is interesting sometimes. Gossip is funny sometimes. Gossip is abundant sometimes. Gossip can be hurtful sometimes. Putting out fires may be challenging but always worth it. Let's put out some fires.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Free Rides

If there is anything to learn from working with youth, it is that they are not that much different than I was at their age. Don't tell them that; they think we older folks are dumb as a bag of hammers (we thought that about older folks, too. See, we are so much alike).

One of the things that I hear so many youth say is, "When I turn 18, I am going to move out of my house and do what I want to do..." Man, when I hear this I try to give them a dose of reality. When you turn 18, it is not that the government or someone gives you a stipend in order for you to get a place to live, something to drive, utilities, etc. Nor is there any guarantee that you will get a job that will support the lifestyle that you envision.

I often ask them if they know how much their parents spend each month for rent/mortgage, utilities, car payments, insurance, groceries, etc. They are astounded when I do the math for them. It all comes down to the simplest thing - everything takes time, and hard work.

Today's word is an anonymous quote that says, "Some people dream of success while others wake up and work hard at it."

I want our youth to understand that they can be anything they want to be. However, no one owes it to you. No one is going to give it to you. If you are willing to apply yourself and work hard everyday, you will be surprised at what just may come your way.

No, there are no free rides. But, with patience, diligence and some hard work, maybe we can find a way to buy a ticket.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


While most men might be a little apprehensive in admitting this, I have no reservations with sharing my dirty little secrets. In high school, I was in the choir. Not only was I in the choir, I was in the show choir; you know, singing and dancing. I have often looked back and really felt for those unfortunate members who had to see my coordination challenges.

I have sung my whole life. I come from a family of singers. We have always expressed ourselves through song from my earliest remembrances. When folks in my family are happy, they sing. When they are sad, they sing. When they are bored, they sing. This probably isn't pleasant for all those around us but it is what we do. We love to sing.

Today's word comes from James 5:13, NIV, which reads, "Is any one of you in trouble? He should pray. Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise!" (James 5:13, NIV)

We have so much to sing about! Yes, this world is a mess. Yes, there are things going on that can be really depressing. Yes, I have my cares, concerns and conflicts, too. But, GOD is sooooo good! There is so much to sing about.

Hey, if I am around you and you hear me singing, I know it may not be a pleasantry for you but, trust me, I am happy. If you're happy and you know it, SING!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, December 3, 2012

It's only temporary

I, once again, am your typical male. I do typical male things; I act like a typical male; I am sure I probably talk like a typical male. While that may not be the greatest thing in the world, it is what it is. I can be very nurturing and caring but I am often seen as stoic and uncaring. I don't show emotions very well, which causes others to think I am unconcerned, when in fact I am deeply concerned.

However, I am one that tries to not lose sight of the big picture. I realize that what is happening right now at this very moment is serious, trying, tiring and troubling. On the other hand, I often step back and ask myself if what is going on will really matter in ten years, ten months, ten weeks, ten days, ten hours? If I find that it really won't matter, I usually just let it go. I don't worry about things I can't control.

I think we often get lost in the moment and feel that there is no way to fix the mess we have made. If you haven't been there, give it time. I have made mistakes that I thought would NEVER be fixable but, looking back on them now, I realize that they were only temporary problems.

Today's word is part anonymous quote and part my rendering: "Life is full of temporary situations; don't try to find permanent solutions to those temporary things."

So many of us have made some really bad rash decisions based on something that is happening at the moment. I think we need to step back, take a deep breath, get a glimpse of the big picture and, then, ask GOD to help us make the right decision. It is far more important to make the correct decision than to make a quick decision.

Yes, I may seem to be the typical male, uncaring and unconcerned. But, I promise you, when I am quite, the wheels are turning. I pray that I have them moving in the right direction. Life is going to give you temporary problems, solve them with prayer and discernment.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T