Thursday, December 13, 2012

Simple Folks

We studied the Christmas story with our youth last night. We are quickly approaching the Christmas holiday and we wanted to take the opportunity to remind them of what Christmas is truly all about. The presents are nice; I like them myself. The food is wonderful; I don't need any excuse to eat. The festivities are exciting; I love getting together with others. However, Christmas isn't about stuff, it's about our SAVIOR.

Anyway, we were discussing the Christmas story and we came upon the passage where the angel Gabriel visited the virgin Mary and told her that she would conceive and bring forth the SAVIOR, JESUS. Scholars believe that Mary was a young teenager, probably 14 or 15 when JESUS was born. She was a complete nobody as far as the world was concerned.

Mary, Joseph and all the others involved in the birth of our SAVIOR were simple folks, complete nobodies. Yet, GOD used these simple folks to bring about the greatest miracle and to deliver the most precious gift, salvation, to His children. WOW!

You, like so many others and me, may wonder at times why GOD would choose to work His greatest miracle through such simple folks. We may wonder why He would choose to involve us in His mission. I am humbled and amazed that He could find something for someone like me to do. Why?

Today's word comes from Luke 1:30, NIV, which reads, "But the angel said to her, 'Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with GOD."

GOD used Mary because she was humble, obedient and willing to be used for His will. GOD will use us, too, if we will humbly submit and be obedient to Him.

Yes, GOD uses simple folks. I pray that He will find a use for me.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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